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er there was bleeding as well。 Dhugal had heard of surgical procedures to relieve such pressure; involving drilling a hole in the skull and trying to lift the part that was pressing; but he had no instruments; even if he were fool enough to think he had the ability。
He pondered the problem while he left Kelson alone long enough to retrieve the wine flask he had hurled aside in such haste…he had no idea how long ago。 He rinsed it long and carefully while he kept a wary eye on the scarcely breathing form wrapped in a cloak now only damp; not soggy; then filled it and hobbled back to Kelson's side; there to raise his patient's head and let a little trickle down Kelson's throat。 He used his powers to trigger the reflex to swallow; for he had learned a great deal about the centers that controlled such functions while he kept his lonely watch。
He was going to have to do something about food; too。 Nothing had passed Kelson's lips since whatever he might have eaten at their last rest stop before the accident; other than the tainted wine; soon regurgitated; and a little water Dhugal had managed to bring to Kelson in his own mouth; when the danger of dehydration became greater than the danger that Kelson might stop breathing again if Dhugal left him for more than a minute or two。 Dhugal had no idea how long ago that might have been; but his own growling stomach told him it had been far too long。 And while a healthy man might survive for weeks on water only; if he had to; such a diet was not conducive to mending injuries。 He had no idea what he might find down here that was edible…perhaps there were fish in the underground river…but now that Kelson seemed to be past the most immediate crisis of his hurts; Dhugal would have to take steps to find something。
Meanwhile; though; there was the skull fracture to consider…and Dhugal was in an agony over what to do。 If he did nothing; and the swelling continued。 Kelson likely would die despite everything he had already been through and survived。 And if Dhugal did the wrong thing…not that his options for actual treatment were many…Kelson might die anyway。
Sighing; Dhugal dragged more driftwood nearer the fire he had been nursing for so long; hobbling painfully on his swollen ankle and trying to spare his wrist as much as possible。 After placing a few branches on the fire; he settled against the cavern wall next to Kelson and turned the raven head away from him; so he could brush his fingertips lightly over the lump behind Kelson's left ear。 The wound was closing nicely in whatever time had passed and seemed to be healing cleanly; but he could sense the walnut…sized piece of bone depressed just beneath the skin…and the pressure under that。
If only there were some way to raise the depression; other than by surgery。 Not that he was about to attempt to prise the bone back into place with the little stiletto in his boot… which was the only metal implement or weapon that seemed to have made it through their tumbling in the river。
But perhaps there was another way! He had moved things before; just with the power of his mind。 One of the first things his father had shown him; after they knew Dhugal was De…ryni; was how to work a lock without a key。 If Dhugal could move the tumblers of a lock without seeing them; was it possible he could do the same to lift this bit of bone back into place in Kelson's skull?
It was not a healing function; in the Deryni sense。 It certainly did not sound like what his father and Morgan had described about the healing process…visualizing the damaged area as it ought to be and having the healing take place under one's hands。 But was there not a physical side to surgery; as well as a biological one? Provided that no irreversible damage had been done to the tissue beneath the skull; relief of Kelson's condition might e simply by restoring the bit of bone to its proper place and letting natural healing take its course。
It certainly was worth a careful try。 Dhugal did not see how he could do much further harm; for Kelson's condition; though stabilizing; was not getting better from Dhugal doing nothing。 He made himself take several deep; steadying breaths as he gently shifted Kelson to lie against his chest; supporting the lolling head against his right hand; just at shoulder level; while he brought his left to touch the lump behind the ear lightly。 His sprained wrist gave a twinge; but he was able to shift his position slightly and relieve that。
But it was going to be a tricky balancing act to keep a part of his mind attuned to Kelson's breathing and heart rate while he turned his main attention to the other task at hand… for he knew that; when he relieved the pressure under the lump; he also was likely to upset the tenuous autonomic rhythm so recently reestablished。 As he closed his eyes and settled into that rhythm; he wished he were better rested himself; for the few hours' sleep he had snatched were not nearly adequate to make up for the exertion of the past few days。 But wishes were useless at this point。 It was determination that would triumph now; if anything would; and a little luck on their side…or maybe a miracle or two。
Slowly Dhugal pushed himself deeper into trance; at first simply letting the shallow whisper of his and Kelson's breathing carry him gradually into rapport。 It was not fortable at first; for even with the merasha mostly gone out of Kelson's system; his shields were still irregular; distorted…intact in some areas; but utterly gone in others; not at all in balance。 The condition probably was at least partially a function of the concussion Kelson had suffered; either from the injury under Dhugal's fingers or the other one above his eye; but whatever its source; it made for a rather jerky descent to the level of rapport that Dhugal felt he needed in order to risk what he was about to do。
Not daring to think too much more about it; Dhugal extended his Deryni senses into the body beneath his hands; centering on the circle of bone that lay beneath his fingertips。 All at once he could see it in his mind; as if it were exposed by a surgeon's knife…a rounded triangle of bone; one edge still neatly in place and the opposite angle depressed almost to the depth of the tip of a man's little finger。
Gently; gingerly; he eased his powers around it and lifted。 It moved more easily than he had expected; smoothly pivoting on the edge still in place until all three sides were flush again。 Nor was there any disruption of Kelson's breathing。
He spent a few more seconds inspecting what he had done; wondering whether it would be enough; then withdrew mind and controls and opened his eyes to look at Kelson again。 The king appeared unchanged。 When; after Dhugal judged an hour or so had passed and Kelson still seemed unimproved…though neither was he any worse…Dhugal decided it was time to do something about the food situation。 Whatever happened; he could be no help to Kelson or himself if he starved to death。

It was late on Wednesday; Lady Day; the Feast of the Annunciation; when what remained of the king's party reached Rhemuth。 Some intimation of the news apparently had run ahead even of that fast…riding band; so that Nigel; Meraude; Duncan; and Jehana w
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