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。 He had not realized how much his father had deteriorated in two weeks of unconsciousness; and that recognition; colored by his own secret pangs of regret and guilt; made Conall's own rising star seem less bright…though there was nothing he could do or say about the situation without betraying himself; even if restoring Nigel were within his power。
He had mastered his trembling; but he was still very sober when he returned to the king's solar to sit in the sunshine and review the draft of a coronation plan submitted by Duke Ewan…premature; perhaps; but it would be necessary to have one ready when Nigel inevitably died; for the semi…limbo status necessitated by a regency ought not to be prolonged overmuch once the regent was king and ready to be crowned。 Conall chewed on a heel of new white manchet bread as he read the draft; elegantly booted legs propped on a footstool; enjoying the luxury of one of Kelson's silk tunics next to his skin; the front and back adorned with golden Haldane lions。 He came to his feet immediately; however as Rothana joined him in the solar; hair unbound and looking sleepy still; wrapped in a fur…lined dressing gown of deep blue velvet。
〃Darling; I had thought to let you sleep。〃 he said; ing to put his arms around her from behind and nuzzle at her neck。 〃I'm afraid I let you have precious little rest last night。 Can you forgive me?〃
Her expression; had he been able to see it。 might have been read as a trifle resigned or even indulgent; but no hint of anything but proper wifely affection was reflected in her voice。
〃There is nothing to forgive; my lord。 But I must not sleep the morning away。 'Tis Easter; and I've already missed the early Masses。〃
〃I'll go with you;〃 he murmured; turning her to nibble fond kisses across her lips and eyelids。 〃I've been already; but I'll go again; just to be beside you that much longer。〃
〃Such devotion will surely gain you much grace; my lord;〃 she replied; laughing a little as he caught her double meaning and held her even closer; kissing and caressing her as if he could not get enough of her。
〃Oh; God; how I adore you; Rothana!〃 he whispered; when he had drawn back enough to look down into her eyes again。 〃I want to love you every hour of the day and night。 I want to fill you with sons! I want us to be the greatest rulers Gwynedd has ever known; the beginning of an even more glorious line of Haldanes!〃
She smiled a tiny; secret smile as he buried his face against her bosom again; gently stroking his sable hair for several seconds。
〃Your wishes are ing true; then; my lord; for I think you have already filled me with sons…or with a son; at least。〃
As he pulled back to look down at her in astonishment; she lowered her eyes demurely。
〃A son?〃 Conall breathed。 〃You're with child? Rothana; are you sure? How can you know so soon?〃
She shrugged。 〃There are no objective signs yet; but De…ryni women often…know。 I have never been with child before of course; but I believe that I have conceived。 If so; your heir will be born next winter…a little Haldane prince。〃
〃A…prince?〃 Conall whispered; awed。 〃Then; you know that it's a son as well?〃
〃Well; of course; my lord。 One can…
A motion of some sort had been increasing in the castle yard for several minutes; and Conall held up a hand for silence as he strode to the window and pushed open one of the mullioned panes to look down。 A large crowd of men; mostly on foot; many of them garbed in rough border tweeds and plaids; was surging through the gatehouse entrance and moving briskly toward the great hall steps。 None of the men seemed belligerently armed; but Conall turned in alarm as booted feet pounded down the corridor outside and fists pounded against the solar door。
〃Your Highness! Prince Conall!〃
With sudden foreboding; Conall dashed to the door and wrenched it open。
〃What is it?〃
〃The king。 Your Highness! The king! He's e back!〃
〃My father's regained consciousness?〃 Conall gasped。
〃No; King Kelson's e back!〃 the squire replied。 〃He's alive! And so is Lord Dhugal!〃

Kelson stood holding the weeping Meraude in his arms as he watched Morgan; Duncan; and Dhugal bending over Nigel。 Archbishops Bradene and Cardiel were in the room as well; but Ciard; Jass; and the escort of Saint Kyriell men stood guard outside to keep everyone else out。 Bishop Arilan was nowhere to be found。 Duke Ewan was gathering the court in the great hall; and spreading the word; but Kelson did not want to go down to them until he learned more about Nigel's condition。
〃Oh; Kelson; he's dying;〃 Meraude sobbed; shaking her head as Kelson continued to stroke her hair。 〃We thought you were dead; and then he had a seizure…〃
A motion outside the door announced the arrival of Conall; the only person the guards had orders to admit。 Conall's face was white as whey as he slipped through the opening Jass allowed and came to fall to his knees at Kelson's feet。 His hands were cold as ice as he took Kelson's hand to kiss it。
〃Kelson…my Liege!…we thought you were dead! And then father took ill; and…〃
〃And you couldn't even wait a decent interval to wed my intended bride;〃 Kelson said quietly; pulling his hand away and folding his arms across his chest as Meraude drew back a little。 〃Conall; even if you are proven innocent in every other point。 I shall never forgive you for that。〃
〃I only meant to secure the succession;〃 Conall whispered; starting to get to his feet as his mother gasped at Kelson's implication。 〃Father was incapacitated; and I…〃
〃I have not given you permission to rise。〃 Kelson said coldly; his mere glance causing Conall to sink back down。
〃Kelson; that isn't fair;〃 the prince protested。 〃1 had no way of knowing you were still alive; and neither did Rothana。 It's…incredible that you could have survived the waterfall。 And then; when no bodies were found…〃
〃You still acted precipitously。〃
〃Was it precipitous to attempt to secure the succession as soon as possible?〃 Conall retorted。 〃I was Regent of Gwynedd; for God's sake! No one had or has any idea how long my father might linger on。 Why do you suppose the council has kept badgering you to marry; if getting an heir wasn't important?〃
〃Did they badger you?〃 Kelson snapped。
〃No; not yet。 But you and Rothana hadn't made any binding mitment; after all。〃
〃Get up;〃 Kelson said distractedly; for his attention had shifted suddenly to the men clustered at the head of Nigel's bed as Morgan drew back and beckoned him closer。
〃As we feared; it was more than a simple seizure;〃 Morgan said; as Kelson moved between the two archbishops at the foot of the bed; a wide…eyed and stunned Meraude hovering at his elbow。 〃There's a bination of actual physical trauma and some sort of psychic lock。 We didn't see it before because we had no idea we should even look for it。 It took a powerful Deryni to put it in place。 Duncan and Dhugal are dealing with the actual physical damage; but we may need your help to resolve the other。〃
〃A psychic lock;〃 Meraude whispered; plucking at Kelson's sleeve。 〃Kelson; what is he saying?〃
Kelson could not bear to look at Meraude; but he turned slowly to stare coldly at her eldest son。
〃I fear you will have to ask your son about that; Aunt
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