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ressed 。the assembly; and the synod had adjourned to the archbishop's palace for supper。 Kelson's cold had not improved; so he retired soon after eating and let Father Lael give him a physick in a shot of hot and potent Rhenndish brandy wine。 He doubted it would do much to cure the cold; but it made Father Lael feel better…and it did feel good going down; balm to his scratchy throat。 After he had dutifully tossed it off; he bade Dhugal help him into deep; controlled trance…sleep…which; if it did not cure him; would at least release him from conscious misery through the night。 The last thing he heard; before he slipped beyond caring; was the soft drone of Dhugal's voice; coaxing him deeper into trance; and the steady patter of rain on the leaded roof。
And it was raining in Rhemuth; later that night; when Duncan; working late in his study; laid aside his quill and knuckled at bleary eyes。 During his 〃indisposition〃 of the past week; he had begun to take on occasional secretarial duties for Nigel…a sometimes mindless and often boring pastime; but it kept his mind off what might be happening in Valoret and it helped Nigel。 The transcription he had been working on for the last two days was of the latter sort; even more boring than most; but at least it was finally finished and could be taken to the prince。 The hour was late; but not so late that Nigel would be already abed…though; judging from the sound of the rain pelting down outside; that was probably the best place to be on a night like this。
Indulging in a leisurely yawn; Duncan drew back one of the heavy velvet drapes covering the window and shaded his eyes against the leaded glass to peer outside; trying to gauge how hard it was actually ing down。 The amber panes distorted; but not enough to change his original estimation that the weather was abysmal; and he could hear it battering the leaded roof as well。
Making a face at the rain; Duncan let the curtain fall and rolled up his transcription in a leather scroll tube; rising to slip it under his cincture before putting on a fur…lined cap and gloves and throwing a heavy black cloak around his shoulders。
At least he did not have to go all the way back to the archbishop's palace in the rain…though getting to Nigel's quarters even somewhat dry would be difficult enough。 Since Dhugal's departure with the king the previous week; and in light of his own supposed indisposition; Duncan had all but moved into Dhugal's apartments in the castle。 It was only natural that; during his 〃convalescence;〃 he might be expected to derive fort from being near his son's things; and; as he gradually resumed sedentary duties; it was far more convenient to sleep in the castle than to trek back and forth between there and his old quarters; especially on a night like tonight; or when he worked late in his study; or he and Nigel talked too late…an increasing occurrence; for he had taken to spending many of his evenings in the prince's pany; often dining with him and Meraude。 All of them missed their sons…and with the mass exodus of nearly every Deryni from Rhemuth the week before; Nigel was the only one who could even begin to give Duncan the panionship he needed。
Being Deryni offered no particular advantages tonight; however。 As Duncan straightened a few last things on his desk and put out the candles; he briefly considered using the study Portal to go to the library Portal and thence to Nigel… but only briefly。 One never knew who might be in the library to witness his arrival…and how could one explain being dry on a night like this?
No; blatantly Deryni frivolity of that sort was unthinkable just now; when his position was so precarious vis…a…vis his future with the Church。 However; he could use the secret passageway that connected Dhugal's apartments to the basilica yard; rather than slogging through the muddy parade ground and stable yard to enter through the great hall。 He generally avoided taking the secret route; because the stairs were steep and he disliked closed…in places; but it was better than getting soaked or sleeping in his chair in the study。
He got wet enough; even in the short dash across the churchyard to the alcove where the entrance to the passageway was hidden。 En route; he slipped and nearly took a nasty fall。 And then; rain running down his face and inside his hood; he had to stand in a puddle until he could find the stud that opened the entry way。
It was dry inside; though…and dark。 From habit; and because the use of handfire could have been potentially fatal to a Deryni priest until very recently; Duncan struck flint to tinder to light a rushlight in a niche beside the closed door。 The flame gave little actual warmth; but its fitful yellowish light was cheering in the damp and gloom and made him feel warmer。
There were fifty…five steps to the first; straight flight of stairs; steep and irregular; and Duncan paused to catch his breath on the landing; just slightly winded; before starting doggedly up the winding treads of the next set。 He was preoccupied; thinking about what he wanted to say to Nigel regarding the document he carried。 But he had not gone more than two or three steps on the stairs before he became aware of a faint; sweetish odor tickling at his nostrils。
He stopped and sniffed the air; instantly alert and casting out with his Deryni senses。 Something was dead down here…something larger than the odd rat or other rodent one might expect in such a place。
He turned and took another whiff; holding his rushlight higher as he concentrated on the smell; then briskly retraced his steps to the landing and looked around。 The odor was stronger here。 He wondered how he had missed it before。 Something was definitely dead。 He had smelled that smell before; more times than he cared to remember; in the aftermath of far too many battles。 There was no mistaking it。
He conjured handfire to augment his rushlight; flooding the landing with silvery light and then he saw the russet shadow crumpled against the far wall; a leather boot protruding at one end and an outstretched arm visible at the other。

〃I have no idea how long he's been there;〃 Duncan said to Nigel; as he led the prince down the steep stair from Dhugal's apartments; half an hour later。 〃Long enough to begin deposition; though…probably a week or two; in this weather。 It looks as if he fell ing down the stairs and broke his neck。 What I can't figure out is what a member of the Camberian Council was doing in this passageway。 I thought they couldn't get into the keep from the library Portal。〃
Nigel only shook his head as they reached the landing and he bent to look as Duncan pointed things out。
〃I didn't think they could;〃 he said。 〃That's what Kelson told me。 You say his name's Tiercel de Claron?〃
Duncan nodded。 〃I've only seen him twice; and beginning stages of deposition could have me fooled; but it sure looks like him。 Arilan is the only one I can think of who would know for sure。〃
〃And Arilan's in Valoret; where you should be;〃 Nigel replied; straightening to stroke his mustache with a worried hand。 〃Sweet Jesu; if this is a member of the Council; they're going to be livid。〃
〃Well; not with us;〃 Duncan muttered; crouching down beside the b
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