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o be told…and young Jo…wan's family。 I suppose it would be a wise idea if some of you acpanied us back to Rhemuth。 Archbishops Cardiel and Bradene; in particular。 There will be…arrangements to be made。〃
They surged up to surround him after that; asking questions all at once; unable to believe the enormity of the tragedy。 In the confusion; Arilan drew Father Lael aside and shuffled him into the ambulatory aisle that led around behind the high altar。
〃Tell me what you saw; Lael;〃 he said softly; catching and holding the priest with his eyes; but not yet exerting any obvious control。
Lael's eyes filled with tears; and Arilan could read his deep grief so poignantly; without any further extension of his powers; that he knew there was no question in Lael's mind that the king was; indeed; dead。
〃It…it was as de Traheme said; Excellency;〃 Lael whispered。 〃No one could do anything to prevent it。 I…watched them slip over the edge; one by one; and there was nothing… I could do。〃 A sob caught in his throat。 〃I…think he managed to miss the rocks when he first hit the water; but he…〃
When it became obvious that Lael could not go on; Arilan gently laid his hands on the priest's shoulders and drew him close; outwardly giving fort while he sent his mind into Lael's to read the full horror of what had happened。 He saw Kelson thrashing in the water; Dhugal flailing about to try to reach him; the horses struggling; one smashed pitifully on the rocks where it first hit。
And then Kelson; Dhugal; the monk; two squires; were being swept away。 And later; beside a raging waterfall; men were pulling out the drowned body of one of the squires; and miraculously; the living body of the other。 But of the others; there was no trace。 And surely; the king; Dhugal; and the monk were dead。
Nor could even Arilan bear to read any more of the tragedy。 Though he and Kelson often had disagreed on matters that meant a great deal to both of them; and he had only just begun to get to know Dhugal; the depth of Arilan's sense of loss over Kelson represented almost the same magnitude of grief for him as Dhugal's would for Duncan; when he heard the news。 For indeed; Arilan had been Kelson's spiritual father; before Duncan came to take on that role…and long before anyone knew that Duncan was Dhugal's father in fact as well as in spirit。
Only by the greatest of acts of will was the Deryni bishop able to distance his grief enough to cover what he had just done with Lael; carefully burying any fleeting awareness Lael might have had that his mind; at least for a few minutes; had not been his own。 In all passion; he let Lael weep in his arms; considering what must be done next。
Obviously; he must go back to Rhemuth with Saer; Conall; and the two archbishops; for Nigel would need him…far more than any of those four might suspect; with the possible exception of Conall。 And with Nigel to be king; there was Conall himself to be considered…a new heir to be molded in the proper form to succeed Nigel eventually…and Conall was not the same sort of clay as Kelson; or even Nigel。
But just as obviously; Arilan also knew he should notify the Camberian Council of what had happened。 Another change of kings; not yet five years after King Brion's death; would alter many factors in how the Council dealt with its self…appointed duties to safeguard the welfare of the Eleven Kingdoms。
However; notifying the Council presented its own problems。 Arilan could gain immediate access to the Council chamber via the Portal in the sacristy; only steps away from where he stood consoling the grieving Lael; but summoning the Councilors from their residences scattered all across the Eleven Kingdoms would take time…more time than he dared be missed。 Furthermore; the energy cost would be enormous。 Summoning the Council when they were not expecting it was never easy; and Arilan had already done it once in the past week to inform them of Tiercel's death。 To do it again so soon; and still have any reserve available to deal with the ride to Rhemuth and what might be required once he got there; almost required that Arilan have assistance to amplify his power。
Nor was there anyone here in Valoret who could serve that purpose; without themselves being missed。 After reading Lael; Arilan felt certain he could call on the surgeon priest if he had to; and he knew Cardiel would cooperate without demur; and Saer as well…but Arilan also knew that it was Saer's intention for them to ride for Rhemuth tonight; as soon as everyone had a hot meal and fresh horses could be procured; Arilan and Cardiel must be among them when they did。
And so; for the first time in his adult life; Arilan decided that his duty to the Haldanes came before any duty he might owe to the Council; so far as priorities for notification were concerned。 Nor; considering the news to be carried; dared he use the Portal to return to Rhemuth ahead of the others; for such action would shatter whatever cover he still possessed in the wake of the many things that had been happening over the last six months。
No; he must ride with the others。 The news was dire; but it could wait another two or three days to reach Rhemuth and the man who; even now; was king; though he did not know it yet。 And then; when Arilan had helped cushion the first shock to Duncan; he must send the hapless bishop on to notify Morgan…for both of them would be essential in doing what must be done to bring Nigel to his full Haldane power as soon as possible。 That was the highest priority。
And all of this must be done before Gwynedd's enemies learned that her king was dead and tried to take advantage of the instability…inevitable whenever a crown changed hands…that would unman even Nigel for a time and perhaps make him vulnerable。
They were under saddle and away before pline; riding by torchlight down the good; firm road that skirted the river; blessed; at least; with clear weather; each man alone with his thoughts as the hoofbeats drummed out the refrain; he is dead…he is dead…he is dead; heading for the first of the way castles where they would change horses and begin the next of several dozen legs of the sad journey home。
He is dead…he is dead…he is dead 。。。

But deep in the bowels of the earth; miles from where loyal MacArdry men kept their ceaseless vigil over the waters that had claimed their young lords; Dhugal rejoiced in the knowledge that Kelson was not dead。 Further; the king finally seemed able to breathe again on his own。
It was a slender victory; for Kelson still had not regained consciousness; but to Dhugal; gone without sleep for nearly three days now; it was the closest thing to a miracle he had yet seen; since discovering that both he and Kelson had survived the initial catastrophe。
He worried about the skull fracture; though。 The usefulness of his ability to probe the injury with his powers was somewhat limited; for he had only a vague idea what his perceptions meant in medical terms; but he did not like what he thought they meant。 The depression was putting pressure on Kelson's brain; and there was some swelling。 He could not tell for certain whether there was bleeding as well。 Dhugal had heard of surgical procedures to relieve such pressure; inv
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