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Kelson could not bear to look at Meraude; but he turned slowly to stare coldly at her eldest son。
〃I fear you will have to ask your son about that; Aunt。 Conall; do you know anything about it?〃
〃I? I don't even know what a psychic lock is。 I mean; I sort of know now; but I didn't when he had his seizure;〃 Conall explained。 〃Why are you looking at me that way?〃
〃Because I am Truth…Reading you; Conall Haldane; despite your efforts to cloud the issue;〃 Kelson said; 〃and I don't like what I'm seeing。 Did you do this to Nigel; your own father?〃
Conall's shields slammed even tighter; before Kelson could get a clear reading; but the prince's mere belligerence could have been taken as an indication of guilt; even if it was not conclusive proof。
〃How dare you ask me such a question?〃 Conall retorted。
〃The King of Gwynedd dares to ask any question of his sworn vassal;〃 Kelson snapped。 〃Or have you so soon forgotten the oath you swore me at your knighting?〃
Before Conall could form an answer; Morgan reached out to beckon Kelson closer。
〃He's ing around; my prince;〃 Morgan said; watching as Duncan and Dhugal withdrew。 〃Breaking the lock wasn't as difficult as we feared; once we knew what to look for。 The only problem may be a slight loss of memory。〃
But it soon became clear that whatever else had been impaired by Nigel's long incapacitation; his memory was not affected。 In the course of dealing with the lock; Duncan had imprinted Nigel with the bare essentials of Kelson's rescue and return; so the royal duke was able to turn full attention to dealing with the cause of his previous condition as he opened his eyes and made them focus on Kelson。
〃My king; you're alive;〃 he whispered; his voice hoarse and scratchy with long disuse。 〃And my son。 who wished me dead;〃 he went on coldly; shifting his gaze to the terrified Conall; 〃would be better off dead himself; for having betrayed his blood and his sovereign。 He killed Tiercel; Duncan;〃 he went on。 〃I finally put the pieces together; after you had gone to fetch Alaric; and when I confronted him on it; he tried to kill me as well。 I…suppose that being a Haldane myself is the only thing that saved me。〃
Conall tried to bolt at that; but the two archbishops and then Morgan were on him before he could reach the door; throwing him to the floor。 Meraude screamed; and Dhugal and Duncan tried to keep Nigel from struggling to a sitting position。
Frantic; Conall attempted to bring his powers into play; but Morgan slapped the flat of a stiletto across his throat and searched for the right pressure points to knock him out as Cardiel and Bradene pinned his thrashing arms and legs。 fighting the pulsion of Conall's mind。
〃Conall; if you don't stop that; I swear I'll cut your throat!〃 Morgan barked。 〃Right now; nothing would give me greater pleasure。〃
〃No; bind him!〃 Kelson manded; as Morgan finally managed the right pressure points and the prince went limp。 〃He doesn't deserve that easy a death。 But we'll have this settled once and for all; by the law。 Duncan; I'll ask you and the archbishops to stay with my uncle。 Dhugal; I want you to search Conall's rooms。 Duncan told me that certain people wondered what ever became of Tiercel's drug satchel。 I suspect you'll find it among Conall's things。 I'm willing to wager that he was responsible for the merasha that went into your flask; so I'll give you the dubious honor of finding where he hid the rest。〃
〃And where will you be?〃 Dhugal asked。
〃In the Chapel Royal; convincing myself I should give this wretch a fair trial!〃 Kelson said; kicking the sole of one of Conall's boots。 〃And Morgan; get that Haldane tunic off him。 He isn't fit to wear it。 I'll have the Ring of Fire back as well; if you have to rip his finger off to get it。〃
Kelson left to the sound of Meraude weeping in Nigel's arms; but he could not bear to stay in the same room with Conall any longer; even with his cousin unconscious。 He took Jass MacArdry with him and stationed that goodly knight outside the door of the chapel to see that he was not disturbed。 There; after he had schooled his righteous anger to colder resignation…for there was little doubt of the oute of the trial to e…he allowed himself to weep for what could never be righted; no matter what penalty Conall suffered for his crimes。
He was kneeling slumped over the altar rail; his face buried in one hand; when he heard the door open behind him。 He turned his head; expecting it to be Dhugal; e to tell him it was time; but it was Rothana; muffled in a cloak of royal blue and with the hood pulled closer around her face。 He rose awkwardly as she came toward him and the door closed but he could read nothing behind her shields。 She made him a profound curtsey; her head bowing nearly to the floor before she rose to meet his eyes。 She had been crying; and she was no longer the fresh…faced; carefree innocent she had been before he left。
〃I would throw myself and my husband on your mercy; my lord;〃 she whispered; 〃but I know you can never forgive what we've done。〃
〃And what have you done; that I could not forgive。 Rothana?〃 Kelson asked; gently folding her hood back from her face。 〃Surely you had no part of Conall's treason。〃
But her hair was bound beneath the coif of a married woman; and Conall's gold and rubies weighted heavily on her left hand。 Both of them knew that; even if losing faith was not an act of treason; things could never be as they had been。
〃You are kind; Sire;〃 Rothana whispered; 〃but I know my own guilt。 I am no longer worthy of you。〃
〃No; hear me。 Sire。 I gave up hope。 And now I am Conall's wife; bound to him for life; no matter what his condition。〃
〃His life;〃 Kelson said sharply; 〃is almost certainly to be forfeit。 Such is the fate of murderers and traitors。 And when he is dead; I still would take his widow to wife。 if she agreed。〃
〃She could not agree。 Sire;〃 Rothana whispered; lowering her eyes。 〃The Church could not agree。 We are consanguineous now; by virtue of my marrying your first cousin。〃
〃A dispensation could be obtained。〃
〃No dispensation could alter the fact that I am with child by him。〃
〃With child!〃
〃I carry Conall's son; my love;〃 Rothana said miserably; looking up at him with tears welling in her eyes once more。 〃That changes things。〃
〃No! It only means that our children would have an elder half brother; also of Haldane blood;〃 Kelson replied; without hesitation。 〃Rothana; I love you。 Don't do this to us!〃
〃I wish I could do otherwise; in honor; Sire;〃 she said。 〃But Prince Conall Haldane; my lawful; wedded lord; is the father of the child I bear; and his acts of murder and treason make me no longer fit to be your queen。〃
〃No! His crimes do not touch you!〃
〃In law; perhaps not; Sire; but in fact; one has only to look at how my cousin Richenda has suffered for being the widow of a traitor to guess how much worse it would be for a queen…and for that queen's king。 I could not do that to Gwynedd; my lord…and I could not let you do that to this land that you wed before you ever thought of wedding a queen。 So do not take our former relationship into your reckoning; because I can never be yours now; no matter what you do。〃

Half an hour later;
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