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 statement of protest against her son's way of life。 The queen's sole concession to rank this morning was a cross…embellished circlet holding her veil in place; which paled almost to insignificance beside the jewels and Haldane crimson worn by Meraude; the only other woman seated on the dais。 Even the men outshone her…Nigel; resplendent in a heraldic surcoat richly appliqued with his arms in silk and gold bullion; a voluminous mantle of Haldane crimson falling from his shoulders; collared with black fox; old Ewan in his fur…lined robes of fine wool and highland tartans; and Morgan…
Of course; if Morgan had wanted to; he could have overshadowed every other person in the hall by his mere presence。 He could wear sack cloth and ashes and still be more a prince than most men born to the purple and dressed in the richest raiment and most costly jewels。 Clad in forest green velvet as he was today; ducally crowned with gold and with Kelson's sword in his hands; he looked like some elemental godling…sunlight on forest leaves and pine boughs; puissant and vital; but focused only on his king and liege。
It was Morgan who approached Kelson now; to bow his golden head and lay the sheathed sword of state across his king's outstretched hands…the royal sword; King Brion's sword; a potent symbol handed down through the Haldane line for generations…and sometimes; in the duly consecrated hands of an anointed Haldane king; a magical implement。 King Brion was more than four years dead now; but his legacy both of crown and of magic seemed secure at last in this slender eighteen…year…old who had just been dubbed knight。 Kelson wondered; as he brought the hilt of the sword to his own lips in salute; whether Brion would have approved of what his son had done with the kingdom left him so untimely; he wished his father could have lived to see this day。
At least Morgan had lived to see it…Alaric Morgan; the Deryni Duke of Corwyn; who had been closer to Brion Haldane than probably any other man。 It was Morgan to whom Kelson owed much of what he had gained in the four years of his kingship; even unto survival itself; for Morgan; like a handful of others present in the hall today; was of the seemingly slim minority of his Deryni race who had always turned their awesome powers to the service of the Light…despite the Church's longtime suspicion of such powers。
Such service was Morgan's lot today; if of a less than magical sort; as he lent the weight of his own achievements as a knight to assist in the knighting of his king。 Morgan's swift; boldly defiant thought of Deryni congratulation slipped into Kelson's mind with an impression of delighted laughter as the king solemnly crossed the dais to kneel briefly before Bishops Cardiel; Arilan; and Wolfram for their blessing。 The golden spurs of Kelson's new…made knighthood chimed on the Kheldish carpet as he returned to take his seat on the throne of Gwynedd and laid his father's sword across his knees。 As soon as his mother and Nigel had also sat; the king took his state crown from the cushion that his cousin Rory offered on bended knee。
Prince Rory Haldane; Nigel's second son。 As Kelson put on his crown and nodded Rory his thanks; waiting for the participants in his own knighting to rearrange themselves for the next set of ceremonies; he found himself almost wishing that it was Rory being knighted today; instead of Rory's older brother。 Rory had always been such a merry child… in sharp contrast to the sulky and sometimes petty Conall。 And his skill with weapons; though yet untried in battle; was everything one might hope from one of Nigel's sons; even at fourteen。
But Rory's knighting would not even be an issue for another four years。 Only rarely was the accolade given before a candidate turned eighteen; and hardly ever to royal princes; who must set the example。 After all; most young men were not ready for knighthood before the age of eighteen; and many were still immature at twenty or more。 Kelson feared that such might be the eventual case with Conall。
Still; if one dared not knight a royal prince early; so could one hardly decline to knight him; once he came of age for the honor…not if one hoped to keep his ambitions in check and retain his loyalty in the future。 Conall no doubt found life difficult enough; forever being pushed into second place by the accident of birth that made Kelson king and Conall only the eldest son of a second son; though the blood of Haldane kings flowed in the veins of both。 By giving Conall precedence over all candidates but the king himself on this important day…for that was his rightful place; as heir of a royal duke…perhaps some of Conall's increasing restlessness could be mollified。 Kelson had also given him an official seat on the privy council to mark his ing of age。 Surely more experience would temper him into a proper knight and prince。
But Conall's loyalty was not in question today。 Nor was he at all unworthy of the honor soon to be bestowed upon him。 Like all of the young men being dubbed today; Conall had more or less proven himself during the Mearan campaign the previous summer。 If he had not precisely distinguished himself; at least he had not disgraced himself or his family。 Following in the footsteps of a father like Nigel was asking a great deal of any novice knight。
The king scanned the hall again; impatient to continue; as old Duke Ewan bowed himself from the dais and went to escort the troop of young boys who would be sworn to pages' and squires' service next。 The break also would set off Conall's knighting further from the shadow of following Kelson's; by making him first of the remaining knightings。 Only now; with the first; personal intensity of the day safely past; did Kelson truly have time to notice that the great hall was filled almost to capacity by those who had e to see their king and his panions knighted。 Even the side galleries were thronged with ladies and pages…and watchful Haldane archers; gently dressed and with bows well concealed behind arras and railings; but ready to deal with anything untoward that might transpire later on…for there were political ramifications to the taking of one of the squires a little later in the ceremony。
The youngest boys came first; ages six to ten; to kneel and pipe their carefully rehearsed oaths in chorus at the foot of the dais steps before Nigel and Ewan invested each with the crimson tabard of Haldane pages' livery。 After that; the new crop of junior squires approached; a dozen or so; most of them twelve to fourteen years of age and already seasoned by several years' duty as pages。
These swore their oaths individually; each one being assigned to a particular knight who would act as his sponsor until he achieved full knighthood。 Kelson took two into his direct service; one to replace the junior squire moving into the place vacated by Jatham's forthing knighting and another simply to assist with the increasing work as Kelson became busier and in need of more assistance。
Nigel also took a new squire…the ten…year…old King Liam of Torenth; a vassal of Kelson since the death of his elder brother two summers before; whom Kelson had taken hostage the previous summer to ensure Torenthi neutrality while
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