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〃But when will be our time and place; Rothana? Did you mean what passed between us earlier; or were you only telling me what you thought I wanted to hear; to save your honor?〃
She lowered her eyes and swallowed noisily。 〃What passed between us earlier was very real; my lord;〃 she answered。 〃As for our time and place; I can only say that I… have already mentioned to my abbess that I begin to doubt my vocation。 I'm sure she thinks it has to do with the attack on the abbey last summer。 I have not told her the true reason or mentioned your name; of course。〃
Kelson allowed himself a smile; more relieved than he could say; and took both her hands in his; though he only held them close between them at chest level。
〃The old harridan。 When she finds out what or who's behind it; she'll probably think I've tried to promise your virtue。 Which I have…tried; at least…but what happens next? I'll tell her you wouldn't be swayed; if that will help。〃
A smile escaped Rothana's lips; but she would not look up at him; and he suddenly realized how difficult this must be for her。
〃The next step is to ask for a dispensation from my vows;〃 she said steadily。 〃I made them to the Bishop of Meara; who is dead and has no present successor; so my request can go directly to the archbishop。 I am certain it will be granted without difficulty; especially when I tell him the true reason for my request。〃
Kelson allowed himself a wry chuckle。 〃Are you joking? There'll be dancing in the streets。 They've been after me to marry again almost since they closed Sidana's tomb。〃
His face clouded as he saw Sidana's ring on his hand; and he wondered suddenly whether he dared to offer it to Rothana…as a pledge only; for he knew it would not do to seal even a promise of a second marriage with the symbol of old blood。
〃What is it; my lord?〃 Rothana whispered。
〃This ring you've always seen me wear;〃 he murmured; rubbing his thumb over it; though he did not release her hands。 〃I…don't suppose you ever knew that it was Sidana's ring。 I wore it initially to remind me of the vow I made to bring her murderers to justice。 I've worn it since then to remind me that I wanted never again to have to wed for reasons of state。 I wouldn't want you to wear it…and it's tainted with her blood…but if you're willing; I'd like you to keep it while I'm gone; as a sign that she and all of that are behind me。〃
〃I am deeply moved; my lord;〃 she said; searching his eyes with hers。 〃Are you sure you want to do this?〃
〃As sure as I am that I want you to be my wife when I return;〃 he said; slipping the ring off his finger and holding it out to her。 〃Because of your vows; this isn't a betrothal or even a promise of betrothal; but it's my personal mitment to readdress the subject when we're both free to do so。 And if; while I'm away; you should decide that you've changed your mind; that this was all just a pleasant flight of fancy wound up in the romance of knighthood and court intrigues; you have only to return the ring。 No explanations will be necessary。〃
He quirked her a wry smile to dispel her solemn expression as she took the ring and closed it in her fist。
〃I have to qualify it that way; Rothana;〃 he added; pausing to brush her closed hand with his lips。 〃I've done all of this without reckoning on God。 Technically; you still belong to Him。 And I won't pete with Him; despite the fact that I've already driven my own blood brother to blasphemy on the subject。〃
〃Dhugal? Does he know?〃
〃More than I knew; until tonight;〃 Kelson said。 〃No one else does; though。〃
〃Well; they'll know if I don't soon rescue Sister Marian and go on to bed;〃 Rothana whispered。 〃Not yours; my lord; though you sorely tempt me; despite my vows。 And I mustn't miss the night Offices; or we shall have more than Dhugal suspicious。〃
〃I could just tell Duncan and Alaric;〃 Kelson ventured; folding her in his arms again and nuzzling at her throat。 〃They're going to know anyway; eventually。〃
〃Eventually; but not tonight;〃 she said; drawing back to look him in the eyes。 〃And not before you leave。 I doubt not that they would keep their peace; my lord; but if it were to bee known while I am still under vows; it could promise my honor。 Your bride must be virginal above reproach when she gives herself to you before God's altar。〃
Kelson sighed。 Her logic was inescapable。
〃Very well; then。 Shall I see you tomorrow; before we leave?〃
〃Why; of course; my lord;〃 she said gaily; giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek and drawing back farther; only her hands in his。 〃I shall be waving a kerchief with all the other ladies of the court; to wish the brave young knights Godspeed on their quest。 And I shall pray for your safe and speedy return。〃
He stood there gazing at her for several heartbeats; then slowly nodded。
〃I shall treasure the sight; my heart;〃 he whispered。 〃 But may I not hope for a more lingering kiss to last the summer long?〃
Shyly she stepped toward him; their joined hands lifting to either side but not separating; only their lips meeting between。 It was a chaste kiss on the mouth; sweet and lingering after they had drawn apart; but no more。 And Kelson was content as he watched her go。 He stayed a few more minutes to breathe in the sharp chill of the night air to clear his senses; then himself headed off in the opposite direction; to rejoin Dhugal; Duncan; and Morgan。
And from a tiny window overlooking the garden; Conall sipped at a goblet of rich; red wine and observed all with more than passing interest…and had seen almost the entire exchange; though even near…Deryni senses could not discern what was said。
The actions had been clear enough; however…clear enough for Conall to decide that he would not have drawn back when Kelson had; sparing Rothana her virtue。 Were it he instead of Kelson in the garden darkness with Rothana; he would even now be enjoying her lithe; sweet body; making it tremble beneath his; taking her as his own in a way that even her vows could not set aside; if he then demanded that she accept his suit of marriage or else face having her dishonor made public。
For it was Rothana on whom Conall had set his sights; since escorting her and her sister nuns back from Cuilteine the previous summer; and it was Rothana whom he meant to wed; however he could; regardless of what dear Cousin Kelson might desire。
As he tossed off the rest of his wine and prepared to go to his own assignation; he wondered whether Tiercel had some means of encouraging a lady's affections…though Conall knew that influencing a Deryni woman would involve far more risk than bending any mere human quarry to his will。 He had done that before; starting with Vanissa and not ending with several serving maids and ladies of the court。
But Rothana…here was a bride fit for a prince; and especially for a prince now nearly Deryni。 And if Conall could; he meant to win her openly; perhaps right from under the nose of Kelson。 Neither he nor the king would be able to pursue the matter for the next few months; but when they returned 。。。
He heard the bells in the basilica ringing pline and he pulled a dark cloak over his indoor attire。 It was time to meet his mentor。 Tiercel had promised an extraordinary lesson for to
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