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He heard the bells in the basilica ringing pline and he pulled a dark cloak over his indoor attire。 It was time to meet his mentor。 Tiercel had promised an extraordinary lesson for tonight; surpassing anything Conall had experienced before。
And after that; Conall would see about Tiercel procuring him a bride。

Teach me; and I will hold my tongue。
Job 6:24
Conall tried to put out of mind what he had seen as he made his way toward the library; where he was to meet Tiercel。 Fantasies of bedding the fair Rothana were not conducive to the kind of concentration his mentor usually demanded of him; and he had no idea what to expect from tonight's session。 Tiercel's message had said only to be in the library an hour after pline。 It was not one of their usual meeting places; but Conall had e to expect the unusual when dealing with Deryni。
The library was still and quiet as Conall entered…but he knew he was a little early。 Shielding his rushlight with a cupped hand; he paused a moment with his back to the closed door to look around。 He did not e here often。 Reading held little interest for Conall unless it concerned military strategy and tactics。 His Uncle Brion had amassed a fair collection of scrolls and bound books on such subjects; several of which Conall had nearly memorized by now; but Kelson's tastes ran more to histories and; increasingly; to obscure esoteric subjects…though; in light of what Conall had been learning recently; perhaps some of them were not as obscure as Conall first had thought。
Kelson had even expanded the library since Brion's time; cutting a connecting doorway through to an adjacent room to house his growing collection。 Conall remembered the uproar; two winters ago; when Kelson had had the work done; breaking through the thick interior wall and then sealing off the new room's former door from the outside corridor; so that access could only be had through the library。 It seemed a great deal of trouble; when the library simply could have been moved to larger quarters; but perhaps Kelson wanted to retain the link with his father。 Conall could understand that。
What he did not understand was why Tiercel had instructed him to e here rather than one of their usual rendezvous points。 So far as he knew; Tiercel had never ventured into the keep before; it was far too risky; even for a skilled Deryni who could make guards forget he had passed。
Still puzzled; but impatient now; Conall moved on between the rows of shelves; heading for the second chamber。 That was probably a better place to wait; just in case anyone came looking for some late…night reading。 The temperature seemed to drop as he drew aside the heavy curtain across the connecting doorway and ducked to go through; but the feeling passed as he straightened on the other side。 Shelves had been added across the opposite wall since he last had been here; but the room was still barer than he had expected。 He also thought he was alone until a silvery glow suddenly flared in the deep window embrasure and Tiercel stepped out; only his face visible against the dark stuff of his hooded cloak; lit by the sphere of handfire in his gloved left hand。
〃Oh; so you are here;〃 Conall murmured; turning to face him squarely。
〃Yes; but not for long…either of us。 Someone might e。 Besides; I have important things to show you tonight。〃
〃All right。 Where do you want to go? Dhugal's room has that secret passage that can let you out in the castle yard or even outside the keep; if it es to that。 He'll never know。 He and Duncan are dining with Morgan in Kelson's apartments。 When I get back from the progress; I mean to speak to Kelson about that room。 I should have had it; not Dhugal。〃
Tiercel's grin flashed in the shadow of his hood。
〃Ah; Duncan's dining with the king; is he? Good。 That eliminates one potential problem。 Blow out your rushlight and put it over in that niche。 You won't need it where we're going。〃
The instruction gave Conall a twinge of apprehension; but he did as Tiercel ordered。 When he turned back; the Deryni lord had pulled off one glove with his teeth and was hunkered down in the middle of the floor; brushing his bare hand over one of the stone flags。 His handfire still hovered at head level above him。
〃What are you doing?〃 Conall murmured; ing closer to crouch beside Tiercel。
〃Do you see the edges of this flagstone?〃 Tiercel said; with an amused glance up at Conall。 〃Notice that it's the only pletely square one here in the center of the room。〃
〃Yes。 Why?〃
〃Lay your hands flat inside the square and tell me what you feel。〃
Without answering; Conall obeyed。 〃It tingles;〃 he murmured; quickly shifting one hand outside the square to pare the difference; then putting it back beside the other。 〃There's magic here; isn't there? What does it do?〃
〃That; my friend; is a Transfer Portal;〃 Tiercel said; standing and dusting his hand against his leather…clad thigh as Conall did the same。 〃It's a Deryni way of getting somewhere in a hurry。 More specifically; that's the Transfer Portal that Charissa used to gain access to the library the night before your cousin Kelson's coronation。 Morgan and Duncan found it a couple of years ago。 That's why all this was done。〃 He gestured around him to indicate the room。
〃In any case; I felt you ought to know about such things; so I've decided to give you your first taste of Portal travel tonight…and as sort of a reward for your hard work all winter。 It isn't something I ordinarily remend just for recreational purposes; since it does use energy; especially if one has to go very far; but there are three I'd like to show you here in Rhemuth; all quite close。 This is the first。〃
Conall glanced at the innocuous…looking flagstone again。 He had heard his father and Morgan speak of Portals before and had a vague notion what they did; but he had never seen one and certainly had never suspected there was one right here in the library。
〃Whenever I've heard of Portals; I've always pictured a door;〃 he murmured。 〃There's nothing here but a square on the floor。〃
Tiercel smiled。 〃Oh; there's far more than that; my practical young friend。 Stand here in front of me; inside the boundary of the square; and close your eyes。 There isn't going to be anything to see; anyway。〃
He quenched the handfire as he guided Conall into place and set his hands on the younger man's shoulders from behind; standing close and shifting one hand farther around Conall's neck to span lightly across the carotid pulse points with the vee of his thumb and first two fingers。
〃Go ahead。 Close your eyes。 And let down your shields。 This first time; all I want you to do is relax as much as you can and let your mind be as still as possible。 I'll do the rest。 The first time; the sensation of the actual jump is a little startling; but you mustn't fight it or me。 If you do; I'll have to help you along。 Relax now。〃
Though Conall did as he was directed; stilling his mind easily under his mentor's guidance; he still could feel his heartbeat pulsating under the increasing pressure of Tiercel's fingers。 But then; in a sudden; sickening swoop of vertigo that made him clutch instinctively at Tiercel's arm to keep from falling; the pressure was re
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