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e dregs as required; they enthroned him before the altar in a chair that looked suspiciously like a cross between a bishop's and a king's chair。
It was also Palm Sunday; he learned; as Brother Michael proceeded to celebrate a subtly different Mass of Thanksgiving from that to which Kelson was accustomed。 And Kelson's acclamation as king; in the course of the Mass; drew startling parallels to another sacred king who had entered a holy city on a like day; more than a millennium past; to the same ritual cries of; 〃Hosanna! Blessed is he who eth in the name of the Lord。〃
The formal ordeal past; however; they seemed to accept Kelson's previous assurance of beneficence; even before they had heard his account of the night's events。 That was to be formally tested directly after the Mass。 It was not until the Kiss of Peace; just before the munion; that Dhugal finally was able to approach him。 His whispered reassurances; both verbal and mental; as the two of them embraced served to bring Kelson rudely back to the reality outside the walls of the shrine; for it was only then he discovered that Dhugal had managed to make brief contact with Morgan and Duncan; who were heading toward them at all speed; hopefully to rendezvous before the next sunset。 Little though it had crossed his mind before; struggling only to survive。 Kelson suddenly remembered how his kingdom must be foundering; thinking him dead。 And wondering how Nigel fared; thinking himself king; the urgency to return was suddenly upon him。
But first must e the recounting of his ordeal; to the satisfaction of their captors…though the village folk had really ceased to be that when Kelson appeared in the doorway; apparently unscathed。 When the Mass had ended and they gathered at his feet like so many hopeful children; he told them everything he could remember about Camber and the form of the vision he had experienced of the Deryni saint。 He did not mention the dream of Rothana。 He endured their Truth…Reading without resistance; reiterating his vow to reestablish Deryni schools as well as restore their saint; and their enthusiasm trebled。
By the time he finished talking; he had them pletely in his thrall。 When he told them then that he must leave them; at least for the present…that the rest of his kingdom must surely be in mourning over his supposed loss and possibly in danger from foreign enemies…their acclamation turned to hard; practical offers of assistance。 By noon; he and Dhugal had eaten a modest meal and were well mounted on shaggy; sturdy mountain ponies。 They rode briskly out of the valley of Saint Kyriell's with a jubilant escort of six young mountain men to see them safely back to Rhemuth; all of them garbed in the traditional mountain attire of kilted leathers and rough…spun; tweedy plaids; fur…lined cloaks pulled close against the cold。
By dusk; they still had not made physical contact with Morgan and Duncan; so Kelson halted long enough to send out a quick but powerful call; not even bothering to dismount; but only letting Dhugal hold his reins while he slipped efficiently into deep trance。 Apparently strengthened by what he had gone through; his call yielded almost immediate results。 By moonrise; a few hours later; their mountain escorts were treated to the rare sight of two normally dignified dukes of the realm throwing themselves from their blooded horses to sprint across a wind…scoured clearing on foot and embrace king and border earl; two whooping bordermen galloping joyous circles around all of them。
They did not press on that night; for the news Morgan and Duncan related after their initial; exuberant reunion was grave and wanted clearer heads than would be possible if they pushed on without rest。 Two adjoining camps were made…one for the king and his three closest patriots and one for the MacArdry men and the folk of Saint Kyriell's…and after a light repast; the royal party settled around the smaller of the two campfires for a council of war。 Kelson listened in silence as Morgan recounted Duncan's finding of Tiercel's body; Nigel's illness; Conall's presumed marriage by now to Rothana; and; finally; his and Duncan's suspicions about Conall himself。
〃We haven't any proof yet that he's done these things;〃 Duncan said; when Kelson had asked a few stunned questions and listened quietly to their speculations。 〃But who else had as much to gain as he did; under the circumstances? The fact remains that Tiercel is dead; Nigel is dying; and Conall thinks he's about to bee king at any moment; with the full might of the Haldane legacy already confirmed in him。 And let me tell you; he didn't waste any time suggesting that; as Nigel's condition deteriorated。〃
Dhugal scowled。 〃Couldn't it be argued that he was only doing the prudent thing; making sure he would have the power to defend the kingdom; since he thought Kelson was dead and his father wasn't able to govern?〃
〃That could be argued;〃 Morgan agreed; 〃and very likely; Conall will argue it。 But whether he got his powers through Tiercel or through our efforts…the latter of which I doubt; looking back…he has the full Haldane potential now。 I seriously doubt he's going to want to give up the crown that's all but in his grasp; just because Kelson's e back alive。 And even if he's entirely innocent in all of this; there's still the matter of his rather precipitous marriage to Rothana。〃
Sadly; Kelson nodded。 That Conall might have betrayed him was not really surprising; given the circumstances and the jealousy increasingly between them these last few years; but Conall could be dealt with; if necessary。 What shocked Kelson; in quite a different way from his concern for Nigel was Rothana's apparent defection。 Word of that had set a cold; leaden lump in his stomach; he was only just able to keep it from driving him to tears。
〃Conall will be given a chance to explain himself;〃 Kelson said quietly; after a long silence。 〃I don't want to believe these things of my own cousin。 There could be some other explanation。〃
〃I hope so;〃 Duncan said。 〃for Conall's sake as well as yours。〃
Dhugal nodded。 〃If we're all lucky; maybe it will turn out that he's only been guilty of opportunism…and that isn't necessarily a crime。〃
When they had settled down to sleep; though; after agreeing to ride on to Valoret and its Portal in the morning。 Kelson lay awake in his bedroll for some time; finally reaching out to touch Dhugal's shoulder。 They were bracketed between Morgan and Duncan; with the rest of the men bedded down around the second fire except for the watch; and everyone else seemed to be asleep。
〃Dhugal are you awake?〃 Kelson whispered。
Lifting his head briefly。 Dhugal nodded and closed his hand over the king's; shifting to mind…speech。
You're worried; aren't you?
Not really worried。 Even if the worst turns out to be true; I can take care of Conall。 And with three of you able to function as Healers now; even Nigel may e out of this all right。
It's Rothana; then; isn't it? Dhugal returned。 Kelson; I'm so sorry。 You really loved her; didn't you?
Sighing; Kelson laid his free arm across his eyes。 wishing he could blot out what he was feeling。
I dreamed about her last night; Dhugal…after I had the Camber vision。 I
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