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       The fluttering in Nynaeve's middle spread to her chest。 And her knees。 Five。 She should ask what Birgitte had seen or heard and let it go at that。 Then she could return to her bed and。。。 But Birgitte was looking at her。 Not questioning her courage; only looking。 Ready to do this thing if she said。 〃I will be silent。 And I won't even think of channeling。〃 Not with five Forsaken together。 Not that she could have channeled a spark at that moment。 She stiffened her knees to keep them from knocking。 〃Whenever you are ready。〃
       Birgitte hefted her bow and put a hand on Nynaeve's arm。。。
       。。。and Nynaeve's breath caught in her throat。 They were standing on nothing; infinite blackness all around; no way to tell up from down; and in every direction a fall that would last forever。 Head spinning; she made herself look where Birgitte pointed。
       Below them; Moghedien also stood on darkness; garbed nearly as black as what surrounded her; bent and listening intently。 And as far below her; four huge; high…backed chairs; each different; sat on an expanse of glistening white…tiled floor floating in the blackness。 Strangely; Nynaeve could hear what those in the chairs said as well as if she had been among them。
       〃。。。 never been a coward;〃 a plumply pretty; sun…haired woman was saying; 〃so why begin?〃 Seemingly attired in silvery…gray mist and sparkling gems; she lounged in a chair of ivory worked so it appeared made of naked acrobats。 Four carved men held it aloft; and her arms rested along the backs of kneeling women; two men and two women held a white silk cushion behind her head; while above more were contorted into shapes Nynaeve did not believe a human body could attain。 She blushed when she realized that some were performing more than acrobatic tricks。
       A pact man of middling height; with a livid scar across his face and a square golden beard; leaned forward angrily。 His chair was heavy wood; carved with columns of armored men and horses; a steel…gauntleted fist clasping lighting at the back's peak。 His red coat made up for the lack of gilding on the chair; for golden scrollwork rolled across his shoulders and down his arms。 〃No one names me coward;〃 he said harshly。 〃But if we continue as we are; he will e straight for my throat。〃
       〃That has been the plan from the beginning;〃 said a woman's melodious voice。 Nynaeve could not see the speaker; hidden behind the towering back of a chair that seemed all snow…white stone and silver。
       The second man was large and darkly handsome; with white wings streaking his temples。 He toyed with an ornate golden goblet; leaning back in a throne。 That was the only possible word for the gem…encrusted thing。 A mere hint of gold showed here and there; but Nynaeve would not have doubted that it was solid gold beneath all those glittering rubies and emeralds and moonstones; it had an air of weight quite apart from its massive size。 〃He will concentrate on you;〃 the big man said in a deep voice。 〃If need be; one close to him will die; plainly at your order。 He will e for you。 And while he is fixed on you alone; the three of us; linked; will take him。 What has changed to alter any of that?〃
       〃Nothing has changed;〃 the scarred man growled。 〃Least of all; my trust for you。 I will be part of the link; or it ends now。〃
       The golden…haired woman threw back her head and laughed。 〃Poor man;〃 she said mockingly; waving a beringed hand at him。 〃Do you think he would not notice that you were linked? He has a teacher; remember。 A poor one; but not a plete fool。 Next you will ask to include enough of those Black Ajah children to take the circle beyond thirteen; so you or Rahvin must have control。〃
       〃If Rahvin trusts us enough to link when he must allow one of us to guide;〃 the melodious voice said; 〃you can display an equal trust。〃 The big man looked into his goblet; and the mist…clad woman smiled faintly。 〃If you cannot trust us not to turn on you;〃 the unseen woman continued; 〃then trust that we will be watching each other too closely to turn。 You agreed to all of this; Sammael。 Why do you begin to quibble now?〃
       Nynaeve gave a start as Birgitte touched her arm。。。
       。。。 and they were back among the wagons; with the moon shining through the clouds。 It seemed almost normal pared to where they had been。
       〃Why。。。?〃 Nynaeve began; and had to swallow。 〃Why did you bring us away?〃 Her heart leaped into her throat。 〃Did Moghedien see us?〃 She had been so intent on the other Forsaken … on the mingled strangeness and monplaceness of them … that she had forgotten to keep an eye on Moghedien。 She heaved a fervent sigh when Birgitte shook her head。
       〃I never took my gaze from her for more than a moment; and she never moved a muscle。 But I do not like being so exposed。 If she had looked up; or one of the others。。。〃
       Nynaeve wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders and still shivered。 〃Rahvin and Sammael。〃 She wished she did not sound hoarse。 〃Did you recognize the others?〃 Of course Birgitte had; it was a foolish way to phrase it; but she was shaken。
       〃Lanfear was the one hidden by her chair。 The other was Graendal。 Do not think her a fool because she was in a chair that would make a Senje no…room keeper blush。 She is devious; and she uses her pets in rites to cause the roughest soldier I ever knew to swear celibacy。〃
       〃Graendal is devious;〃 Moghedien's voice said; 〃but not devious enough。〃
       Birgitte whirled; silver bow ing up; silver arrow almost flying to nock … and abruptly hurtled thirty paces through the moonlight to crash against Nynaeve's wagon so hard that she bounced back five and lay in a crumpled heap。
       Desperately Nynaeve reached for saidar。 Fear streaked through her anger; but there was anger enough … and it ran into an invisible wall between her and the warm glow of the True Source。 She almost howled。 Something seized her feet; jerking them backward and up off the ground; her hands flew up and back until wrists met ankles above her head。 Her clothes became powder that slid from her skin; and her braid dragged her head back until the braid rested on her bottom。 Frantic; she tried to step out of the dream。 Nothing happened。 She hung doubled in midair like some netted creature; every muscle strained to its limit。 Tremors ran through her; her fingers twitched feebly; brushing her feet。 She thought if she tried to move anything else; her back would break。
       Strangely; her fear was gone; now that it was too late。 She was certain that she could have been quick enough; if not for the terror that had laced through her when she needed to act。 All she wanted was a chance to put her hands around Moghedien's throat。 Much good that does now! Every breath came in strained panting。
       Moghedien moved to where Nynaeve could see her; between the quivering triangle of her arms。 The glow of saidar surrounded the woman mockingly。 〃A detail from Graendal's chair;〃 the Forsaken said。 Her dress was mist like Graendal's; sliding from black fog to nearly transparent and back to gleaming silver。 The fabric changed almost constantly。 Nynaeve had seen her wear it before; in Tanchico。 〃Not something I would ha
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