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 matter what you do。〃

Half an hour later; Kelson went down to the great hall; only Dhugal acpanying him through the cheering throngs。 He deliberately had not changed into Haldane attire himself; letting the rough; slightly barbaric splendor of his mountain leathers and tweeds speak for the very uncivilized anger that still smoldered in his heart。 He wore the Ring of Fire again; however; along with the Eye of Rom and his Saint Camber medal。 In the crook of his arm; he carried the unsheathed Haldane sword like a royal scepter。
His steps faltered only once; just before he reached the dais; as he saw Rothana; in Meraude's pany now。 slipping in through a side door to huddle forlornly with her mother…in…law on a bench near the pallet where Nigel had been brought。 The royal duke; attended by Duncan and Father Lael; was propped up on mounds of pillows; his eyes fever…bright as he struggled to rise at Kelson's approach; only to have Duncan mand him to lie down again。 Dhugal had Tiercel's water…stained drug satchel over his shoulder; with a look on his face that bespoke thoughts of murder; and Morgan waited just outside the rear doors with Conall。 surrounded by the Saint Kyriell men and half a dozen fully armed knights。 A further contingent of Haldane archers had been stationed in the upper galleries; arrows already nocked to bowstrings and ready to draw。 certain proof against even a Deryni prisoner gaining very much advantage before he could be cut down。
The cheering continued as the king turned to face his assembled lords; and he stood a long time; caressing the hilt of the Haldane sword; as their shouts of acclamation echoed among the high beams of the hall。 Bradene and Cardiel stood behind the throne to either side; and at Kelson's glance; as the shouting died down; the former brought forward the oldest and plainest of Kelson's official crowns: a band of hammered gold two fingers wide; chased with a design of Celtic interlace and set with small; round cabochon rubies in some of the interstices。 It was also the most primitively designed and went well with the… mountain leathers and tweeds he wore。 The hall grew hushed as the king bent his head to receive it from the archbishop's hands with a murmured word of thanks and rippled in new but quieter ment as he took his seat。
〃My lords; I thank you for your wele;〃 Kelson said; when silence at last lay like a tranquil pond before him。 〃It is good to be home and even better to know that your loyalty is unshaken。 I wish I could say that all of my subjects had remained so loyal during my absence; but unfortunately; this is not the case in at least one appalling instance。
〃Before proceeding to deal with this unpleasantness; however; it is my pleasure to bring you happier news…that my beloved Uncle Nigel; who has always served me and our family with such devotion; is back among us and recovering…if weaker than he would have us believe;〃 he added; with a glance of mock disapproval in Nigel's direction。 〃But in a few weeks; his physicians and I have every reason to believe that he will be back to his full…time occupation of bullying my royal pages and squires into being fine warriors and young men of honor; as well as continuing as one of my most trusted and valuable advisers。 I give you wele and thanks; Uncle。〃
As the hall erupted in shouts of enthusiastic approval。 Kelson glanced again at Nigel; who ducked his head awkwardly; blinking back proud tears as Meraude came to kneel at his side。 Behind him; forted by Duncan; the two younger Haldane cousins; Payne and Rory; stood ill…at…ease and frightened looking; trying not to be obvious as they searched the back of the hall for sign of their elder brother。 And Rothana; huddling even smaller on her bench; would not raise her eyes。 Kelson sighed as he turned his gaze away from that sad little family。
〃Another thing I have to tell you concerns my faithful friend and confessor。 Bishop Duncan McLain; the Duke of Cassan。〃 He could feel Duncan tensing over his shoulder but he did not turn his eyes back in that direction。 〃Many of you have been aware for some time now that Father Duncan is Deryni。〃 He held up a hand to silence the murmurs of ment that threatened to disrupt the room again at this open and unequivocal admission of Duncan's Deryni status。 〃I am also aware that some of you have voiced concerns as to what this disclosure would mean to his status as a priest and bishop。
〃I am happy to be able to tell you that I have just e from the synod now meeting in Valoret; and that the Ramos Statutes barring Deryni from the priesthood are in the process of being rescinded。 Yesterday; as Archbishop Bradene will attest; the bishops voted unanimously to uphold Father Duncan's status as a priest and bishop in good standing; granting him pardon and absolution for any errors mitted in the past because of this unjust former ruling。 I am assured that this absolution will be extended to any other Deryni who may presently be in holy orders; thus mitigating the grave injustices perpetuated in the past against those who came to God's service in defiance of the laws of man and whose only sin was that they were born Deryni。
〃All of which brings us to a major departure from our former official posture regarding Deryni。 The law is being changed to remove merely being Deryni from any list of crimes。 But part of the reason this has not always been so in the past is because the majority of people have not been aware of the true abilities and limits of Deryni…and it is a weakness of our race; human and Deryni; that we fear what we do not understand。 Therefore; what I am about to bring before you will be conducted in all openness; so that all may know that being Deryni; or even being royal; is no bar to equal and just treatment under the law。 Some of what may transpire will surprise; shock; or even frighten you…but I believe it is time that you knew the truth。〃
He raised his eyes to the back of the hall; where Morgan had moved into sight with Conall at his side。
〃Alaric; Duke of Corwyn; bring in the prisoner。〃
A collective gasp rippled through the assembly as Morgan slowly walked Conall down the hall; his stiletto still held casually against the side of Conall's throat; the prince's hands bound before him; grey Haldane eyes blazing defiance and anger。

A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes。
Proverbs 20:8
Nearly everything eventually came to light in the trial that followed; beginning with Conall's tearful; impassioned denial after Tiercel's drug satchel was produced。
〃I didn't start out to betray you; Kelson;〃 he sobbed; 〃but things…happened。 It wasn't fair! Why should you have gotten everything; just because your father was older than mine? You got to be king; you got all the glory…and the power…and you were going to take the woman I wanted; too。 I saw you with her in the garden; that last night before we left on the quest!〃
〃And so you decided to kill your rival?〃 Morgan said。 as Rothana buried her face in her hands and wept silently。 and Kelson went tight…jawed。
〃No!〃 Conall replied。 〃I was jealous…I admit that…but I never actually would have done anything to Kelson。 He was m
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