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ern horizon; but Kelson was impatient to be gone; fired by the prospect of what he might learn at Iomaire…for a shrine once had graced the spot where Camber fell in battle; and the king hoped he might learn more there of Camber than he had at Caerrorie。
So Kelson ordered the pany to assemble in the abbey yard as planned; if a few hours later than he would have wished。 And; as if in answer to his optimism; sunshine did break through the clouds just as he signaled the column forward to ride out the gates of Saint Bearand's。
An unexpectedly wele addition to their number was the monk who acpanied them to point out the way… one Brother Gelric; a garrulous; almost ically thin individual mounted on a shaggy piebald pony; who soon had everyone in his vicinity laughing at his assessments of the court life he had known in Llannedd before his profession as a monk。 His good humor; added to the clearing weather; soon lifted the spirits of the entire expedition。 It was not long before young Jass MacArdry had half the knights; all his borderers; and most of the Haldane lancers joining in the refrain of a jaunty border ballad that told how the bonnie Earl of Kilshane once had ridden day and night; night and day; for near on a week; to warn an earlier chief of Clan MacArdry of a terrible sea invasion。
They made good time for the first hour or so; easily climbing the smooth; gentle grade that was the approach to the proper ascent to the pass。 The weather remained cold but clear; though it became more overcast as they climbed higher。 The going got harder; too。 Gradually; as they turned along the bank of a wide; fast…running mountain stream; swollen with rain and early run off from the mountains whose slopes they climbed; the footing and the grade got worse。 On a rocky plateau; close beside the icy…cold spill pool of a spectacular waterfall cascading down the mountainside to their left。 Brother Gelric called a short halt to let men and horses rest。
〃You'd best have everyone check their girths and other equipment before we move on。 Sire;〃 he told Kelson; as the king and Dhugal walked the kinks out of their legs; and Dolfin took their horses over to the pool to drink。 〃Make sure everything is well strapped down。 The footing gets far worse before it gets better。 This is the last reasonably flat spot until we reach the summit; and it will be single file very shortly。〃
〃How much farther is it?〃 Kelson asked。
〃Another hour and a half;〃 the monk replied。 〃Perhaps a little less; if it doesn't start raining again。〃
From a little farther along the bank; Conall watched and listened nervously; giving his sword to Jowan to strap to his saddle as he sprawled on a sun…warmed rock and tried to pretend that he was not interested in whether or not Dhugal drank from the flask slung across his chest。 With the sun shining; albeit weakly; and the exertion of the past hour; Conall was sweating a little in his riding leathers。 In addition; he had begun to have second thoughts about what he had done。 While Dhugal and Kelson fiddled with their equipment; dutifully shifting loads and tightening down straps with Dolfin; Conall unlaced the throat of his tunic and bade Jowan bring him a cupful of the cold; sweet water ing off the mountainside。 If Dhugal did drink; Conall would need a cool head to make sure no shadow of suspicion was turned on himself。
But like most of the party; Dhugal; too; chose to slake his thirst from the stream; stretching out on his stomach on a flat rock to drink from one hand; like any mon peasant。 Conall found himself being annoyed all over again when Kelson also followed suit; in most unkingly fashion。 It almost made Conall wish that both his rivals would go ahead and drink from the flask。 That would solve even more problems; for no one else in the royal party was in a position even to recognize the effects of the drugs in the wine; much less to counteract them; and fate might well run its course in the next few hours。
And if neither drank through the day and Conall could retrieve the flask tonight; he would do that; he decided。 No harm would be done; and Conall could pretend he had never even thought of doing anything wrong。
The greatest danger to Conall accrued if only Dhugal drank and Kelson intervened before Dhugal could meet a mishap。 For; while there was nothing to link Conall with the drugs in the flask; their discovery would alert the king that someone with access to such substances was up to no good。 Kelson had no reason to suspect Conall; but the fact that Conall had purloined the letters about Tiercel's death eventually would have to lead to unfortable inquiries…and Conall did not think he could withstand a direct Truth…Read; if brought to the question。
On the other hand; far rougher terrain was ing up。 Perhaps; if he rode close to Dhugal; Conall could simply nudge Dhugal's horse over the edge at a crucial point; claiming that his own mount had spooked at something。 And he could make the big grey spook。 No one would ever think to ask him directly whether he had done it deliberately。 And with Dhugal would go the telltale flask of wine as well as a dangerous rival。
Ahead; the trail did bee more difficult; and narrower; climbing slowly above the level of the flood…swollen streambed。 As he had hoped; Conall managed to get behind Dhugal when they tunneled down to single file。 The footing; never good; changed from muddy to sandy; but any improvement in consistency was canceled out by an increase in the number of sharp; hoof…bruising rocks that might provide a fatal stumble。 The farther they went; the more Conall began to wonder whether he would dare to do anything untoward; for fear of following his intended victim over the edge。 A sheer cliff face loomed hard on their right…mostly rock; but slick in spots with mud and tiny rivulets of runoff from the days of rain。 The embankment on their left sloped down in an increasingly steep and treacherous drop to rocky rapids below。 The higher they climbed; the faster the stream ran; deeper and narrower; studded with massive; stream…scoured boulders and more jagged rocks jutting out of rushing; seething white water。
Then the rain began again; perhaps half an hour out of the last rest stop。 At first; light sprinkles only prompted men to glance around suspiciously and wonder whether the droplets had e from the raging stream; but then came large; splattering drops that demanded that hoods be pulled over heads ducked down in collars。 And the large drops quickly became a downpour。
Conall hunched down in his cloak and muttered to himself as he squinted against the rain。 Even if the trail had been wide enough to turn around; which it was not and had not been for some time; he would not have relished the thought of retracing the route they had already e; and especially not going downhill。 Nor did he particularly want to make the climb again; tomorrow or the next day。 They had almost lost a pack horse a little way back; and the trail here was worse than it had been there。 Besides; they surely must be at or near the halfway mark。 Silly; to go back。
Not that the going looked appreciably better ahead… what little Conall could see ahead for the pelting rain。 Dhugal's red dun was directly in 
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