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cil; they're going to be livid。〃
〃Well; not with us;〃 Duncan muttered; crouching down beside the body again。 〃We didn't do it。 Do you want to help me turn him over; so I can see whether it looks like anyone else did? I didn't want to move anything too much before you saw him。 I just turned his head enough to see his face…and to realize his neck was broken…and scanned to see if I could pick up any residual information from his mind。 Of course I couldn't; after this long。 His brain is probably like pudding。〃
Making a face; Nigel swept the skirts of his night robe back; out of the way; and knelt down。
〃I'll never make a surgeon;〃 he said; as the two of them gently turned the body on its back。 〃I've brought enough men to this state in my time; but I usually don't have to deal with them after they've been dead this long。 You have a stronger stomach than I do;〃 he concluded; rising to back off a few steps as Duncan bent to the grisly task of further examination。 〃Any wounds?〃
Duncan shook his head。 Rats had been at the body; but there were no signs of any other trauma besides the broken neck and associated bruising one might expect if Tiercel truly had fallen down the steps to his death。
〃None that I can see offhand; though I'd like a closer look when the body's stripped for burial。 How do you want to handle that?〃
As Duncan stood; Nigel shook his head。
〃I don't know。 It isn't really our place to bury him。 He must have family…or perhaps the Council itself will wish to handle the arrangements。 But our only link with the Council is through Arilan。 So if you're sure he's theirs; I suppose you'd better have an official relapse; so you can go to Valoret and tell Arilan。 I don't suppose there's a Portal there; to make things easier?〃
〃I've heard vague rumor about one; but I don't know where it is。 And even if I did; it wouldn't do me much good if I've never been there。〃 Duncan sighed。 〃I'll plan to leave at dawn。 You probably should draft a letter to Kelson as well; which I can forward from Valoret。 He'll probably have gone on to Caerrorie by the time I get there; but he ought to know。〃
Nigel's sigh echoed Duncan's。
〃Very well。 There's some additional correspondence that I can send as well。 I would have sent a courier in a few days; in any case。 In the meantime; I suppose the body ought to be coffined。 It isn't going to get any prettier; lying here in the damp。 How are we going to get him out of here?〃
〃We can rig a sling with his cloak and carry him down to the yard;〃 Duncan replied; suiting action to words as Nigel bent gingerly to assist。 〃We'll put him on the basilica porch while I get some monks to take charge of him。 Then no one else need know about this passageway。〃
〃No one except whomever de Claron may have told;〃 Nigel muttered。 〃Can you trust these monks of yours?〃
〃For what they have to do; yes。 I'll put my chaplain over them while I'm gone…Father Shandon。 He's discreet and loyal…and I can make sure he doesn't remember anything he oughtn't。 I don't like to do that; but sometimes there's no choice。 Shall I send for him?〃
〃Not until we've gotten our friend safely to the bottom;〃 Nigel said。 He grunted as they picked up the cloak…sling between them。 〃I'll wait with him on the basilica porch until you've done that and gotten the monks。 Between us; we ought to be able to dissemble well enough to divert any untoward curiosity。 We'll say we found him in one of the cellars。〃
By dawn。 Tiercel was decently coffined and lying in state in Duncan's study; with Father Shandon set on watch there to pray by the body and ensure against intrusion。 And Duncan was galloping through steady rain; already near to wearing out the first of several dozen horses that he would ride in relays to reach Valoret as quickly as possible。

Dawn brought a break in the rain in Valoret; however; and Kelson's cold was much improved as well…so much that by early afternoon; after a brief inspection of the chapel where Saint Camber once had been venerated and where his body had lain before being transported to the ancestral home in Caerrorie for burial; the king had decided to press on toward Dolban; much to the dismay of some of his entourage; for many of them had looked forward to dining again in the archbishop's refectory。 Sparse though the Lenten fare was by the standards of the court at Rhemuth; it still was far more than they were likely to be served in the more austere surrounds of Dolban…or at Saint Mark's Abbey; en route to Dolban; where they must surely spend the night in pilgrim's lodgings; because of leaving so late from Valoret; and sup on pilgrim's fare。
But Kelson was adamant that they must be on their way。 Having delivered his speech to the bishops; he felt it best to let them conduct their business in peace; without the specter of the king's presence hanging over them and possibly making them balky; where they might otherwise move ahead。 Besides that; the weather was clearing to the north and east。 If they could make it to Dolban before another storm hit; they could rest there for a few days while he and Dhugal queried the monks about the former patron of their house。 For Dolban; though currently the home of an order dedicated to teaching; once had housed the first Camberian religious munity; the Servants of Saint Camber。 And though the shrine to the former Deryni saint had been destroyed at about the time of the Council of Ramos; Kelson hoped to find some further hints there that would help him understand Camber better。
Consequently; Kelson was long gone from Valoret by the time Duncan arrived there; three days later。 With Nigel's concurrence; Duncan had decided to travel anonymously as an ordinary royal courier; using the badge of his office to procure the fresh horses he needed at relay stations along the way。 Two of Nigel's Haldane archers rode with him as escort; but even they were unaware who he really was。
Thus it was that Duncan drew rein before All Saints' Cathedral of a Wednesday morning; just after Terce; exhausted and mud…stained; to leave his spent mount in the charge of his escort while he dashed up the steps; praying that the bishops were not already in conclave for the morning。 Fortunately; Mass was still in progress; and his royal courier's badge admitted him without question to work his way quietly down a side aisle; there to wait until Mass should end and he could approach Arilan。 A bishop named de Torigny was the celebrant。
He longed to go forward for munion; for it had been several days; but it was clear that this Mass was for the bishops and their attendant clergy only; and he dared not risk being recognized; anonymous though he was in black riding leathers and dark; hooded cloak。 He kept all trace of his Deryniness tightly shielded; lest Arilan somehow detect his presence while transported in that peculiar psychic ecstasy and extension of senses that he was sure Arilan; like himself and every other religious Deryni he had met; often experienced at the peak of the Mass。 But when Mass had ended; he was waiting with his courier's badge by the south processional door to accost Arilan before he could file past with the other bishops。
〃In the King's service; Excellency;〃 he murmured; thrusting the
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