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ummers before; whom Kelson had taken hostage the previous summer to ensure Torenthi neutrality while he fought his Mearan campaign。 It was this squiring that was likely to cause an uproar when Kelson revealed it to the Torenthi ambassador waiting for audience just outside the keep; for Liam's regents expected both Liam and his mother; the Lady Morag; to be released by summer's end。 Negotiations to that end were to be held in Cardosa; at the conclusion of Kelson's summer progress; but the Torenthi were not yet aware that only Morag's release would be discussed…and that was contingent upon the king's satisfying himself that Morag and her children's uncle。 Duke Mahael of Arjenol; were not plotting treachery against him; with Morag's sons the first victims。 The youngest; Prince Ronal; was in Mahael's hands already; but the Torenthi duke would not get his hands on Liam as well。
As for Liam himself。 Kelson had plans that he hoped would make the young king an ally rather than an adversary by the time he came of age。 The boy was Deryni; like his mother; but he was ill…trained in the use of his powers and tamed by a year's exposure to the more normal pursuits expected of a noble…born boy of his age。 Kelson expected no trouble from Liam; now receiving his blued…steel squire's spurs from Nigel; and the Lady Morag was not even at court anymore; having been secretly moved to Coroth during the winter。 Richenda was Morag's gaoler now; ably guarding her Deryni hostage while she awaited the birth of her and Morgan's second child。
No; trouble today; if it came; would e from the Torenthi ambassador; even if it only evidenced as a verbal altercation。 As Liam and the last of the new…sworn squires filed back to their places at one side; Ewan remaining among them to curb any youthful restlessness during the lengthy ceremonies to follow; Kelson smiled and put the whole thing out of mind for the moment。 Gradually the hall quieted as the rest of his attendants took up their places to continue。 Vestigial murmurings hushed to utter silence as Nigel came from among the squires and moved before his nephew's throne to bend his knee and speak the ritual phrase。
〃Sire; I would ask a boon of you。〃
〃Name it。 Uncle。 And if it be within my power to grant it; saving my honor and the honor of the realm; I shall gladly do it。〃
〃Then I may ask with joy。 Sire; for I would request that you grant the accolade of knighthood to my eldest son Conall; who today has attained his eighteenth year。〃
〃Right gladly shall I grant it。 Uncle。 Please to bring the candidate before us。〃
With a slight nod to acknowledge the mand; Nigel rose and moved down the steps; sweeping back through the hall to where Conall and the other candidates waited。
There was no mistaking the Haldane lineage of sire or son as Conall came slowly down the hall at his father's side… half a handspan taller than Nigel; if more slightly built; lightly mustached since the previous winter; with night…black hair barbered in the close…shorn style favored by most of the older fighting men; including Nigel; though the king and many of the younger men; including Conall's two brothers; had adopted Dhugal's border braid。 The brooch securing his crimson mantle was larger and more ornate than that of anyone save the king; but beyond that concession to pride; he wore the same traditional raiment of any novice knight; for all that he was a prince。
〃My Liege;〃 Nigel said with a formal bow; as Conall slowly knelt on the bottom step of the dais and bowed his head; his father's hand on his shoulder。 〃I have the honor and privilege to present my eldest son; Prince Conall Blaine Cluim Uthyr; as a candidate for knighthood。〃
Kelson returned the bow with a nod。 〃Let Prince Conall be vested with the spurs。〃
Instantly; Conall's youngest brother; Payne; came proudly forward with the spurs on their damask cushion。 Nigel knelt long enough to affix them; then stood and moved to Conall's left; making Kelson another bow; deeper than the previous ones; before he dropped to one knee。
〃The candidate has been vested with the spurs; Sire。〃
Kelson stood; the sheathed royal sword still held across both hands; and leaned forward to speak quietly to Conall。
〃I mean you no slight; cousin; but may I offer your father the privilege of giving you the accolade? I think it would please him greatly…and he is a far greater knight than I; who have myself been dubbed but a short while ago; and by his hand。〃
Kelson could read the leap of relieved assent in Conall's eyes without recourse to any of his magic and knew he had found the perfect sop to Conall's tender ego; to be spared receiving the accolade from one only months his senior。 He noted pleased approval on Nigel's face as well as he turned his attention there。
〃I think there can be no question of your son's desires; Uncle;〃 he murmured; 〃and rightly so; for you are one of the most honorable knights I know。 May I deputize you to perform this happy duty for your son?〃
Nigel all but grinned as he gave the king a nod and got smoothly to his feet。
〃It will be my privilege and honor。 Sire。〃
〃It is a father's right; if he be a knight himself;〃 Kelson replied。 〃e and stand beside me。 Conall; with what sword would you be knighted?〃
Conall's grey eyes darted to the sword in Kelson's hands and then to his father's face。
〃With all due respect; Sire; I would be knighted with my father's sword。〃
〃So be it。〃 
A murmur of approval whispered through the hall as it gradually became apparent what was about to happen。 Conall's face seemed almost to glow as he raised his eyes to Nigel's and watched his sire draw a sword nearly as distinguished by its battle honors as Kelson's was hallowed by Haldane magic。 Both Jehana and Meraude; Conall's mother; were blinking back tears as Nigel reverently kissed the blade and then raised it above his son's head。
〃In the name of the Father; and of the Son; and of the Holy Spirit; be thou a good and faithful knight;〃 Nigel said; dubbing Conall firmly on both shoulders and the crown of the head。 〃Arise; Sir Conall Haldane。〃
Kelson smiled and made appropriate murmurs of congratulation as Conall was girded with his new white belt by his mother; and presented by his father with a goodly sword that his brother Rory brought forward; but his thoughts were already flying to the next candidate; with whom he shared far more by spiritual kinship than he ever would share by blood with his eldest cousin。 Dhugal had appeared at the far end of the hall now;; waiting with the other candidates to be called forward next; and Kelson sent him a tight…focused greeting; mind to mind; before returning his attention to Conall。 He slipped his sheathed sword into the hangers at his belt as the newly dubbed Conall knelt once more and placed his hands between the king's to swear him fealty。
〃I; Conall; Prince of Gwynedd; do bee your liege man of life and limb and earthly worship; and faith and truth will I bear unto you; to live and to die; against all manner of folk; so help me God。〃
No trace of Conall's usual resentment marred the moment as Kelson returned the oath; pledging his justice and protection for Conall's loyalty; and then raised Conall up with words of honest
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