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 enough for the honor。 Duncan; will you please kneel! I can't knight you if you insist on standing up。〃
Misgivings still loomed in Duncan's mind; for fear Kelson might one day rue this act of friendship untempered by more considered reason; but Morgan's resigned grin; as he knelt on the steps and began unbuckling one of his gilded spurs; told Duncan it was no use appealing to him。 He fell to his knees; removing his cap and coronet as he did so; and the delighted Dhugal stood and backed off a pace to watch。
〃My lords and ladies;〃 Kelson said; lifting his head to address the mystified court…most of whom had no idea what was going on。 〃It seems that we have mitted a grave injustice against our most loyal Duke of Cassan。〃 He controlled a grin as Morgan eased closer on his knees to slip the first spur onto Duncan's right heel。 〃In asking said duke to knight his son; as is often done; we find that we have inadvertently asked the impossible of him…for only a knight may make a knight; and we find that Duncan McLain has never himself received the accolade。
〃That certainly is not for want of merit;〃 he added; holding up his empty hand to still a murmur of surprise; 〃for on the basis of last summer's campaign alone; he could have been knighted many times over。 Nor is there any doubt that he has served our crown most loyally; in any number of different areas; since our accession。〃
Morgan had by now finished with the second spur and bit back a pleased grin as he rose and slipped his sheathed sword from its holders to hand it to Dhugal before stripping off his white belt。
〃It is therefore my honor and privilege to confer upon you; Duncan Howard McLain; the ancient and honorable estate of knighthood。〃 Kelson raised the Haldane sword and brought the flat of the blade down smartly on Duncan's right shoulder。 〃In the name of the Father; and of the Son…〃 The blade shifted to the left shoulder; 〃…and of the Holy Spirit…〃 The blade came to rest upon his head。 〃…be thou a good and faithful knight; as thou hast been hitherto。〃
He raised the blade and again rested it across his right shoulder。 〃Rise; Sir Duncan; and be vested with the white belt of thy rank。〃 He glanced at Duchess Meraude rather than his mother。 〃Aunt; would you perform this service?〃
Meraude came forward willingly as Duncan rose; receiving the worn leather from Morgan with a grave nod and taking her time as she slid it around Duncan's waist to fasten it。
〃I imagine you know that the white belt is a symbol of chastity;〃 she whispered; as she worked the knot。 〃Which is not necessarily the same as celibacy; as I'm sure you also know; though it can mean that as well; for you…now。 Your son is very lucky to have such a father。 This is a well…deserved honor。〃
〃Why; thank you; my lady;〃 Duncan murmured; surprised; for he had not realized Meraude regarded him so highly。
〃There;〃 Meraude said aloud; backing off to make him a little curtsey。 〃Be thou steadfast and true; Sir Knight。〃
〃My lady; with all my heart I shall endeavor to do so。〃
〃Good。 That's done;〃 Kelson said; rising up and down on the balls of his feet in a posture very reminiscent of his father。 〃You've already given me your fealty as a duke and your homage as a bishop; so I think we can dispense with any further oaths。 I believe we were about to knight your son。〃
He snapped his fingers for Brendan; Morgan's seven…year…old stepson; to bring Dhugal's spurs forward; and Dhugal gave the lad Morgan's sword before dropping to his knees again; grinning from ear to ear。
〃Let the candidate be vested with the spurs。〃
Doing his best not to chuckle at the coup the king had just acplished against both the court and Duncan; Morgan took the spurs and bent to do the honors; leaving Duncan to exchange uneasy glances with the king as he put on his cap and coronet again。 Morgan knew what argument Duncan was about to offer; and about how much good it would do。
〃Kelson; I'm flattered beyond reckoning; but are you sure you want me to do this?〃 Duncan murmured; as Morgan finished with the spurs。 〃I think I understand what you're trying to achieve; but Dhugal is your blood brother。 That's important; too。 Don't you think it's more appropriate that he have the link of chivalry with you?'
〃He'll have that; by my having knighted you;〃 Kelson said; setting the hilt of his father's sword in Duncan's hand with an expression that brooked no further argument。 〃He'll also have it through my sword。〃
Read him; if you don't believe me。 Kelson continued; mind to mind。 Do you think he could lie; in a situation like this; given what we are?
Swallowing; Duncan glanced at his son and read the awe and adoration there; catching a little of Dhugal's wonder at the glitter of the Haldane blade heavy in his hand。 Its weight brought to mind another matter weighing heavily upon Duncan for the past three days; and all at once he knew how that quandary; as well; must be resolved。 He had no doubt that Dhugal would approve; nor would Morgan have any objections。 And his meek; tentative query to the king returned royal approval and even glee; almost before he could frame the silent question with his mind。
〃So be it; then;〃 he murmured aloud; squaring his shoulders resolutely as he let a tendril of his coiled; tight…leashed power probe into the royal blade。
It held the magic of a long line of Haldanes…no doubt of that。 With his Deryni senses; Duncan could feel it pulsing in his fist。 Trembling; he steadied it with his other hand on the pommel so that he could bring it slowly to his lips to kiss the sacred relic encased in its hilt and; in doing so; loosed his own Deryni essence to show as silver light along the blade…a light that flowed bright as water down the steel and welled as quickly up his hands and arms to settle like a cloak of light around his head and shoulders; openly and unmistakably Deryni at last。 The awed gasp of those watching was immediately caught in rapt silence as Duncan dipped the glowing blade; two…handed; toward Dhugal's right shoulder。
〃In the name of the Father。〃 The blade touched。 〃And of the Son。〃 The blade shifted to the left shoulder。 〃And of the Holy Spirit。 Amen。〃
But as the sword touched the crown of Dhugal's head; and Duncan sighted down the blade to his son's eyes; Dhugal's own Deryni aura flared like a halo around his coppery hair; sunburst golden; his eyes blazing an exultation so fierce that the rest of the formula nearly went out of Duncan's head。
〃Be thou a good and faithful knight; my son;〃 Duncan managed to say; himself surprised at the steadiness of his voice and the pristine silence into which his words fell。 〃Be faithful and true; and may God prosper thee in thy great love for Him and for our Lord the King。〃
〃Amen to that!〃 Kelson said heartily; daring anyone to gainsay it as Duncan lifted the blade to kiss the hilt again; and first his and then Dhugal's auras died away。 〃Rise; Sir Dhugal; and receive the other tokens of thy new…made knighthood。〃
As Dhugal rose; proud tears shimmering in his eyes; Duncan whispered; 〃Thank you。 Sire;〃 and reversed the blade again; offering it back to Kelson across his forearm as he bent his knee once more。
And though you did not ask it; Duncan continued; mind t
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