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laughter with an upraised hand。
〃In all seriousness; however;〃 he resumed; 〃I should like to think of your work as a living memorial; if you will… for you have served me and all of Gwynedd; both present and to e; by your earnest intentions to right the wrongs inadvertently and; alas; sometimes intentionally imposed upon loyal subjects of this land for many; many generations。 Judging by what you have proposed; I hope I may assume that you believe Deryni can be a valuable part of the many and varied peoples who make up this kingdom…and not merely because four of them are sitting here before you; and one of them is your liege lord。 Indeed; were it not for these three; I would not be here today。〃
Another ripple of faint uneasiness passed among the listening bishops; though it was not tinged with fear; as it had been so often in the past; but only with the slight apprehension natural to anyone contemplating something just a little unknown。
〃Which brings us to the last item I should like to present for your consideration;〃 Kelson went on; 〃and that is the full reinstatement of one of your own number; who has served me and Gwynedd in ways most of you can hardly begin to fathom。 I refer; of course; to Bishop Duncan McLain; whose loyalty and service to myself and my father before me can in no way be impeached。 And since that part of the Statutes of Ramos forbidding those of his blood to take holy vows is now in the process of being rescinded; I would pray that you extend him the right hand of brotherhood and forever put aside any reservations you may have had because of his Deryni blood。 I believe he has proven far too often that it is just as red as anyone's and that he has always been willing to shed it to defend our crown and land。〃
Duncan; sitting quietly a little behind Kelson; austere and solemn in the plainest of black working cassocks; rose respectfully at the gesture of Archbishop Bradene; waiting as the archbishop glanced around the room at his colleagues。 He and Bradene had conversed briefly the night before and agreed on a format for what they hoped would follow; but its success depended upon whether the other bishops would go along。
〃Your Majesty;〃 Bradene said quietly; still watching his colleagues; 〃in the matter you have just addressed; I personally am satisfied that; in every instance save one; perhaps; Duncan McLain has acted for the honor of his God; his king; and himself; in that order of priority。 If any shadow of a doubt remains in my mind; it concerns his personal justifications at the time he accepted ordination to the priesthood; knowing that he was Deryni and that the Church forbade him this sacrament。〃
A murmur of agreement rippled through the assembly; but again; it was not hostile…only wary。 Kelson allowed himself to breathe a little as Bradene went on。
〃I propose; then; that Father Duncan confess those justifications openly before this assembled pany; and that if; in our opinion; he can be absolved of wrongdoing; absolution be granted and the matter nevermore brought before this assembly…for I should hate to lose so able a shepherd;〃 he concluded; giving Duncan a faint but genuinely warm smile。 〃Is anyone opposed?〃
Miraculously; no one was。 And so; with Kelson; Morgan; and Dhugal watching very much as outsiders…for what was about to transpire was under the full seal of the confessional for the priests seated in the room…Duncan came forward to kneel at the foot of Bradene's throne。 The bishop's ring on his right hand flashed in the torchlight as he bowed his head and crossed himself…the ring wrought of gold that formerly had been a piece of altar plate associated with Saint Camber…and his blue eyes were almost silver as he looked up at the archbishop; clasping his hands before him。
〃I confess that on the Feast of Easter; in the Year of Our Lord 1113。 I accepted ordination to the priesthood from Archbishop Alexander of Rhemuth; knowing that I was Deryni and that canon law forbade my reception of this sacrament。〃
〃And why did you do this; my son?〃 Bradene asked。
Duncan's vocation had never been so apparent; as he gazed into Bradene's eyes。
〃I believed and still believe that I was called by God to be His priest and that the gifts of my Deryni inheritance should be turned to His service; as Deryni priests had served Him in prior times。〃
〃And what of the Church's teachings; that Deryni might no longer serve in this way?〃 Bradene asked。
〃My decision was a matter of conscience。 Excellency; formed by years of study and prayer。 The Church also teaches that; once formed; not to have followed my conscience would have been a serious; grievous sin。
〃And so; knowing that I was called; how could I not have responded to His will? His call was an ache within me that could not be satisfied save by giving myself wholly to His service…a yearning to be constantly in His presence; offering His sacraments to His people; both human and Deryni。 And in offering those sacraments; I; too; bee a part of them; and myself offer up all that I am upon God's altar; to use as He wills。 Is there a man here among the clergy who has not heard and heeded that call?〃
There was not; of course…or at least none who would admit it。 One elderly itinerant bishop asked about the evil inherent in Deryni powers; but Duncan's old friend Hugh de Berry; the newly appointed Bishop of Ballymar; answered that argument before Duncan could。
〃It is not power that is evil; your Excellency;〃 Hugh said; 〃but the use to which evil men sometimes put their power。 Surely we are more sophisticated than to believe that a valuable gift should be destroyed because someone unscrupulous once used such a gift for other than its intended purpose and brought destruction with it; rather than joy。 Are we not all given certain gifts at birth; that; with proper training; make one man strong; another scholarly; another nimble of fingers; still others bound by every breath they take to give their lives in God's service? Are Father Duncan's gifts so different? How dare we say that it is not to God's glory that Duncan can ascertain whether a man speaks the truth; protect the innocent against those who would misuse their power; or heal the injured? Have you forgotten。 Excellency; that Duncan McLain; like Our Lord。 has the gift of Healing in his hands? Who better than a Deryni Healer…priest to heal the rifts and exorcise the fears that have separated us from our Deryni brothers?〃
Little remained to be said after that impassioned appeal。 As Hugh took his seat and Duncan continued to kneel before the archbishop; Bradene requested a period of meditation; at the end of which each bishop was to cast his written vote as to whether Duncan should be absolved。 Kelson closed his eyes while the voting went on; listening to the whisper of silks and fine wools as each bishop took his ballot to a small table in the center of the chapter house; just at Duncan's back; and dropped it into a large chalice。 When everyone was done。 Bradene himself went to the table and began to read the ballots; Duncan raising his eyes to the crucifix above the archbishop's empty throne as the votes were read。
〃Absolvo;〃 came the first vote。 I absolve him。
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