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h a muffled grunt of pain to see who had e in。 Two of the men looked familiar from the altercation outside the tombs…grey…cloaked minions who only followed the orders of others…but the third was of a different sort。
He reminded Dhugal of old Caulay in his prime…sun…browned and bandy…legged from years in the saddle; forearms corded with muscle where they emerged from a soft; full…sleeved saffron shirt; and trews of an unfamiliar grey…black tweed。 Over the shirt; a pale grey jerkin of quilted leather was laced close to the man's body; with quilted leather boots ing nearly to his knees and a silver…mounted dirk hanging close along the right thigh。 He had a full beard of rich chestnut; the moustaches frosted with grey; like a cat's whiskers; and his thick mane; also threaded with silver; was bound in a clout not unlike Dhugal's border braid。 A silver chiefs tore gleamed at his throat。
〃So; then;〃 the man said very softly; not taking his eyes from Dhugal's; 〃these be the villains as sacked Sagart's tomb; eh?〃
〃Aye; an' profaned the holy places; Bened…Cyann;〃 one of his henchmen replied。 〃We willnae know th' full extent o' their sacrilege until th' morrow。 Brethairs be lookin' o' th' damage。〃
The other man; glum and aloof in a grey cloak that fell from shoulder to ankle; muttered something quick and impassioned in the dialect that Dhugal could not understand; for all its similarity to several other border dialects he knew; and the first man went tight…jawed; his glance flicking briefly to the still…unconscious Kelson before returning to Dhugal。
〃Yer partner in perfidy has th' better part。 young brigand;〃 he said softly; 〃for when we burn th' both o' ye fer yer blasphemy; methinks he willnae feel th' flames。 Ye; on t'other hand…〃
With a contemptuous snort; he turned and left; the other two measuring Dhugal with their own hard looks before turning to follow; closing the door behind them。 Dhugal's heart sank as he heard a bar drop in place with a hollow thunk; and he arched his back to take the strain off his throat as he tried to find a more fortable position on his side。
Flames。 Their captors were going to burn them; apparently with no chance to speak in their own defense。 He had no idea who this Sagart was whose tomb they had profaned; but apparently he had been a man of some import locally。 And the sentence smacked not of fanaticism; but of simple logic。 A crime had been mitted by two strangers…never mind any extenuating circumstances…and burning was the penalty for that crime。
The sheer unfairness of it made Dhugal angry; and he lay there fuming for several minutes before he was able to turn his anger to something more constructive…like getting loose。 Adrenaline fueled his body while anger fueled his mind; so that within a few minutes more; he had loosed the knots with his powers and was easing his wrists from their bonds; unlooping the choking rope from around his neck; removing his gag and the ropes binding his legs。
Before even checking on Kelson; Dhugal crept silently to the door and crouched down to try and peer beneath。 The light was dimmer now; and whatever chamber lay beyond had begun to reverberate to the sound of snoring。 Praying that no one would e to look in on them again; Dhugal eased to his feet and started back to Kelson; pausing in a corner to relieve himself; then knelt beside the motionless king to free him。 He conjured a faint sphere of handfire to see by; and Kelson stirred in his arms as Dhugal finished。
Don't speak aloud; Dhugal spoke in Kelson's mind as the grey eyes fluttered open; laying his finger across Kelson's lips to underline the order。 I think we're going to be left alone for the rest of the night; but it sounds like there's a whole hall full of guards sleeping just outside。
Kelson nodded weakly as Dhugal took his finger away。 but Dhugal could see by the light of his handfire that the kings pupils were reacting unequally again。 A new bruise purpled his temple; not far from where Dhugal had lifted the first skull fracture; and Kelson nearly gasped aloud as Dhugal touched it lightly with a fingertip。
It's bad; isn't it? Kelson managed to send。 though only when he had taken Dhugal's hand for close physical contact。
Swallowing with difficulty; Dhugal nodded。 That isn't the worst of it; either; he replied。 Kelson; they think we broke into the tombs and deliberately desecrated them。 They're threatening to burn us tomorrow。
Burn us…
Kelson closed his eyes; but then his thought came stronger in Dhugal's mind than Dhugal had thought possible; with such an injury。
Promise me two things; then; Dhugal…not as king; but by the love you bear for me and as you value our blood oath as brothers。
Anything; Kelson…I swear it! came Dhugal's fervent response。
First; promise that; if nothing else can be done; you'll help your king to die before the flames reach him。
You mean…kill you?
Kelson; I…
Promise it; Dhugal。 The grey eyes opened; calm as a fog…shrouded sea。 Of all things on this earth and beyond; perhaps; I fear that death the most。 You know what your father went through…and that was only a foretaste。 Promise me; Dhugal!
Tears brimming in his eyes; Dhugal nodded。
I promise; he said; mouthing the words as his mind also shaped them for Kelson's。
And now for the second promise; Kelson went on; a faint smile curving his mouth。
Dhugal nodded; bowing his head over the king's hand and brushing its back with his lips。
I promise。
Don't you want to know what the second promise is?
What does it matter? Dhugal replied; looking up with a bitter smile。 What could you possibly ask me to do that would be more difficult than what you've already asked?
I could ask you to save me; Kelson returned。 And; indeed。 that's precisely what I'm going to ask…because I'm not ready to die yet; by any means。
Save you? Aghast; Dhugal searched the grey eyes for some further clue of what the king was talking about。 Kelson; you know that when they e for us in the morning; I'll do my best to save both of us; but…
Heal me; Dhugal。 Kelson's thought cut through Dhugal's like a knife。 You e from Healer stock。 You're Duncan's son in every other way…why not that? You fixed my skull fracture; after all。
That was a physical manipulation; Dhugal protested。 It isn't the same。 I wasn't able to touch the injury inside。
Did you try?
No; I didn't dare。
Well; now it's time to dare; Kelson returned。 When Morgan heals; he says he has to lay hands on the part to be healed…and then he…sort of visualises how it should be when it's well。 He rubbed distractedly between his eyes。 It probably wouldn't hurt to invoke Saint Camber; either。 Both Morgan and your father have had…what to call them? Visitations?…while they're healing; by some non…physical entity who fits Camber's description。 And Morgan says he gets an impression of another pair of hands on top of his。
Dhugal knelt there for several seconds; stunned; blinking back to normal consciousness only as Kelson's thought flicked gently against his mind once again。
I know it's frightening; came the king's reassurance; seductively tempting。 If it makes it any less frightening; try healing yourself before you tackle me。 You're going to need two good l
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