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the nausea that was threatening to expel what little food Dhugal had gotten down him。 〃I can't have you wasting energy on that kind of nonsense。 Just relax; and the nausea will pass。 It's from your concussion。 Close your eyes and let me hold the control for you。 You'll e all right in a minute or two。〃
It was a near…run thing for something longer than a minute or two; but at last Kelson seemed to rally a little on his own; finally rolling weakly onto his back again to look up at Dhugal。 He seemed to be having trouble focusing。
〃Dhugal?〃 he breathed。
〃Aye; who else; my prince?〃 Dhugal murmured; grinning as he brushed both hands tenderly over Kelson's forehead。 〃Just rest you easy。 You're going to be fine。 How do you feel?〃
〃Terrible。 And starved;〃 Kelson croaked。 〃And parched。 Where are we? What happened?〃
〃We're somewhere underground。〃 Dhugal unstoppered his flask and raised Kelson by the shoulders far enough to set the flask against his lips and gently support his head。 〃We went down an embankment into a river; and that sucked us under。 Don't you remember the accident?〃
Kelson grunted in the negative; still guzzling water greedily; and Dhugal sighed。
〃Well; I'm not surprised。 You took several nasty whacks on the head。 What's the last thing you do remember?〃
Kelson pushed the flask away at last; turning his face slightly to belch weakly; then glanced uncertainly back at Dhugal。
〃You are Dhugal MacArdry; aren't you?〃 he asked。 〃God; it's been so long。。。〃
A chill went through Dhugal's heart。
〃Kelson; don't you know me?〃 he whispered。
〃Of course I know you。 But you look so much older。〃 The king's eyes darted to Dhugal's waist。 〃And you're wearing a white belt。 You can't be old enough for that。 Who knighted you?〃
〃Don't you remember? You did。〃
〃I did? But…〃
Kelson closed his eyes tightly for several seconds; then opened them again as Dhugal watched anxiously。
〃Dhugal; what year is it?〃
Dhugal swallowed carefully。 〃What year do you think it is; Kel?〃
Kelson thought a moment; then said gravely; 〃To the best of my recollection; it's 1123。〃
pressing his lips grimly; Dhugal shook his head。 〃Wrong by two years;〃 he murmured。 〃It's March of 1125。 When's the last time you remember seeing me?〃
Kelson screwed up his face in concentration; then shook his head bewilderedly。 〃When you left court; after your brother died; I suppose。 I know you weren't at my coronation。〃
〃No; blasted luck。 I'd broken my leg a few weeks before and couldn't travel。 But at least you remember that you're king。 That's something。 You obviously have some amnesia from your concussion; though。〃 He laid one hand lightly on Kelson's forehead again。 〃Let me have a look; and we'll see what the gaps are。 God; your shields are…〃
〃You can sense my shields?〃 Kelson said。 〃But…〃
〃I'm Deryni; too; Kelson;〃 Dhugal said。 〃Jesu; I suppose you don't remember that; either…or that Duncan is my real father。〃
〃Duncan?〃 Kelson said weakly。 〃But; how…〃
〃God; we're going to have some catching up to do;〃 Dhugal murmured; half to himself。 〃Just relax; and I'll see what I can do。〃

〃Conall; I'd like a word with you; please。〃
Arilan caught at Conall's sleeve as he and the new crown prince filed out of the withdrawing room at the end of the great hall at Rhemuth; leaving Nigel in privacy with Meraude and Saer de Traherne。 Archbishops Bradene and Cardiel had already gone on ahead; to be stopped and questioned by a few of the lesser lords beginning to flock to court as news spread of Kelson's demise。
It had not been much of a privy council meeting…just the seven of them; for Jehana had kept to her rooms since receiving the news of her son's death; and Duncan was en route to Coroth; while other messengers carried the news to seek out the rest of the crown's senior advisers。 Nigel had presided; but he was still numb at his change of status; and seemed unwilling or unable to take much initiative yet on his own。
Thus it had fallen to Bradene; assuming nominal leadership in Ewan's absence and Nigel's reluctance; to draft the official proclamation naming Nigel as king to succeed Kelson。 That; at least; had finally sparked a reaction from Nigel…though all he had done was reiterate his refusal to be crowned until a year and a day had passed; or until proof should be presented that Kelson was; in fact; dead。 Conall had kept his peace for the most part; wisely judging that now was not the time to draw any unnecessary attention to himself; when the crown was finally within his grasp; if only he should wait…if nothing went awry。
〃Let's go out into the garden; shall we?〃 Arilan went on; shifting his hold to Conall's elbow。 The Deryni bishop's touch made Conall's heart pound in apprehension; though he found he was able to keep it hidden more closely than ever; behind shields that seemed to have grown stronger since his return from Valoret。 Conall wondered whether it had to do with the fact that Kelson was dead; and Conall's own Haldane powers were beginning to manifest in earnest; now that he was first in line for the throne。 Perhaps both Tiercel and the Camberian Council had been right about Haldanes。
〃Is something wrong。 Excellency?〃 Conall asked; managing to keep his voice low and even。
〃No; just something I'd like to ask you about;〃 Arilan replied。
Glancing easily around him to see who might be watching; the Deryni bishop opened a door into the garden beyond the hall and drew Conall outside; not saying anything else until they had walked slowly into the center; where no one might approach too closely without being seen over the hedges。 A few figures moved at the far end of the garden; hardly visible behind the trees only just beginning to green again after the long winter; but otherwise it was deserted。 And though the sun was shining brightly; drying up the last puddles of the previous days' rain; it was also chilly。 Conall wrapped his black cloak more closely around him as he and Arilan paused by a leaf…clogged fountain。
〃I suppose you may have gathered;〃 Arilan said quietly without further preamble; 〃that I had something to do with setting your father's Haldane potential last spring; before Kelson went off on campaign。 Likewise; I suspect you will not be surprised when I tell you that I have noticed your own gradual development along these lines。 Shields and the like; which seem to have strengthened considerably since Kelson's death…not altogether surprising; since Nigel now is king and you are his heir。〃
Conall felt the cool; velvet touch of the other's mind against those shields; but it did not penetrate; even though the pressure grew considerably before slacking off。
〃Yes; indeed。 A spontaneous Haldane manifestation developing;〃 Arilan murmured; smiling。 〃I've been told that Kelson had also developed a few spontaneous talents; before Brion's death。 Perhaps Tiercel was right all along。〃
〃I…beg your pardon?〃 Conall managed to murmur; fear rising in his throat; though he knew Arilan could not have read that from his mind。
〃Oh; no one you would know;〃 Arilan replied。 〃A friend who once believed that more than one Haldane could hold the power at a time。 We all thought him mad。 But; no matter。 What matters is that because you are manifest
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