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I know it's frightening; came the king's reassurance; seductively tempting。 If it makes it any less frightening; try healing yourself before you tackle me。 You're going to need two good legs to get us out of here; in any case…so work on your ankle first。 You've got a sound one to use for parisons。 And you can draw on me for additional power; as we did for the doors。
But…even if I could do it; is it wise to drain you like that? Dhugal asked。
Dhugal; if you can't heal me; you may very well have to kill me! came Kelson's response; brutally honest。 Now; how much more of both our time and energy are you going to waste arguing? We don't know that we won't be interrupted; after all。
The stark horror of that very real possibility dispelled whatever other notions Dhugal might have had of continuing to argue the point。 He had no idea whether he could; in fact; do what Kelson obviously believed he could; but not even to try made no sense at all。 To protect them from at least casual inspection by anyone looking in on them during the night; he put Kelson's gag back on him; albeit more loosely than before; and had him lie on his side as he had before; presumably still unconscious; hands and feet wrapped only loosely in their former bonds…though that fact would not be obvious to anyone standing in the doorway; since Kelson's body blocked any clear view。
Dhugal himself lay on his side and at right angles to Kelson; their heads touching; as if he had wormed his way closer after their captors' last inspection and then succumbed to exhaustion…though his gag also was only loosely applied; and his unbound hands and feet also were shielded behind his body; so long as no one came too close。
From that position; making himself as fortable as possible under the circumstances; Dhugal quenched his handfire and triggered the first stages of deep Deryni trancing; stretching his mind confidently across the link with Kelson that now was never very far away; after the psychic intimacy of their last few weeks。 The rapport steadied almost immediately; giving Dhugal access to the last dram of Kelson's energy … though he would not tap it unless absolutely necessary…and he let himself slip to deeper depths of trance to probe his own body。
He had never done anything of this sort before; other than simple exercises to relax; limb by limb。 His first perception had to do with the cramps already achingly persistent in his shoulders; because of the angle at which he had to hold his arms behind him。 Once he managed to put that disfort aside; however; he very quickly began to sense more subtle functions…the blood pumping through his veins to the rhythm of his heartbeat; slow and steady; and the spring…potential in sinews and muscles as he flexed his fingers。
He shifted his arms so that he could clasp each wrist with the opposite hand and detected a subtle difference between the uninjured right one and the nearly healed left; but he found it confusing to filter his perceptions across opposite sides; so he switched; after a few more seconds; directly to his legs; rolling farther onto his stomach to ease his shoulders and sliding his hands quietly down to cup his ankles。
Here; the difference between the sound one and the injured was immediately apparent; the one coolly potent; if chafed from the ropes; the other warmer beneath his touch; tender when he pressed harder with his fingertips; seeking out the injuries his hands had sensed through his boot before; but had not dared to inspect more closely for fear of not being able to get the boot back on again。
When his captors had taken his boots; however; the ankle had been released to do what it would have done days before; had he not kept it bound; and had swollen a little even in the short time since then。 He could feel the irregular line of a crack in one of the bones…not precisely by the touch of his fingers; but just as surely as if his fingers had stroked the bare bone; with no tissue to intervene between。 And as he let himself slip to a deeper level of consciousness; wondering how to catalyze a healing; he suddenly was in the bone; sensing on a wholly different level what needed to be done to make it right。
It took far less energy than he had thought it would; and he hardly needed to draw from Kelson at all。 When he sensed wholeness in that bone; he moved on to the next; mended it; went on to check the others; and then shifted into the tissue surrounding them; feeling the torn sinews; cartilage; and muscles knit beneath the binding of his will。
A soothing warmth seemed to prickle through his hands; and he used it like a balm to ease away the pain and stiffness and to reduce the swelling; increasing circulation and willing all to be as it had been before the injury。 He could feel the swelling shrink beneath his hand; and his ankle; when he flexed it experimentally; was capable of a full range of movement; with nary a twinge of pain。
He was a little breathless as he came up out of his trance; hardly able to believe he had actually done it。 But in his first elation; just as he opened his eyes…and just at the very fringes of his field of vision…he thought he caught a glimpse of a tall; silver…haired man robed in grey; smiling。 He jerked his head up to stare; but in that split second of movement… not even a blink…the man was gone。 The only thing that kept Dhugal from exclaiming aloud was the gag in his mouth; and he had remembered why he must be silent by the time he pulled it off and sat up。
〃Jesu Christe; what was that?〃 he breathed; keeping his voice very; very low as he continued to look around in awe。
What was what? came Kelson's reply; as the king struggled back to awareness and seized his arm。
No matter。 Dhugal conjured very pale handfire and bent to inspect his ankles; again flexing the right one experimentally…and without pain。 Nor was there any discoloration or even swelling any longer。
Kelson; I did it!
Kelson's soft; careful sigh conveyed more than words or even thoughts could have; as he closed his eyes briefly。
I rather expected you could; once you knew you had to try; Kelson sent; after a few seconds。 I hate to dampen your confidence; but I fear I may present a bit more of a challenge…and we're apt to run out of time; if we delay very long。 Do you think you're ready to try me; now?
Not as ready as I'd like; but I don't think we have much choice; Dhugal responded; summoning his handfire to hover over Kelson。 Forget about looking as if you're lied up any more。 I'm going to need some very deep control。
He removed Kelson's gag and helped the king to lie flat; arms no longer cramped beneath him。
Are you going to keep that handfire lit while you work? Kelson asked。 If anyone looks in; it's a dead giveaway of what we are。
Smiling weakly; Dhugal settled on his heels and laid both hands over the half…healed laceration at the side of Kelson's head。
I need to see what I'm doing; at least to get started。 And if they look in and see that we're not tied up anymore; we're in big trouble anyway。 As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb。 Besides; maybe they like Deryni。
And maybe Saint Camber will intervene directly to get us out of this; Kelson returned。
Dhugal almost snorted at th
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