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 Then there were the fragments of Sir Andrew's army to be considered; the survivors who had followed Denis and Mark to Tashigang; along with the ten or a dozen at most of Mark's surviving Tasavaltan escort。 Mark could assure the Lord Mayor that Sir Andrew's people were all good; experienced fighters; though at present somewhat demoralized by the sad death of their noble leader。 Given the chance; they would be eager to exact revenge。
 Mark revealed now that the Sword he wore at his side was Coinspinner; and he proposed that they consult the Sword of Chance at once to try to determine the best means of obtaining a successful defense of the city。 All were agreeable; and all; particularly those who had never seen a Sword before; were impressed by the sight when Mark drew his。
 〃It points。。。 that way。 What's there?〃
 They soon determined that something outside the room was being indicated。 They had to leave the council room; and then go up on the roof of the Palace to make sure。
 The Sword of Chance was pointing at someone or something outside the city walls; in fact at the very center of Vilkata's advancing army。 The Dark King's force had just now e barely into sight; through distant summer haze。 It was still; Mark thought; well out of Mindsword range。
 And Coinspinner pointed as if to Vilkata himself。 Mark looked at Ben; and got back a look of awe and calculation mingled。
 Chapter 15
 The delegation from the palace; two women and one man; arrived at Mala's door very quietly and unexpectedly。 It was the afternoon after she heard of Mark's departure from Tasavalta on a mission for the Princess。 Her first thought on seeing the strangers at her door was that something terrible had happened to her son or her husband; or to both; but before she could even form the question; one of the women was assuring her that as far as was known; both were well。 The three of them had e to conduct Mala to the palace; because the Princess herself wanted to see her。
 The Palace was not far above the town; and less than an hour later Mala was there; walking in an elaborate flower garden; open within high walls。 The garden had tall flowering trees in it; and strange animals to gape at; hybrid creatures such as the highborn liked to amuse themselves with; climbing and flying amid high branches。
 Mala was left alone in the garden; but only for a few moments。 Then a certain fat man appeared; well dressed and with an aura of magic about him。 He introduced himself as Karel; which name meant nothing to Mala; and he; though obviously a person of some importance; appeared quite content that it should be so。 He walked along the garden path with Mala; and asked her about her family; and tried to put her at her ease。 That he succeeded as well as he did was a tribute to his skill。
 And then he asked her; in his rich; soft voice: 〃Do you know the Sword of Mercy? Or Sword of Love; as it is sometimes called?〃
 〃I know of it; sir; of course; you must know who my husband is。 But if you mean have I ever seen it; no。〃
 〃Then have you any idea where it is; at this moment? Hey?〃 Karel's gaze at her was suddenly much more intense; though he was still trying to appear kind。
 〃When my son was here; there was a story going about that he … and the Princess … had brought it with them to Tasavalta。 But he himself said nothing to me of that; and I did not ask him。 I knew better than to be curious about state secrets。 Nor could I guess where it is now。〃
 Karel continued to gaze at her with a steady intensity。 〃He did bring it; and it was here yesterday after he left。 That's no state secret。〃 The magician suddenly ceased to stare at her。 Shaking his head; he looked away。 〃And now it's gone; and I don't know where it is either。 And whether that ought to be a secret or not。。。〃 He sighed; letting the words trail off。
 Mala felt vaguely frightened。 〃I don't know either; sir。〃
 〃No; of course you don't。 I believe you; dear lady; now that I have looked at you closely。。。 and there is one other matter that I want to ask you about。〃
 Her frightened look said that she could hardly stop him。
 He sighed again。 〃Here; sit down。〃 And he led her to a nearby marble bench; and sat on it beside her; puffing with relief when his weight came off his feet。 〃No harm will e to you or Mark for a truthful answer; whatever it may be。 I think I know already; but I must be sure。。。 who is Mark's real father?〃
 Under the circumstances the story of more than twenty years ago came out。 Mala had thought at the time that the man might be Duke Fraktin。 Later she had been convinced that it was not。 And later still; slowly and gradually; the truth had dawned。
 〃But sir; I beg you; my husband。。。 Jord。。。 he mustn't know。 He's never guessed。 Mark is his only living son。 He。。。〃
 〃Hmmm;〃 said Karel。 And then he said: 〃Jord has served us well。 We will do all we can for him。 The Princess is waiting to see you。 I told her that I wished to speak to you first。〃
 The magician heaved himself up ponderously from the bench; and guided Mala through an ornamental gate; and into another; smaller garden; where there were benches that looked like crystal instead of marble; and paths of what looked like gravel but was too soft for stone; and here the Princess was standing waiting for her。
 She looks like a nice girl; was one idea that stood out clearly in the confusion of Mala's thoughts。
 Kristin had been hopelessly curious as to what the mother of the man she loved was like; this was largely because she was still curious as to what Mark himself was like; having had little time in which to get to know him。 It was all very well to order herself; with royal mands; to forget about him。 To insist that Mark was her lover no longer; that if she ever saw him again it would only be in passing; in some remote and official contact; but somehow all these royal mands meant nothing; when the chance arose to talk to Mark's mother in line of duty; in this matter of the Swords。
 When the minimum necessary formalities had been got through; the two women were left sitting alone on one of the crystal benches; and Karel had gracefully retired; not; Kristin was sure; that he was not listening。 She knew Karel of old; and the fat wizard had more on his mind just now than Swords; or a missing Sword; important though those matters were。
 Mala was saying to her: 〃I had hoped that one day I would get the chance to talk to you; Highness。 But I did not want to seem to be a scheming mother; trying to get advantage for her son。〃
 〃You are not that; I am sure。。。 unless you are scheming for Mark's safety only。 Any mother would do that。〃
 Kristin had questions to ask; about Mala; Jord; their family; when she asked about Mark's father; she thought that his mother looked at her strangely; but then how else would the woman look; being brought here suddenly like this; to talk to royalty?
 And the questions kept ing back to Mark himself。
 More time had passed than Kristin had realized; but sill not very much time; when there was an interruption; a twittering from an observant small beast high in a branch above them。
 Kristin swore; softly and wearily。 〃There is now a general who insists on seeing me; if I have l
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