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 it before; in Tanchico。 〃Not something I would have thought of on my own; but Graendal can be 。。。edifying。〃 Nynaeve glared at her; but Moghedien did not appear to notice。 〃I can hardly believe that you actually came hunting me。 Did you really believe that because once you were lucky enough to catch me off guard; you might be my equal?〃 The woman's laugh was cutting。 〃If you only knew the effort I have put into finding you。 And you came to me。〃 She glanced around at the wagons; studying the lions and bears for a moment before turning back to Nynaeve。 〃A menagerie? That would make you easy enough to find。 If I needed to; now。〃
       〃Do your worst; burn you;〃 Nynaeve snarled。 As best she could。 Doubled up as she was; she had to force the words out one by one。 She did not dare look straight toward Birgitte … not that she could have shifted her head enough to … but rolling her eyes as if caught between fury and fear; she caught a glimpse。 Her stomach went hollow; even stretched tight as a sheepskin for drying。 Birgitte lay sprawled on the ground; silver arrows spilling from the quiver at her waist; her silver bow a span from her unmoving hand。 〃Lucky; you say? If you hadn't managed to sneak up on me; I'd have striped you till you wailed。 I'd have wrung your neck like a chicken。〃 She had only one chance; if Birgitte was dead; and a bleak one。 To make Moghedien so angry that she killed her quickly in a rage。 If only there was some way to warn Elayne。 Her dying would have to do it。 〃Remember how you said you'd use me for a mounting block? And later; when I said I'd do the same for you? That was after I had beaten you。 When you were whimpering and pleading for your life。 Offering me anything。 You are a gutless coward! The leavings from a nightjar! You piece of …!〃 Something thick crawled into her mouth; flattening her tongue and forcing her jaws wide。
       〃You are so simple;〃 Moghedien murmured。 〃Believe me; I am quite angry enough with you already。 I do not think I will use you for a mounting block。〃 Her smile made Nynaeve's skin crawl。 〃I think I will turn you into a horse。 It is quite possible; here。 A horse; a mouse; a frog。。。〃 She paused; listening。 〃。。。 a cricket。 And every time you e to Tel'aran'rhiod; you'll be a horse; until I change it。 Or some other with the knowledge does so。〃 She paused again; looking almost sympathetic。 〃No; I'd not want to give you false hope。 There are only nine of us now who know that binding; and you would not want any of the others to have you any more than myself。 You will be a horse every time I bring you here。 You will have your own saddle and bridle。 I will even braid your mane。〃 Nynaeve's braid jerked almost out of her scalp。 〃You will remember who you are even then; of course。 I think I will enjoy our rides; though you may not。〃 Moghedien took a deep breath; and her dress darkened to something that glistened in the pale light; Nynaeve could not be sure; but she thought it might be the color of wet blood。 〃You make me approach Semirhage。 It will be well to be done with you; so I can turn my full attention to matters of importance。 Is the little yellow…haired chit with you in this menagerie?〃
       The thickness vanished from Nynaeve's mouth。 〃I am alone; you stupid …〃 Pain。 As if she had been beaten from ankles to shoulders; every stroke landing at once。 She bellowed shrilly。 Again。 She tried to clamp her teeth shut; but her own endless shriek filled her ears。 Tears rolled shamingly down her cheeks as she sobbed; waiting hopelessly for the next。
       〃Is she with you?〃 Moghedien said patiently。 〃Do not waste time trying to make me kill you。 I won't。 You will live many years serving me。 Your rather pitiful abilities might be of some use once I train them。 Once I train you。 But I can make you think that what you just felt was a lover's caress。 Now; answer my question。〃
       Nynaeve managed to gather breath。 。〃No;〃 she wept。 〃She ran off with a man after we left Tanchico。 A man old enough to be her grandfather; but he had money。 We heard what happened in the Tower〃 she was sure Moghedien must know of that …〃and she was afraid to go back。〃
       The other woman laughed。 〃A delightful tale。 I can almost see what fascinates Semirhage about breaking the spirit。 Oh; you are going to provide me with a great deal of entertainment; Nynaeve al'Meara。 But first; you are going to bring the girl Elayne to me。 You will shield her and bind her and bring her to lie at my feet。 Do you know why? Because some things are actually stronger in Tel'aran'rhiod than in the waking world。 That is why you will be a glossy white mare whenever I bring you here。 And it is not only hurts taken here that last into waking。 pulsion is another。 I want you to think of it for a moment or two; before you begin believing it your own idea。 I suspect that the girl is your friend。 But you are going to bring her to me like a pet …〃 Moghedien screamed as a silver arrow suddenly stuck its head out from below her right breast。
       Nynaeve fell to the ground like a dropped sack。 The fall knocked every speck of breath from her lungs as surely as a hammer in the belly。 Straining to breathe; she struggled to make racked muscles move; to fight through pain to saidar。
       Staggering on her feet; Birgitte fumbled another arrow from her quiver。 〃Go; Nynaeve!〃 It was a mumbling shout。 〃Get away!〃 Birgitte's head wavered; and the silver bow wobbled as she raised it。
       The glow around Moghedien increased until it seemed as if the blinding sun surrounded her。
       The night folded in over Birgitte like an ocean wave; enveloping her in blackness。 When it passed; the bow dropped atop empty clothes as they collapsed。 The clothes faded like fog burning off; and only the bow and arrows remained; shining in the moonlight。
       Moghedien sank to her knees; panting; clutching the protruding arrow shaft with both hands as the glow around her faded and died。 Then she vanished; and the silver arrow fell where she had been; stained dark with blood。
       After what seemed an eternity; Nynaeve managed to push up to hands and knees。 Weeping; she crawled to Birgitte's bow。 This time it was not pain that made tears e。 Kneeling; naked and not caring; she clutched the bow。 〃I'm sorry;〃 she sobbed。 〃Oh; Birgitte; forgive me。 Birgitte!〃
       There was no answer except the mournful cry of a night…bird。
       Liandrin leaped to her feet as the door to Moghedien's bedchamber crashed open and the Chosen staggered into the sitting room; blood soaking her silk shift。 Chesmal and Temaile rushed to her side; each taking an arm to keep the woman on her feet; but Liandrin remained by her chair。 The others were out; perhaps out of Amador; for all Liandrin knew。 Moghedien told only what she wanted the hearer to know; and punished questions she did not like。
       〃What happened?〃 Temaile gasped。
       Moghedien's brief look should have fried her where she stood。 〃You have some small ability with Healing;〃 the Chosen told Chesmal thickly。 Blood stained her lips; trickled from the corner of her mouth in an increasing stream。 〃Do it。 Now; fool!〃
       The dark…haired Ghealdanin woman did not hesitate in laying hands to Moghedien's head。 Lia
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