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wer at a time。 We all thought him mad。 But; no matter。 What matters is that because you are manifesting some of the Haldane gifts on your own; perhaps from so much contact with Deryni; you may be able to assist me in a very important matter。〃
Conall swallowed uneasily。
〃Assist you?' he breathed。
〃Only indirectly;〃 Arilan allowed。 〃But I've been given an assignment by…〃 He sighed。 〃This is silly。 I'm not supposed to say the name of the Camberian Council to outsiders; but you know very well what group I mean; even if you don't know names of individuals。 I'm sure Morgan and Duncan have had no punctions about mentioning it; though I would hope they continue to respect the identity of its members。 They have mentioned the Council to you; haven't they?〃
Almost holding his breath; Conall nodded。 Could it be that he had escaped any further mention of Tiercel so easily?
〃Anyway;〃 Arilan went on; 〃I was one of four who participated in Nigel's patterning last spring。 The other three; as you may have guessed; were Morgan; Duncan; and Richenda。 They're all in Coroth right now; and at least a couple of days from being able to get back here…and Richenda not at all; with her time approaching…so I've been asked to trigger Nigel's final power assumption myself。〃
〃And not wait for Duncan and Morgan?〃 Conall asked。 Arilan smiled sardonically。 〃The Council…ah…does not precisely trust Duncan and Morgan just now。 I can't go into details why。 Personally; I have no punctions about waiting for them; but I am…not entirely my own master in this matter?〃
〃You follow the Council's orders;〃 Conall said; nodding carefully。
〃For the most part; yes。〃
Uneasy still; Conall turned half…away; setting one booted foot on the edge of the fountain and pretending to study some leaves。
〃I don't think I follow;〃 he said after a moment。 〃Where do I e into this? I'm not Deryni。 I don't know anything that would be useful to you for something like that。〃
〃No; but you're Nigel's son and heir。〃
〃Which only means that; once he's e to full power; someone will have to worry about setting my potential;〃 Conall replied。 〃What does my father say?〃
Arilan twined his fingers before him at waist level and gazed blindly at his bishop's ring。
〃I've spoken to him about it in passing; but he wants to delay until the coronation。〃
〃Until the coronation? But that isn't for a year; if he has his way。〃
And the longer the delay; Conall thought to himself; the greater chance that his own enhanced powers would e under closer scrutiny than they could bear; and his connection with Tiercel be discovered。
〃I know;〃 Arilan said。 〃And do you think that the King of Gwynedd can survive that long; without full power; knowing some of the enemies he'll be facing; once word gets out of Kelson's death?〃
〃Against Morag and her Aijenol duke?〃 Conall said contemptuously。 〃Hardly。〃
〃Which exactly echoes the Council's sentiments;〃 Arilan agreed。 〃That is precisely why I need you to help me convince Nigel that his power assumption should go ahead as soon as possible。〃
〃Without Duncan and Morgan?〃
Arilan raised an eyebrow。 〃Don't I recall hearing you plain once that Morgan and Duncan had too much power in Gwynedd; too much influence over the king?〃
Conall pursed his lips thoughtfully。 〃I sometimes said things without thinking; when I was young and foolish。 But what's to prevent you from gaining 'too much influence;' if you're the one who engineers my father's power assumption?〃
〃Very astute;〃 Arilan said; nodding approvingly。 〃I won't lie to you and say that isn't possible; because there is a certain link between the king and the person or persons who assist him to power。 However; I think you know that I honor my oaths; and I swear to you; Conall; that my aim is only to make King Nigel more independent of Morgan and Duncan than King Kelson was。〃
They spoke a little longer of what arguments Conall might use to change Nigel's mind; and then Arilan left。 Conall stood there in the garden for several more minutes; thinking about all the ramifications and wondering how he could turn the situation to his own best advantage; then began strolling slowly toward the other end of the garden; turning a dead rose stem between his fingers and testing one fingertip against a thorn; letting the slight pain keep him tuned to the subject at hand。
But then; as he rounded a turn in the garden path; he saw another possibility to turn recent events to his own advantage。 Rothana was sitting alone on a garden bench; blue…coifed head bowed over an open breviary on her lap; one hand spread flat on the right…hand page。 He almost had not recognized her at first; however; for her habit was black this afternoon; not the usual pale blue of her coif。 He hoped the change of habit did not mean she had somehow taken more binding vows; for now that Kelson was out of the way。 Conall intended to make Rothana of Nur Hallaj his wife。
〃Good afternoon; my lady;〃 he said softly。
She started as she looked up; apparently taken by surprise; and started to stand; but he stayed her with a gesture and sat down beside her instead。 She had been crying; and she wiped self…consciously at her tears with her free hand。
〃I note a change of habit;〃 he said; running his eyes over her attire。 〃Does this indicate a change of status as well?〃
She shook her head hastily。 〃We wear black for the king;〃 she whispered。 〃All of us in my order。 I…cannot believe that he is dead。〃
Conall lowered his eyes; pretending to study his own black attire; though his was broken by a crimson badge of the Haldane heir on the breast of his tunic。
〃I wish I could tell you otherwise; my lady;〃 he said after a moment。 〃Unfortunately; I saw him fall。 No one could have survived; after this long。〃
〃I know;〃 she answered; her voice very small。
He ventured a very; very gentle probe; no more than might be expected of a Haldane heir beginning to e into his powers; if she should detect it; but she did not seem to notice。 Her shields were all but down; and he sensed the guilt associated with what she hid beneath her hand; though he could not tell exactly what it was。 But perhaps he could use that guilt; and turn it to make her do his will。
〃Would that I had died; instead of Kelson;〃 he said quietly; turning his glance out to the dead garden; though he continued to watch her out of the corner of his eye。 〃Then this burden would not have fallen on my father。 Not yet; at least。〃
He felt her quick intake of breath psychically as well as physically; and knew he was taking exactly the right approach。
〃He never expected or wanted the burden of the crown;〃 Conall went on。 〃Nor did I; though now it will be mine some day as well。〃
She swallowed noisily; on the verge of tears again; but Conall did not relent。
〃The burden is a lonely one; my lady;〃 he whispered。 〃My father has my mother at his side; but I have no one。 I…will need a queen to stand beside me some day。 Perhaps this is not the time to ask; but may I dare to hope it might be you?〃
Her voice squeaked as she glanced up at him in dull shock。
〃Please don't refuse me outright; my lady;〃 Conall pleaded。 〃Consider carefully what I'm asking。 I…know that you are under vows。 But the vows a
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