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       〃Oh; Nynaeve。 'You cannot hold the sun down at dawn。' Lini could have been thinking of you。〃
       With an effort Nynaeve smoothed her face。 She could too hold her temper。 Didn't I just prove it out there? She held out her hand。 〃Let me have the ring。 He will want to cross the river early tomorrow; and I want at least some real sleep after I'm done。〃
       〃I thought I would go tonight。〃 Concern touched Elayne's voice。 〃Nynaeve; you've been entering Tel'aran'rhiod practically every night except the meetings with Egwene。 That Bair intends to pick a bone with you; by the way。 I had to tell them why you weren't there yet again; and she says you should not need rest however often you enter; unless you are doing something wrong。〃 Concern became firmness; and the younger woman planted her fists on her hips。 〃I had to listen to a lecture that was meant for you; and it was not pleasant; with Egwene standing there nodding her head to every word。 Now; I really think that tonight I should…〃
       〃Please; Elayne。〃 Nynaeve did not lower her outstretched hand。 〃I have questions for Birgitte; and her answers might make me think of more。〃 She did have; sort of; she could always think of questions for Birgitte。 It had nothing to do with avoiding Egwene; and the Wise Ones。 If she visited Tel'aran'rhiod so often that Elayne always went to the meetings with Egwene; that was simply how it fell out。
       Elayne sighed; but fished the twisted stone ring from the neck of her dress。 〃Ask her again; Nynaeve。 It is very difficult facing Egwene。 She saw Birgitte。 She doesn't say anything; but she looks at me。 It is worse when we meet again after the Wise Ones have gone。 She could ask then; and she still doesn't; and that makes it far worse。〃 She frowned as Nynaeve transferred the small ter'angreal to the leather cord around her own neck; with Lan's heavy ring and her Great Serpent。 〃Why do you suppose none of the Wise Ones ever e with her then? We don't learn very much in Elaida's study; but you would think they would at least want to see the Tower。 Egwene doesn't even want to talk about it in front of them。 If I seem to e close; she gives me such a look that you'd think she meant to hit me。〃
       〃I think they want to avoid the Tower as much as possible。〃 And wise they were indeed for that。 If not for Healing; she would avoid it; and Aes Sedai; too。 She was not being Aes Sedai; she was just hoping to learn more of Healing。 And to help Rand; certainly。 〃They are free women; Elayne。 Even if the Tower was not in the mess it is; would they really want Aes Sedai traipsing through the Waste; scooping them up to carry back to Tar Valon?〃
       〃I suppose that is it。〃 Elayne's tone said she could not understand it; though。 She thought the Tower wonderful; and could not see why any woman would want to evade Aes Sedai。 Sealed to the White Tower forever; they said when they put that ring on your finger。 And they meant it。 Yet the fool girl did not see it as onerous at all。
       Elayne helped her undress; and she stretched out on her narrow bed in her shift; yawning。 It had been a long day; and it was surprising how tiring standing still could be when someone unseen was hurling knives at you。 Idle thoughts drifted through her head as she closed her eyes。 Elayne had claimed she was practicing when she had acted the fool with Thom。 Not that the fond…father…and…favorite…daughter they tried on now was much less foolish to watch。 Maybe she could practice herself; just a bit; with Valan。 Now; that was foolish。 Men's eyes might wander … Lan's had better not! … but she knew how to be constant。 She was simply not going to wear that dress。 Far too much bosom。
       Vaguely; she heard Elayne say; 〃Remember to ask her again。〃
       Sleep took her。
       She stood outside the wagon; in the night。 The moon was high; and drifting clouds cast shadows over the camp。 Crickets chirruped; and the night…birds called。 The lions' eyes shone as they watched her from their cages。 The white…faced bears were dark sleeping mounds behind the iron bars。 The long picket line stood empty of horses; Clarine's dogs were not on their leashes beneath her and Petra's wagon; and the space where the s'redit stood in the waking world was bare。 She had e to understand that only wild creatures had reflections here; but whatever the Seanchan woman claimed; it was hard to think that those huge gray animals had been domesticated so long that they were no longer wild。
       Abruptly she realized that she was wearing the dress。 Blazing red; far too snug around the hips for decency; and a square neck cut so low she thought she might pop out。 She could not imagine any woman but Berelain donning it。 For Lan; she might。 If they were alone。 She had been thinking of Lan when she drifted off。 I was; wasn't I?
       In any case; she was not about to let Birgitte see her in the thing。 The woman claimed to be a soldier; and the more time Nynaeve spent with her; the more she realized that some of her attitudes and ments were as bad as any man's。 Worse。 A bination of Berelain and a tavern brawler。 The ments did not e out all the time; but they certainly did whenever Nynaeve allowed idle thoughts to put her in anything like this dress。 She changed to good stout Two Rivers wool; dark; with a plain shawl she did not need; her hair decently braided again; and opened her mouth to call Birgitte。
       〃Why did you change?〃 the woman said; stepping out from the shadows to lean on her silver bow。 Her intricate golden braid hung over her shoulder; and moonlight shone on her bow and arrows。 〃I remember wearing a gown that could have been twin to that; once。 It was only to attract attention so Gaidal could sneak by … the guards' eyes bulged like frogs' … but it was fun。 Especially when I wore it dancing with him later。 He always hates dancing; but he was so intent on keeping any other man from getting close that he danced every dance。〃 Birgitte laughed fondly。 〃I won fifty gold solids from him that night at spin; because he stared so much; he never looked at his tiles。 Men are peculiar。 It was not as if he had never seen me …〃
       〃That's as may be;〃 Nynaeve cut in primly; wrapping the shawl firmly around her shoulders。
       Before she could add her question; Birgitte said; 〃I have found her;〃 and all thought of the question fled。
       〃Where? Did she see you? Can you take me to her? Without her seeing?〃 Fear fluttered in Nynaeve's belly … a fat lot Valan Luca would say about her courage if he could see her now … but she was sure it would turn to anger as soon as she saw Moghedien。 〃If you can bring me close。。。〃 She trailed off as Birgitte raised a hand。
       〃I cannot think she saw me; or I doubt I would be here now。〃 She was all seriousness now; Nynaeve found it much easier to be around her when she showed this side of being a soldier。 〃I can take you close for a moment; if you want to go; but she is not alone。 At least。。。 You will see。 You must be silent; and you must take no action against Moghedien。 There are other Forsaken。 Perhaps you could destroy her; but can you destroy five of them?〃
       The fluttering in Nynaeve's middle spread to her chest。 And her knees。 Five。 She sho
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