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Sighing; Kelson laid his free arm across his eyes。 wishing he could blot out what he was feeling。
I dreamed about her last night; Dhugal…after I had the Camber vision。 It was her wedding night; wasn't it; though I didn't know that then。 We made love。 It was so real that I…well; let's just say that it was very; very real。 You don't suppose I was tapping into…her and Conall; do you?
Not at that distance; or behind all that rock; Dhugal replied; though with the fragments of memory that leaked across his link with Kelson…quickly blocked; for he did not want to know…another image was ing to him; of his own observation of Brother Michael and the girl Rhidian; just past midnight; going quietly through another door near the one that had closed behind Kelson; unobserved by most of the dozing congregation。 Michael had returned almost immediately; but Rhidian had not…not for nearly an hour。 Dhugal found himself wondering whether Kelson's 〃dream〃 might have been more real than even he suspected…some form of sexual initiation; shrouded in the oblivion of the mind…tricking fumes; perhaps even a ritual marriage of the sacred king with the land; in the person of Rhidian; as sometimes had been practiced in ancient times by the ancestors of the mountain folk sleeping beside the next fire。 Kelson might not have been aware of these traditions; but Dhugal was; being closer to the land through border myth and folklore very like that of these mountain people; so long exiled and apart。 Perhaps Kelson's experience had been very; very real。
But he did not say that to Kelson。 It was stunning enough that so poignant a dream of Rothana should have been dashed to hopelessness by the news of her marriage to Conall。 That it all might have been triggered by very real human agencies was a hurt that the king need not endure; on top of everything else。
And so Dhugal sequestered those suspicions away behind the special shields that he had constructed after healing Kelson; when he and the king both had realized the necessity for some things never to be shared。 Kelson could not help being aware that something was going on behind Dhugal's shields; but he concluded that it was simply the young borderer's reluctance to intrude on the intimacy of Kelson's dream; so Kelson; too; relegated that memory to the depths where others would never go; finally lying back with a sigh。
I'm sorry about the spill…over; there at the beginning; he sent after a few more seconds。 I didn't mean to disturb you。 This is something I'm simply going to have to work out for myself; when we get back。 She thought I was dead; after all。
Yes; I'm sure she did; Dhugal replied。 Do you want some help sleeping?
No; I slept last night; far more deeply than I would have wished; came Kelson's response。 How about you。 though? Shall I put you to sleep?
The offer was the most tantalizing Dhugal had heard in days; and he readily agreed; for it meant that he would not dream。 He gave a soft; grateful sigh as Kelson's hand shifted to his forehead。 The next thing he knew; sunlight was shining in his eyes and the smell of roasting meat was rousing him truly rested for the first time in weeks。

Ask now the priests concerning the law
Haggai 2:11
Slowed by rugged terrain and another vicious spate of weather on the way back toward Valoret; Kelson and his panions were nearly four days reaching that cathedral city。 Once there; Kelson decided to spend a few more days reviewing the progress of the bishops' synod before going on to Rhemuth by Portal; for the clarification of Duncan's status; at least; had bee an even more important issue; given the difficulties the king expected to encounter once he returned to the capital。 The delay would not endanger the element of surprise necessary to confound Conall; if that prince truly was the architect of what had been happening; for even if messengers rode night and day; word that Kelson was alive could not reach Rhemuth before Easter Monday。 The king; however; would make his appearance the day before; having decided that Easter itself was a most propitious time to return from the grave; as it were。 Unfortunately; the irony would probably be lost on Conall。
The bishops; meanwhile; had continued independently at the work they set out to do at the beginning of Lent; even though Cardiel and Arilan had returned to the capital to counsel Conall; and Bradene; too; had absented himself briefly to assist in the solemn proclamation of Conall as king。 The primate was back in his see by Holy Week。 however。 and thus he was on hand to witness Kelson's astonishing ride through the city gates of Valoret on Maundy Thursday; miraculously alive and restored to his people。
The cathedral bells pealed for hours in a joyous paean of celebration; in total disregard for the usual bans on such displays at this most solemn season of the liturgical year and by midafternoon the bishops gathered in a rapidly filled cathedral to sing a jubilant Te Deum; in thanksgiving for the king's safe return。 For the rest of the day; the usual Lenten dietary restrictions were also relaxed to allow for moderate feasting in the archbishop's refectory that night; though Kelson and his panions chose to eat sparingly; anyway。 Kelson acplished nothing that night save to tell his story again and again to various groups of bishops and other clerics and turned in early to be fresh for the next day's tasks。
But next morning; after the obligatory ceremonies of Good Friday; when the city had recovered from its initial shock; the king convened his bishops in the chapter house where he had addressed them weeks before and asked for a report on their progress。 He was pleased to learn that there had been a great deal; even after his supposed death。
First of all; nominations had been made to fill all of the previously vacant sees; with appointment awaiting only royal approval; which Kelson freely gave。 Likewise; six new itinerant bishops had been elected to roam at large in the kingdom; with four positions yet to be filled; as and when suitable candidates could be found。 These; too。 Kelson approved。 In addition; the canonization of the late Bishop of Meara; Henry Istelyn; had been approved unanimously; with formal declaration of his status set for later in the year。
But most important of all; so far as Kelson was concerned; most of the draft work on the rewriting of the Statutes of Ramos had been pleted。 He spent the best part of Good Friday going over the document with Morgan; Duncan; and Dhugal; making but few amendments and alterations; and by sunset had pronounced himself well satisfied with the way the material was taking shape。 By the next morning; the last he planned to spend in Valoret; he was ready to tackle the most delicate negotiation。
〃I cannot tell you how pleased I am with what you have acplished in the past month; gentlemen;〃 he told the assembled bishops; during a closed session in which only Morgan; Dhugal; and himself were not ordained priests。 〃I should not wish to tempt true disaster by saying it; but perhaps my 'death' was not such a terrible thing after all; if this is the kind of memorial you make to me。〃 He silenced their faint; nervous laughter with an upraised ha
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