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those offenders be spared; I suspect that you will find at least a few of those men no longer fit to hold high episcopal office。
〃Regarding those elections; I will say only that I am aware of the qualifications of some of the candidates considered during your deliberations two years ago and believe that some of those men are probably even more qualified now than they were then。 I am sure you will give them all due consideration; as well as new candidates who have e to notice since。 Several weeks ago; after consultation with …several of my temporal advisors; I gave Archbishop Cardiel a letter outlining some of my own observations and remendations regarding candidates known to me。 He will share that information with you at the appropriate time。 I trust I need not remind you; however; that you and those you elect wield and shall wield extensive temporal power as well as spiritual and that your choices must; therefore; be considered in a temporal light as well。 The events of the past few years and of last summer; in particular; have shown us amply that it is no longer sufficient for a bishop merely to be a pious churchman and shepherd of his flock。 He also must be an administrator and sometimes a politician… though I should point out that he ought never to allow his spiritual obligations to be overshadowed by the latter occupation。 In the matter of elections; then; I shall simply wish you clear minds; honest hearts; and souls that listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit; as you deliberate to choose new Shepherds of the Flock。〃
A mild stirring whispered through the chapter house at that; as Kelson paused to dab again at his miserable nose… which was beginning to tickle; in the warmth from the fire…pot…but he knew he could quell that with his next statement。
〃The third point I wish to address concerns one of your number no longer with us…Bishop Henry Istelyn; of blessed and much missed memory; who; I believe; is to be considered for canonization。〃
The murmuring instantly ceased。 He knew he had their plete and undivided attention。
〃I can only say that my own dealings with His Excellency were always of the most satisfactory nature and that his loyalty to crown and cross was unshaken to the end。 If martyrs have merit; if only in providing examples to all of us; then surely Henry Istelyn was one such shining example and ought surely to be recognized for the courageous and godly life he lived; as I am sure Our Lord already has recognized him in heaven。 It is my fervent wish that at some time not very far in the future; we shall be able to make official petitions to Saint Henry Istelyn; Bishop and Martyr。〃
A sigh of agreement whispered through the hall at that; and Kelson knew he had set the stage properly for the last and most difficult thing he had to say to them this afternoon。 This was the one that was most important; in the long view; and would require the most delicate balance。 He wished he could think more clearly。
〃Finally;〃 he said…and here several of his listeners shifted uneasily in their seats。 〃Finally; I would mend to your careful consideration the continued modification of the Ramos Conventions; which have governed the interpretation of our law; both civil and canon; for nearly two hundred years。 I will not attempt to tell you that all the statutes of Ramos should be struck down; for they should not。 Nor will I deny that some of the statutes are worthy and honorable laws。
〃But for those laws dealing specifically with members of any particular…let us be candid; gentlemen。 For those laws dealing specifically with those known as Deryni; I would ask your careful and prayerful consideration。
〃Civil law regarding Deryni has been gradually changing in the past few decades; as individual Deryni have begun guardedly to prove their worth and loyalty to the crown… as was surely true in many instances even during the worst of the Interregnum times。 My own father; may he rest in peace; dared to rescind or amend several of the most troublesome civil statutes; such as those forbidding even Deryni of proven loyalty to hold office or noble titles or even to own land; like any yeoman farmer。
〃But canon law has not been as forgiving of what; I begin to believe; was more often political avarice; such as I warned you of earlier; than any moral or spiritual deficiency inherent in Deryni as a people。 You; yourselves; in the past year; finally have agreed that the death penalty ought not to be imposed on a Deryni who simply seeks; in the passion of a true vocation; to be ordained a priest…though; thank God; no test of this deviation from the still…extant section of the Ramos statutes has been called for。 I wonder if most of you even know how; over the last two centuries; the discovery of would…be Deryni priests has been ensured。〃
〃Do you know; Sire?〃 called a voice from the right side of the hall。
〃Who asked that?〃 he countered; searching the upturned faces。 〃Speak up。 You won't be punished for your honest question…I swear it。〃
Slowly a man in the black habit and blue girdle of the Ordo Vox Dei stood。 Kelson noted him well for further investigation; then nodded for him to be seated。
〃Yes; I know;〃 he said quietly。 〃Not all the details of implementation; but I am aware of the method itself。 Steps are being taken to deal with it; for it is the hand of man; not God; which singles out so and which has sent so many to the flames。〃
〃Has Bishop McLain told you this。 Sire?〃 asked another man; from the left; though Kelson saw him before he finished speaking and fixed him with his gaze。
〃Bishop McLain knows about it now; but he was not the one who told me。 Nor was he the instrument of his own salvation when he was ordained; more than twenty years ago。〃
There。 Let them sweat that little piece of information; to prepare them for the likelihood that others besides Duncan might have gotten past their precious system。 He dared not look at Arilan; who must be even more on edge than he was。
〃I put it to you that an entire rethinking of the Deryni question is in order; gentlemen。 Man's ways are fallible; as God's are not。 God calls men to be His priests when and where and how He wills; whether they be human or Deryni or some mixture of the two。 It is time to remove all human penalties whatsoever from this crime that is not and has never been a crime; and to judge a man's worthiness for the priesthood by the kind of life he leads…not by the gifts he may or may not have been born with。 If you insist upon maintaining this cold and illogical stance regarding Deryni; then you do me no honor either…though all of you have sworn to defend and uphold me; as I have sworn to defend and uphold you。 For my mother; however vehemently she may try to deny it; has given me a legacy of Deryni blood that I value no less highly than the Haldane blood that runs in my veins。 I pray you; keep that in mind as you deliberate in these next weeks。〃

A day of darkness and of gloominess; a day of clouds and of thick darkness。
Joel 2:2
Rain was still bucketing down by late afternoon; when Kelson had finished his speech; both archbishops had addressed 。the assembly; and the synod had adjourned to the archbishop's palace for supper。 Kelson's co
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