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No such miracle had attended the other lost squire; however。 Conall was among those who found Jowan's body wedged in rocks at the far edge of the pool…drowned; even if his skull had not been fatally split open by collision with a jagged rock。 And as they watched; Conall still a little dazed from his own near brush with death; the body of the unfortunate Brother Gelric bobbed out of the roiling rapids at the base of the waterfall; swirled around for several minutes; then was sucked under; never to emerge again; as was the feebly struggling form of Jowan's bay。
Within the next few hours; the carcasses of Dolfm's chestnut; Conall's grey; two sumpter horses; and the piebald pony also came over the falls; long drowned and battered to death。 And later; farther downstream; they recovered the drowned and broken body of Kelson's grey; with the Haldane sword still strapped to its saddle。 But of the king and his foster brother they found no trace; though they kept looking as long as the light held; and by torchlight thereafter; for several hours more。
Even after Saer had called off the search until morning; the MacArdry men kept their own vigil at the edge of the pool; old Ciard 0 Ruane keening softly as he rocked back and forth in his grief…for Ciard had regarded his young chief almost as a son of his own。 Taking a cue from the old gillie; Father Lael assembled the entire pany nearby and led them all in prayers for Jowan's soul; with added supplications for the safe return of the king and Dhugal。 Afterward; while the servants threw together a makeshift supper; Jass and the other MacArdry men remained with Ciard; Dhugal's sword thrust into the ground like a cross; Jass with his hands on the quillons and forehead bowed against the pommel; as he had watched with his chief and their king during their knights' vigil not three weeks before; weeping as if his heart would break。
It was not until well after dark; huddled under a borrowed cloak beside one of the fires of their miserable campsite; that it suddenly struck Conall; through the numb shock of the entire afternoon's events; that they were not likely to find Kelson or Dhugal…not alive; at any rate。 And that made Conall's father king; and Conall himself heir to the throne!
Nor need Conall suffer any pangs of guilt over his shift in fortune; for it honestly had been none of his doing。 Forget about the fact that; but for the accident; Dhugal and even Kelson might have drunk from the flask that Conall had drugged。 That flask was now gone forever into whatever watery grave had claimed Dhugal and the king。

Behold; my terror shall not make thee afraid; neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee。
Job 33:7
Dhugal fought his way feebly back to consciousness with the certain conviction that he was dying。 Or perhaps he was dead already。 Even though he struggled to open his eyes; it was pitch dark; and he certainly was cold and wet…though; if he were truly dead; why could he hear this roaring in his ears?
Besides; he hurt too much to be dead。 Every part of his body ached; where it was not numb from the cold。 He was lying on his stomach; water lapping at his face; and he managed to lift his head enough to draw a ragged breath; but his lungs burned with the water he had already inhaled。 All at once; his entire body convulsed in violent spasms that curled him hard on his side; coughing and choking。 Water spewed from his mouth; from his nose; and it was all he could do to keep his head high enough to avoid breathing it in again。
Somehow; he managed to haul himself to hands and knees…or; rather; to elbows and knees; for his left wrist twinged with a terrible pain whenever he tried to put any weight on it。 But then he could only cough up more water; gagging and retching helplessly until he was sure that either his guts or his lungs must e up。
Finally; though; his body seemed satisfied。 His chest ached as if a giant had been sitting on it; and he did not even want to think about how badly he might have damaged his wrist; but at least he was alive。 He let himself collapse down on his calves and forearms; bracing his forehead against his good wrist to keep from breathing water again…for he was awash in it; several fingers deep…and made himself take a slow; steadying breath while he willed his pounding heart to subside to something approaching normal rate and blinked the sand out of his eyes; trying to pierce the darkness of his surroundings。 The roaring sound behind him continued to be a mystery…until suddenly; without preamble or further prompting; memory came flooding back。
The river! Good God; where was Kelson? The cliff had collapsed under their horses; and they had gone over the edge; into the rapids。
Dhugal whimpered as he struggled to a sitting position; for the pain of his wrist was almost enough to make him faint; even though he tried to brace it with his good hand。 If he did pass out again; and he fell face…down; there was a very good chance that he might truly drown; this time。 And Kelson…
Kelson surely had been in the water; too。 Dhugal remembered throwing himself clear of his horse as he fell; trying to angle his body so he would not hit squarely on any of the rocks rushing up to meet him…but even as he fell; he had been aware of Kelson already in the water not far away; looking dazed and scared。
He had hit the water hard; narrowly missing collision with a massive boulder; and he went deep。 Somehow he managed to push something and surfaced almost immediately; wildly shaking water from his eyes and searching for Kelson。 He saw the flash of a crimson…clad arm not far away and struck out for it; yelping as he slammed one knee against a submerged rock; but he dared not spare too much attention for where he was going or he would lose sight of the king。
Things got a little hazy after that; but he knew he had managed to reach Kelson; and that the two of them had clung together as long as they could; while the water buffeted them along…and then he remembered the waterfall; and knowing that there was nothing he could do to prevent them going over。 Kelson was hurt already; far more than himself。 Both of them had screamed weakly as they were swept over the edge。
He had held onto Kelson all the way to the bottom of the falls; but; after that; he was not sure。 A quick; tentative sweep of the darkness around him with his good arm confirmed that Kelson was not within reach; at least。
He knew they had still been together when a current sucked them under; however…deep; deeper; until Dhugal was sure his lungs would burst。 In the end; though; he had had to surrender to the pain and the cold; breathing in water and letting go。
That realization set him coughing again; but it was not as bad as before…though a different kind of pain in his chest told him that he might have cracked another rib or two; in addition to whatever; he had done to his wrist。 His braced his good hand against his ribs for a few seconds while he caught his breath again; trying once more to pierce the darkness that pressed close around him; and was surprised to find that his wine flask somehow was still slung across his chest。
Well; thank heaven for very small favors。 If the stopper had not e out…
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