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ent of the Silver Queen to their defense。
 Hyrcanus interrupted him at one point to object。 〃What about the Mindsword; though? What are any walls against that?〃
 Amintor took the objection in stride; and assured the others that Yambu was not without her own supremely powerful weapon。 〃In her wisdom and reluctance to do harm; she has not employed it as yet。 But; faced with the Mindsword。。。 I am sure she will do whatever she must do to assure the safety of Tashigang。〃
 One of the burghers rose。 〃When you mention this weapon that the Queen has; you are speaking of the Sword called Soulcutter; or sometimes the Tyrant's Blade; are you not?〃
 〃I am。〃 If Amintor was offended by the plain use of that second name; he did not show it。
 〃I know little about it。〃 The questioner looked around the table。 〃Nor; I suppose; do many of us here。 What can it do to protect Tashigang?〃
 Amintor glanced only for a moment at Hyrcanus。 〃I would prefer not to go into tactical details regarding any of the Swords just now;〃 the Baron answered smoothly。 He almost winked at Mark; who carried Coinspinner; as if they had been old rades instead of enemies。 〃Later; under conditions of greater security; if you like。 I will say now only that the Queen is wise and passionate;〃 for some reason; no one in the room laughed; 〃and that she will not use such a weapon as Soulcutter carelessly。 But neither will she allow this city that she so loves to be taken by its enemies。〃
 Mark had to admit to himself that he had little or no idea what Soulcutter might do。 It was the one Sword of the Twelve that he had never seen; let alone had in his possession。 Almost all he knew of it was contained in the verse that everyone had heard:
 The Tyrant's Blade no blood hath spilled
 But doth the spirit carve
 Soulcutter hath no body killed
 But many left to starve。
 Glancing at Ben and Barbara; he read an equal lack of knowledge in their faces。
 The Lord Mayor now looked at Mark expectantly。 It was time that the meeting heard from the emissary from Tasavalta。
 Mark stood up from his chair and leaned his hands on the table in front of him。 With faith in what the Emperor had told him; he was able to announce that the Tasavaltan army was on the march; under the direct mand of General Rostov; ing to the city's relief。 Rostov's was an impressive name; one fit to go with the reputation of the walls of Tashigang itself; and once again most of the faces around the table appeared somewhat cheered。 That the Tasavaltan army also was small by parison with the Dark King's host was not mentioned at the moment; though everybody knew it。 Even should the Silver Queen arrive with her army at the same time; Vilkata would still have the advantage of numbers。
 〃Does anyone else have anything to say?〃 the Lord Mayor asked。 〃Anyone else; who has not spoken yet?〃
 Ben spoke briefly; and Barbara after him。 They added nothing really new to the discussion; but reminded everyone again of the city's tradition and promised to help arm the defense from their store of weapons。 Before she spoke; Barbara faced Mark momentarily; and her lips formed the one word: Doomgiver?
 Mark shook his head very slightly。 He wanted to keep that news in reserve; to stiffen the council's resolve if they should be swayed toward surrender after all。 Right now he judged that was unlikely。
 Shortly after Barbara spoke; the Mayor called for a show of hands。 〃How many are ready to fight for our city?〃
 Only one hand was not raised。 Hyrcanus sent black looks at Ben; and Mark; and Amintor。
 Before the Chairman of the Blue Temple could make a final statement and a dramatic exit; an aide to the Mayor entered to announce the arrival of a flying courier with a message for the Lord Mayor。 The courier and message container were both marked with the black and silver insignia of Queen Yambu herself。
 The beast…courier … Mark recognized it as one of a hybrid species prevented; in the interests of secrecy; from ever acquiring speech … was brought into the room。 The message capsule of light metal was opened and the paper inside unfolded。
 Okada read through the single sheet alone; in anxious silence; then he raised his head。
 〃It is indeed from her most puissant Majesty; the Silver Queen herself; and; as the marking on the capsule indicated; addressed personally to me。 I will not read the entire message aloud just now; it contains certain matters I do not need to proclaim in council。〃 There followed a look at Hyrcanus; to say wordlessly that important military secrets were not going to be announced in front of him; not in view of the attitude he had just taken。 The Mayor continued: 〃But; there are other parts that I think we all should hear at once。〃
 The Silver Queen's words that the Mayor read were very firm; and could be called inspiring in terms of fear if not otherwise: there was to be no talk of surrendering the city; under penalty of incurring her severe displeasure。
 Her message also confirmed that she was already on the march with her army; ing to the relief of this her greatest city … as she put it; indeed the greatest and proudest city in the world。 And that she intended to achieve victory by whatever means were necessary。
 Hyrcanus walked out。 He did it unhurriedly; almost courteously; with considerable dignity; Mark had to admit。 The High Priest did not waste time on threats; now that it would have been obviously useless and even dangerous to do so; a behavior somehow; at this stage; thought Mark; more ominous than any threats would be。
 The Lord Mayor; looking thoughtfully after the High Priest; was evidently of the same opinion。 Okada immediately called in an officer of the Watch from just outside the conference room; and calmly gave the order to arrest the High Priest before he could get out of the Palace; once out; he would easily be able to give some signal to his troops。 The Blue Temple Guards in the city; Ben had said; were one of the largest trained fighting forces within the walls。
 Now it became at least possible for the council to discuss the city's means of defense in more detail; without the virtual certainty that a potential enemy was listening and taking part in the debate。
 Amintor immediately put forward a plan to neutralize the Blue Temple troops by meeting any attempt on their part to rescue Hyrcanus with a countermove against the local Temple and its vaults; whipping up a street mob for the purpose if no regular forces could be spared。 Barbara whispered to Mark that Denis would probably be a good man to see to the organization of such an effort。
 In succeeding discussion; it quickly became plain that the key to the regular defense of the city's walls against attack from outside would be the Watch; a small but well…trained body of regular troops loyal to the Lord Mayor。 They were only a few hundred strong against Vilkata's thousands; but their numbers could be augmented by calling up the city's militia。 Ben whispered to Mark that the quality of the militia was; regrettably; not so high as it might be。 But certainly the city's long tradition of defending itself ought to help。
 Then there were the fragments of Sir Andrew's army to be considered; the survivors who had
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