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 least until tomorrow。 The Lord Mayor has called a council of leading citizens; and Barbara and I are invited。 Substantial people now; you know。 Master and Lady Courtenay。 And the Mayor knows we have some kind of a hoard of weapons; to help defend。。。 what's that at your side?〃
 Ben grabbed the sheath; and looked at the Sword's hilt。 〃Thank Ardneh; Coinspinner! We've got to go to that meeting; and you've got to e too; and bring this tool along; to see that they don't decide on some damned foolishness like surrendering。 You'll be wele; bringing word from outside as you do。 And also as a representative of Tasavalta。 And bringing another Sword。。。 that'll stiffen up their spines。 Townsaver is in town already。〃
 Mark grinned at him。 〃Doomgiver is on the way。〃
 〃Thank all the gods!〃 Holding Mark by the arm; Ben lowered his voice for a moment。 〃We can't surrender; and we certainly can't evacuate。 Imagine trying to take a three…year…old on that。。。 you and I know what it would be like。 But if the rest of the city goes; we'll have to try。〃
 The Lord Mayor's palace; like every other part of the city that Mark had seen so far; was a scene of energetic; confused; and doubtfully productive activity。 Here as elsewhere the inhabitants appeared to be striving to make ready for some allout effort; whose nature they had not yet been able to decide upon。
 Mark; Ben; and Barbara were admitted readily enough at the main doorway of the Palace。 This was a building somewhat similar to the House of Courtenay; though even larger and more sumptuous; and with reception rooms and offices on the ground floor instead of workshop space。 Soon they were conducted up a broad curving stair of marble; past workmen descending with newly crated works of art。
 On the way; Mark's friends were trying to bring him up to date on the situation that they were about to encounter。
 〃We're likely;〃 Ben warned; 〃to run into our old friend Hyrcanus at this meeting。〃
 Mark almost missed his footing on the stair。 〃Hyrcanus? Is he still Chief Priest at the Blue Temple? But he。。。〃
 〃He still is;〃 Barbara assured him。 〃And the Blue Temple is an important faction here in Tashigang。〃
 〃I suppose they must be。 But I never thought about it until now;〃 Mark murmured。 〃Hyrcanus。 I remember hearing somewhere that he was certain to be deposed。 I thought he was gone by now; it's four years since we robbed him。 Plundered his deepest rathole; as nobody else has ever done before or since。〃
 〃Thank all the gods for that rathole;〃 Barbara murmured。 〃And send us another like it。 A handful of its contents has done well for Ben and me。 I hear that the Temple are now considering moving their main hoard of treasure into Tashigang。 We just wanted to warn you; Hyrcanus will probably be here; and he won't be happy to see us。〃
 〃He thinks I'm dead;〃 Mark murmured。 But it was too late now to try to preserve that happy state of affairs。
 They had now reached the door of the conference room; a large; well…appointed chamber on an upper floor; and were ushered in without delay。 Even after being warned it was a shock for Mark to behold Hyrcanus with his own eyes; it was the first time that he had ever actually seen the man; but there was no doubt in Mark's mind who he was。 The Blue Temple's Chairman and High Priest; having survived the efforts that must certainly have been made to depose him after the sacrilegious robbery of the Temple's main hoard four years ago; was still in charge; and had indeed e here today for the Lord Mayor's conference。
 Hyrcanus; the High Priest; small; bald; and rubicund; his face as usual jovial; looked up as the three of them entered。 His cheerful smile did not exactly disappear; but froze。 He must have recognized Ben; at least; by description; at first sight。
 The Chairman studied Mark too; and could hardly fail to identify him also; especially as their escort announced his name along with the others in a loud voice。 The others who were gathered round the table; a dozen or so men and women; mostly the solid citizens of Tashigang; rose to return greetings and extend a wele to the new arrivals。 Their faces were cheered; Mark thought; at the sight of the Tasavaltan green and blue that he still wore。 And their expressions altered still more; with new hope and calculation; at the sight of the black hilt at his side。 Mark let his left hand rest upon it; loosely; casually; he did not want Hyrcanus; at least; to be able to read which white symbol marked that hilt。
 Mark supposed the fact that he was appearing in Tasavaltan colors might at least give the cheery…looking old bastard pause; and perhaps cause him to at least delay the next assassination attempt。
 The Lord Mayor; named Okada; was a clerkish…looking man on whom the robes of his high office looked faintly preposterous。 Yet he presided firmly。 The arrival of Mark; Ben; and Barbara had interrupted Hyrcanus in the midst of a speech; which he now resumed; at the Mayor's suggestion。
 It was soon apparent as Hyrcanus spoke that the Blue Temple Chairman's thoughts were not now on revenge and punishment of past transgressors; but; as usual; were concentrated on how best he could contrive to save the bulk of the Blue Temple's treasure。 A siege of the city; a storming of the walls; were to be avoided at all costs … at least at all costs to others outside the Blue Temple。 Mark; listening; assumed that Hyrcanus had already made some arrangement; or thought he had; with the Dark King; by which the Blue Temple holdings in Tashigang would be secure; in exchange for co…operation with the conqueror。
 Mark could recognize one other face at the council table; though no reminiscences were exchanged in this case either。 Baron Amintor was here as the personal representative of the Silver Queen。 He recognized Mark also; and gazed at him in a newly friendly way; while Mark looked stonily at this old enemy of Sir Andrew。 The Baron; Mark was sure; recognized Ben and Barbara as well。
 Hyrcanus continued the speech he had begun; urging that one of two courses be adopted: either outright surrender to the Dark King; or else the declaration of Tashigang as an open city。 That last; Mark thought; must amount; in practical terms; to the same thing as surrender。
 The speech of the High Priest did not evoke any particular enthusiasm among the citizens of Tashigang who made up the majority of his listeners。 But neither were they vocal in immediate objection; rather the burghers seemed to be waiting to hear more。 Now and again their eyes strayed toward the black hilt at Mark's side。
 Hyrcanus might have gone on and on indefinitely; but Mayor Okada at length firmly reclaimed the floor。 Who; he asked; wanted to speak next?
 Baron Amintor had been impatiently waiting for his chance。 Now he arose; and as representative of the Silver Queen; argued eloquently that the city must be defended to the last fighter。 Though he was careful; Mark observed; not to put it in exactly those terms。 Rather the Baron was strongly reassuring about the walls; the city's history and tradition of successful resistance to outside attack; and about the mitment of the Silver Queen to their defense。
 Hyrcanus interrupted him at one point to object。 〃What 
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