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ho would have been poised to take advantage of their helplessness?
Thinking about it helped keep Dhugal alert when; after a few more minutes to rest from his and Kelson's mutual exertions; he dragged the unconscious king back against the cavern wall; near to where they had been before; though closer to a pile of flood wrack that looked as if it might make a suitable fire to get them warm。 He dared not break physical contact with Kelson to build the fire; for fear of losing his hold on the respiration control; but he was able…with much concentration; and at the expense of extinguishing his hand…fire for a while…finally to get a small fire going。 It would only bum for as long as he could feed it with wood he could reach from where he and Kelson lay; but at least it was blessed warmth。
He held Kelson close against him and tried to think warm thoughts for both of them as he mused on what had happened and tried to think who could have done it。 And whenever he started to doze off and Kelson's breathing faltered; he would jerk himself back to awareness and resolve not to do that again。 He could not tell; as the hours crawled by; whether Kelson's breathing was easing or not。

Yea; his soul draweth near unto the grave。
Job 33:22
The sun shone brightly on the mountains the next morning; as if in apology for the disaster of the day before。 But though the survivors camped by the waterfall began searching again at first light; and even found another drowned sumpter horse a few hundred yards downstream; they found no sign of Kelson or of Dhugal。 Men…at…arms from Saint Bearand's joined in the search; fetched by a messenger sent scurrying down the treacherous descent the previous afternoon; but the outlook for the king's survival grew dimmer by the hour; by late afternoon; Saer reluctantly called off the search。
Nor; with the king lost; was there any question of continuing on to Iomaire and thence to Cardosa; by this or any other route。 Once Saer and his party got safely off the mountain and gained Saint Bearand's again; the terrible news must be taken back to Nigel in Rhemuth; and a messenger would be dispatched to inform the Earl of Eastmarch that no royal party would be joining him。
Beyond that; Saer had no plans。 The new king must decide the course of future policy regarding Torenth。 Since Saer was kin to Nigel by marriage and already a valued royal advisor; he had a fair idea what Nigel probably would do; but he would not presume to try to second…guess his brother…in…law at a time such as this。
It was going to be difficult enough to tell Nigel that his much…loved nephew was dead…for dead Kelson surely must be and Dhugal and the missing monk as well。 The abbey men told Saer that part of the river went underground just past the pool by the waterfall; and no one knew where or whether it surfaced。 Even the chances of finding the king's body were virtually nil; if the waters had not given it up by now。
Thus it was that a grieving and much diminished pany descended the rugged mountain trail that afternoon; though Ciard; Jass; and the other MacArdry men remained; determined to keep looking at least through the rest of the week; in hope that eventually they might find some tangible clue as to the fate of their chief and their king。 The rest straggled into Saint Bearand's yard just after dark; there to take a much…appreciated hot meal and snatch at least some semblance of a full night's sleep in proper beds before riding out the next morning; to return to Rhemuth via Valoret。 The monks sang a solemn Mass for the king's safety before Saer led out and promised constant prayers until Kelson's fate was known for certain。
Saer and those with him rode fast all day; pausing only to change horses; and entered the walled city just at dusk。 The bishops were at Vespers; the newly elected auxiliary of Valoret; Benoit d'Evering; leading the devotion。 The rich counterpoint of the sung Office ascended joyously among the roofbeams as Saer wrenched open the postern door in the great west facade of the cathedral; but it dwindled to hushed surprise and apprehension as Saer led Conall; Earl Roger; and Father Lael down the center aisle and into the choir。 A buzz of consternation murmured among the assembled clergy as the four paused just before the altar steps to make a ragged genuflection。 Saer remained on one knee for a few seconds longer than the others before rising to turn and face the questioning faces。
〃My Lord Bishops;〃 he said; his voice uncharacteristically tremulous with emotion; 〃I regret to have to inform you that the king is dead。〃
They had been prepared for any of a number of announcements; but never that。 A gasp swept universally among them; and almost to a man; they came to their feet; questions bursting unwieldy and incoherently from their lips as Saer held up both hands for silence。
〃There was an accident half a day's ride north of Saint Bearand's Abbey; above Caerrorie and Dolban;〃 Saer said dully。 〃We were climbing to take the High Grelder Pass down to the plain of Iomaire。 One of the monks from Saint Bearand's was our guide。 We almost didn't go that day; because it looked like rain and the monk warned us the trail might be treacherous; but Kelson wanted to go。〃
He paused to swallow; obviously seeing it all again in memory; and Archbishop Bradene crossed himself heavily。
〃What day was that; my lord?〃
〃Friday? No; Saturday;〃 Saer replied。 〃The days have run together; I'm afraid。 What day is it today?〃
〃Monday;〃 Arilan said quietly。 〃Tell us what happened; my lord。〃 His face was ashen; and he longed to get Father Lael aside for a fuller explanation。
Saer nodded; obviously pulling himself together only with great effort。
〃A…rain…soaked embankment collapsed under the front of the party。 Kelson was lost in the rapids below; along with Dhugal MacArdry; the monk who was guiding us。 Prince Conall's squire; and many horses。 The whole cliff side began to crumble。 The king's squire also went into the water; but we recovered him alive。 And Conall almost went in。 I managed to get a rope around him just in time。〃
Archbishop Cardiel; his face etched by grief; slowly shook his head。
〃Thanks be to God for that; at least。〃
He and most of the other bishops crossed themselves at that; several of them murmuring; 〃Amen;〃 and Conall bowed his head。
〃You did recover the bodies?〃 Arilan asked; suddenly guessing that they had not yet heard the full extent of the tragedy。
Saer shook his head。 〃Only the dead squire's and some of the horses。 We searched for the rest of that day; until we lost the light; and most of the next day; but…〃
His voice broke; and he had to bow his head into a shaking hand for a few seconds; but then he went on。
〃Forgive me; my lords。 The local people tell us that there is virtually no chance of recovering any more bodies after this long。 Nonetheless; we left a party to continue the search; just on the chance that they're wrong。 If…if anything is found; they'll send word。 In the meantime; we…must ride to Rhemuth and tell N…the new king。〃 He swallowed again。 〃Bishop Duncan will also have to be told…and young Jo…wan's family。 I suppose it would be a wise idea if some of you acpanied us ba
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