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and filled by the time the prelates finished disciplining their wayward brethren。 Father Lael had shown Kelson a list of the seven itinerant bishops who were not under suspension; assuring him that every one of them would make a point to be present; and Kelson believed it。 He and the little priest had linked up all seven names with faces while they waited for Mass to begin; between Kelson's sneezes。 Lael had never used precisely the imagery of vultures gathering to dine off the carcasses of their fallen fellows; but that was the impression with which Kelson was left。
And if some of the itinerant bishops expected to bee titled; then their offices would fall vacant … to be filled; perhaps; from the ranks of the many abbots and priors and other high ranking churchmen who had also made a point to be present for consideration。 It was far worse than the jockeying and maneuvering that had gone on to choose the last Bishop of Meara。 This synod must replace that office again and also choose several more prelates。 Kelson wondered if there had been so profound a shakeup of the episcopate since the first massive reorganizations following the Restoration。
〃Wele to Valoret; Sire;〃 Archbishop Bradene said; bowing over Kelson's hand when the king had ascended the steps of the dais and bent his knee to kiss the primate's ring。 〃I am most sorry that our prayers were not more efficacious in bringing finer weather for your journey。 Perhaps you would have been better served had you ridden directly here with Archbishop Cardiel and Bishops Arilan and Wolfram after your knighting … on the occasion of which; incidentally; all of our colleagues here present who were not able to witness that most momentous event offer their most sincere congratulations; along with their prayers that Your Majesty may ever find the fulfillment of your knightly vows a joy; rather than a burden。〃
〃Thank you; my Lord Archbishop;〃 Kelson murmured; waving off a monk who was trying to approach surreptitiously with the chair the chamberlain had ordered。 〃Thank you; Father; I'll stand; after all。 It will encourage me to be brief。 Pardon me; my lords。〃
He stepped up between the two archbishops; gathering up the edges of his cloak to hop over the fireport; then turned and pushed it nearer the edge of the dais with his boot; so he could stand behind it and still be even with the archbishops。 The warmth was blessed respite from the cold and damp he had just left outside ; and he shook the front edges of his cloak a little to either side to trap and hold the heat。 The fur…lined wool was a deep; subdued crimson; so dark as to be almost black in the dim light; and parted to show only the white gleam of his knight's belt against unadorned grey as he held his gloved hands over the firepot to warm them。 The hilt of a dagger protruded from one boot top; but that was his only visible weapon。 He wore no apparent jewelry save his golden circlet and the Eye of Rom that had been his father's。
〃Pray; be seated; my lords。 The rain has me a trifle indisposed; so I hope you will forgive me if what I say seems more blunt than my usual wont。〃
As the assembly obeyed; settling with an expectant murmur; Kelson rubbed his gloved hands together a few times; surveying his audience; then gave his nose what he hoped would be the last wipe for a while and tucked his handkerchief into one sleeve。
〃I bid you good afternoon。 Reverend Lords;〃 he said; warming his hands again as he inclined his head in respect。 〃I thank you for your felicitations and for the opportunity to address you before you begin your deliberations。 Many of you I have met before; but I have yet to make some of your acquaintances。 If I do not succumb to this chill I seem to have taken from the rain that Father Eiroy assures me will not last forty days and nights…though it could last for thirty and nine; he tells me…I shall look forward to meeting all of you this evening at dinner。〃
His quip brought a modest ripple of amusement; but Kelson feared it might be the last such as he hooked his thumbs in his belt and prepared to make the transition to the real meat of what he had to say。
〃Now; as I have assured many of you in the past; I value your advice and counsel greatly; in temporal as well as spiritual matters。 I hope; therefore; that you will not think it too presumptuous if I offer my advice and counsel on a few of the spiritual matters which you will be considering during this synod。〃
A few murmurs whispered through their ranks at that; but he had not expected otherwise。 At least they were not hostile。 And he was feeling better; now that he was speaking to them; having to think on his feet。 He simply must be careful that he was not too candid and risk turning them against him。
〃First of all; I do not envy you your task of disciplining those among your number; none present here today…〃 He quirked them a grateful smile。 〃…who broke faith with you and with me during the unfortunate business of last summer。 As you no doubt have already been informed; I rendered justice then…with the advice and consent of Archbishop Cardiel and Bishop McLain…to three clerics whose treason against me and against your chosen hierarchy was so great that; in conscience; I should have felt pelled to intervene if the Church had not herself voluntarily surrendered them to temporal justice。
〃Fortunately; the crimes of all three individuals were such that there was no disagreement among their superiors and myself regarding disposition。 Former Archbishop Edmund Loris; Monsignor Lawrence Gorony; and Prince…Bishop Judhael of Meara were executed by my mand in July of last year…the latter primarily for reasons of state; which I regret; though his canonical betrayals and disobediences were such that his superiors did not dispute the political necessity; under the circumstances。 And it is my understanding that the other two would have been hanged by an ecclesiastical court; had I not been there to do it。
〃With those three executions; and several more purely secular ones necessitated by trial of certain individuals for particular crimes against chivalry and the conventions of wartime; the letter of the king's justice has been satisfied。 I seek no additional deaths; for far too many have died already as a result of last summer's treachery and its terrible aftermath。 However; I wish it noted that; should you see fit to impose the death penalty on additional parties involved in the Mearan unpleasantness; I will support your decision。 I believe there are eight men in question; all of them bishops; all of them now in custody of the Archbishop of Valoret。〃
He let them ruminate that for a moment while he paused to cough and blow his nose。 That part had not been too difficult。 He had simply been reiterating what most of them already knew。 Nor was the next topic apt to draw much controversy。
〃The second item I wish to address is connected with the first; for it concerns the election of a successor to the See of Meara; presently vacant; and of successors to those vacancies likely to be created by your actions in the first item…for even if the lives of some or all of those offenders be spared; I suspect that you will find at least a few of those men no longer fit to
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