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No trace of Conall's usual resentment marred the moment as Kelson returned the oath; pledging his justice and protection for Conall's loyalty; and then raised Conall up with words of honest congratulation。 He gave Conall his full moment of unshared glory while his parents and brothers embraced and weled him to his newly adult status。 Only when Conall had put on the coronet of his rank and taken a seat on a stool to his right; just to the other side of Nigel's chair; did Kelson turn to glance at Morgan; still waiting behind and to Kelson's immediate right。 Morgan stepped forward at Kelson's slight nod。
〃Duke Alaric; I believe it is your intention to sponsor the next candidate。 Please bring him forward。〃
Whispered asides rippled all through the hall as Morgan made his way down the aisle to where Dhugal waited; many a curious glance looking for Duncan; now legally and openly recognized as Dhugal's father; but apparently to have no part in the knighting of his son。 By most folk's reckoning; that was only as it should be…for; notwithstanding the decree of the archbishop's tribunal; the oddness of a bishop with a legitimate son still had many people off balance。 An act of legitimation might have removed the last legal and religious impediment to Dhugal's reception of the accolade or succession to his father's titles; but there would always be those who continued to call him bastard; especially as his Deryni heritage became more widely known。 Fortunately; most folk had not yet made that connection; just as most preferred not to believe that Duncan really was Deryni; no public evidence having been presented to the contrary。
Today; therefore; Duncan was present; to be sure; but he had attempted to appear no kind of a bishop; lest his episcopal presence further confuse the court's reception of his son。 Rather than standing on the dais with the king; as was his due as bishop or duke; he waited anonymously in the ranks of other; lesser nobles e to witness the day's ceremonies; but with no part to play。 He also had eschewed his customary purple cassock in favor of a dove grey tunic and breeches of very conservative cut; with a plaid of McLain tartan brooched to his left shoulder and across his chest; green and black and white。 A soft grey cap of maintenance covered most of his tonsured brown hair; fur turned up around the edge almost to obscure the simple; cross…embellished coronet of silver circling the crown…the only hint of either ducal or episcopal rank。
Rather than a sword; he wore a border dirk at his hip; its pommel and scabbard set with cairngorms…for among the highland and border clans; he was chief of his name in addition to his other titles。 A captain…general's chain lay around his shoulders; and the bishop's amethyst on his right hand; if one did not look too closely; could have been simply the ornament of any secular lord。
With those around him; Duncan craned his neck to see; ignoring the faces that turned to watch his reaction as much as Dhugal's; as Morgan escorted Dhugal down the length of the hall…for in that moment; Duncan saw only his son。
Dhugal MacArdry McLain。 He was no longer the rustic border lordling of his upbringing; first fostered from the borders to King Brion's court; where he and Kelson had bound their friendship; then tempered to a true borderman as he rode patrol duty for the man he had thought his sire up until last year。 Today; rather than the distinctive border attire that had bee his personal trademark; he sported the traditional garb of the other knightly candidates; though he still wore his coppery hair pulled back cleanly in a border braid。 The mustache that had been a smudge of reddish down a year before had reached bushy proportions over the past winter; bristling across his upper lip and drooping at the corners of his mouth; but revealing large white teeth when he smiled; which was often; though not now。 He was taller by a handspan; too…nearly Morgan's height as the two of them mounted the dais steps; just before he dropped to his knees。
〃My Liege;〃 Morgan said; from the step behind Dhugal; 〃I am honored to present Lord Dhugat Ardry MacArdry McLain as a candidate for knighthood。〃
〃We are most honored to receive him。 Your Grace;〃 Kelson replied; looking inordinately pleased with himself as he hooked his thumbs in his new white belt and glanced out at the thronged hall; apparently looking for something。 〃But before we proceed with this well…deserved honor; we mand that Duncan; Duke of Cassan; e before us。〃
The mand startled Duncan; and he considered briefly and futilely trying to melt back into the crowd; but eyes were already turning toward him; and he knew there was no escape。 Setting his left hand on the pommel of his dirk; he worked his way reluctantly among those standing between him and the dais; murmuring apologies to those he had to jostle; and made the king a puzzled but respectful bow as he came to a halt beside Morgan and a little behind his son。
〃Thank you; Your Grace;〃 Kelson said。 〃We require your assistance。 Attend us please…here on the dais。〃
As Duncan uneasily mounted the steps; suddenly wondering whether the king planned what Duncan feared he might。 Kelson drew his sword; smoothly reversing it to offer Duncan the hilt across his forearm。
〃I see you're not wearing a sword today…and a man should never be knighted with a dirk…so you can use mine。〃
〃Sire; I…〃
〃e; now。 We've already established that a son should be knighted by his father;〃 Kelson said。 〃Please do the honors。〃
Joy mingled with chagrin and showed on Duncan's face; but before he could even begin trying to explain why he could not oblige; Morgan was at his side; leaning forward to whisper in Kelson's ear。
〃But; that's impossible!〃 Kelson blurted; drawing back to stare at Morgan in astonishment。 〃What do you mean; he was never knighted?〃
〃'Tis true; Sire;〃 Duncan murmured; wishing he could sink through the floor and disappear; for it was this that had made him choose not to sponsor Dhugal; as much as any fear of notoriety from his episcopal office。 〃I was in holy orders by the time I was of age for the accolade。 It was my brother Kevin who was to have carried forward the family honor and name。 After I inherited; it…never occurred to me that I should seek to rectify the matter。〃
〃Well; I'll jolly well rectify it today;〃 Kelson muttered; so low that only Duncan; Morgan; and Dhugal could hear; though Conall strained to catch what they were saying。 〃If I'd known; it could have been done in the field a dozen times over。 Why; good God; man; any knight would have been proud to acknowledge you!〃
He reversed his sword; which had been resting with its point against the carpet at his feet while they disputed; then glanced sharply at Morgan as he let the blade lie back across his right shoulder。
〃Don't even think about lecturing me;〃 he said。 〃Either of you。 I know what I'm doing…and hang those who still think there's anything untoward about a bishop having a legitimate son or being a knight。 Alaric; I'll thank you to loan Duncan your spurs for the occasion。 This won't be as formal as I would have liked; knowing Duncan's penchant for ceremony; but I think he's waited long enough fo
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