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Not that the going looked appreciably better ahead… what little Conall could see ahead for the pelting rain。 Dhugal's red dun was directly in front of him; with Dolfin between Dhugal and Kelson; who followed close on the heels of their guide。 The rest of the pany was strung out behind Conall; Jowan immediately behind。 Just before a curve in the trail would have put the monk out of sight; Conall saw him pull up his piebald pony and turn to mouth something to Kelson in the rain; but then the man and Kelson were moving on; and Conall supposed they had decided not to turn back。
Very well。 That was fine with him。 They could hardly get wetter than they were; he supposed。 And even if what lay ahead was worse than what they had already passed; there was the promise of the abbey at the top; warm fires; dry clothes; and hot food 。。。
He daydreamed about hot mulled wine as he hunched down in his saddle and prayed for it all to end; concentrating only on the even plop…plop of his horse's hooves as it followed Dhugal's; nose to tail; wincing occasionally when his mount would falter; trying not to look at what lay so very close at their left。 The rain washed down the trail in torrents; so that; in spots; the horses were fetlock…deep in muddy water。 On the opposite side of the canyon cut by the stream; several tributary streams tumbled down in smaller versions of the waterfall they had already passed。 Their din; plus the roar of the rapids below them; drowned out all possibility of verbal munication; and Conall dared not use what he knew of mind…speech; so he had to content himself with trying to read the hand signals and facial clues that he could note on the riders ahead。 Kelson; he was pleased to note; did not appear to be at all happy; and Dhugal looked downright worried。
The rain finally began to slack off; at least。 Conall supposed that was something of an improvement。 The footing ahead looked no firmer or less muddy; but the trail seemed to be slightly wider。 Conall even had the impression that it was not quite as steep as it had been; though he was to decide later that it had been an optical illusion。 Whatever the true state of the slope ahead; so far as steepness was concerned; the forces of nature at work chose that moment to precipitate disaster。
The piebald pony was the first animal to founder; suddenly up to its knees in shifting; rain…sodden mud and starting a chain reaction that soon had the horses of Kelson; Dolfin; and Dhugal mired to the belly as well; squealing and thrashing as that entire section of the trail began to dissolve under them。
Then Conall's mount lost its footing under the near foreleg and nearly pitched him off over its head as he tried to recover。 Squire Jowan; riding directly behind his master; crowded closer to reach out a hand to Conall; in case he had to get off; but that set Jowan's bay to slipping and sliding; its entire hindquarters suddenly over the edge and scrambling wildly to regain decent footing while Jowan tried to crawl up its neck。
Conall grabbed instinctively at the animal's reins; trying at the same time to steady his own beast; but it soon became obvious that he might not even be able to get himself out of this alive。 The whole cliff face seemed to be disintegrating; too long waterlogged and then subjected to too many horses and too much weight。
He heard…someone go over the edge ahead…whether man or beast or both together; he had no time to find out; because he was fighting to keep from following。 Dhugal's horse; whinnying and plunging ever more wildly for footing; pitched Dhugal over its near shoulder and managed to put a hind leg through the reins of Conall's; jerking the poor animal's head down flat against the muddy trail。 Conall could not see where Dhugal landed; because his own mount's gyrations jerked Jowan's reins out of his hand; and he twisted in the saddle to see the consequences。
Jowan screamed。 Conall saw him and his mount beginning to slide slowly over the edge; but his own straits were desperate; and he dared not make any more aggressive attempt to try to save Jowan; or he would overbalance and both of them would go over。 As it was; his horse was slipping and scrambling past the point of no return and making matters no better by trying to break free from the leg Dhugal's horse had through its reins。
Some of the horses were going to go over the edge。 Up ahead; at least one already had done so。 Conall heard its scream and the muted splash its body made as it hit the rapids far below; but he was too busy scrambling for firmer ground to look and see whose it was…Kelson's or Dolfin's; most likely。 And he could not see either of them。
But his own horse was about to follow。 Seeking any feeble chance to save himself; he launched himself from the saddle to hug the cliff face; twisting his gloved fingers around a few spindly tree roots and bushes exposed by the rain and praying that they would hold his weight。 Mercifully; they did; though his grey; relieved of the extra weight in the saddle; reared up in a desperate attempt to break free of Dhugal's red dun and went over backwards; taking the dun with it。
Conall was quick enough to see his and Dhugal's horses disappear over the edge and could only assume that Jowan had gone over; too。 And ahead; a tangle of russet and mud; equine and human; slid and tumbled down the face of the embankment…Dhugal; surely…followed by the flailing figure of Dolfin; all into roiling white water below。 Of Kelson he could see no sign。
Then; suddenly; his Uncle Saer was at his side; edging along the cliff face on foot and passing a rope around his waist; sobbing…and Conall dared to look over the side again; where a frantically struggling red dun horse was disappearing around a bend; toward the waterfall that raged beyond。 His own horse lay battered on the rocks below; not moving; several of its legs at impossible angles; and a little farther along; he spotted the body of the piebald pony floating belly…up; temporarily wedged against some rocks。 It appeared that a few of the sumpter horses had gone over; too。
Afterward; Conall never quite remembered just how Saer got him back down to the rest area near the falls; or precisely when it stopped raining。 But he would remember; for the rest of his days; the looks on the faces of the survivors gathered there; gradually retrieving bodies of men and beasts from the pool of stiller water that lay a little beyond the waterfall's crashing spillway。 The only living things to e from that pool of flood…wrack were the plucky Squire Dolfin; half…drowned and with a broken wrist and several cracked ribs; not to mention bruises over most of his body; and Dhugal's horse; shuddering and heaving; one leg dragging pitifully as it made a game try to follow the servant leading it away from the water。
Dolfin; at least; would mend。 No so the red dun; who had to be put down。 Once they had gotten Dolfin to cough up the water he had swallowed; Father Lael bound up the boy's wrist and ribs; poured a hot posset down his throat; and pronounced his survival a miracle。
No such miracle had attended the other lost squire; however。 Conall was among those who found Jowan's body wedged in rocks at the far edge of the pool…
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