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Dhugal almost snorted at that; for judging by what he had experienced as he came out of trance the first time。 Camber might be doing just that。 And Kelson obviously was not aware of any of it。
Let's settle for some honest work of our own; he responded tersely; beginning to reach out for rapport again。 Just let yourself go into trance again and relax。 Give everything over to me。 I don't think I'll need your energy; as such; but I will need plete control; once your shields start ing back。 If I've kenned this right; the first part; at least; will e easy。 The rest is going to require deeper work。 but we'll worry about that after the first part's done。 And if you know any prayers to Saint Camber; he added; this is the time to say them。
No specific ones; came Kelson's already vague; gently unfocused reply; but I'll do my best to improvise。
Good; because I have the feeling he's more than a little interested in what's happening here tonight。
He felt Kelson's stir of inquiry; but his own control was already more than the king could resist; as both of them settled into deeper levels。 Gently he pushed Kelson into soft; easy slumber; at the same time taking them both deeper。 Even as they continued sinking; Dhugal sent his will into the laceration beneath his fingertips…and felt the tissue warm beneath his touch; then grow cool; as the scabs fell away from clean; scarless skin。
Smiling; Dhugal spared a quick visual glance by handfire light; then moved his hands above the fracture he had manipulated before。 He thought he sensed other hands superimposed on his own; as he reached his mind into this more challenging injury; but he resisted the impulse to look with his eyes。 The Presence behind him; arms circling his to lay on hands he knew he could not see with physical sight; elicited no fear; but only calm and strength and love。
The physical healing came more easily this time; as Dhugal let the power channel through him。 The line of the old fracture blurred in his mind's eye and then disappeared as new; clean bone bridged the break; the healed line finally indistinguishable from any part of the skull never breached。 Underneath; the slight swelling still impeding function presented a greater challenge; but Dhugal dealt with that; too; almost the same way he had dealt with his ankle; bidding the blood carry warmth and healing to the site of injury and wash damaged tissue away…though function was not restored; and he must deal with that in a moment。
No bone was actually damaged over the third site; though there was bruising both above and below the level of the skull; and a tiny laceration that quickly yielded to his power。 Dhugal took care of the bruising in what had now bee the usual manner; but something yet remained to be done… for here; too; there was damage beyond the grossly physical that must be mended before function could be restored。
But suddenly it came to him that something else was required…and that he had the ability to do it。 So when he had done with the external healing; he summoned all his courage and slipped beyond the merely physical of what lay inside Kelson Haldane's skull and forged a mind meld。 But it was much; much more。
It was something like that very first; joyous rapport he had shared with his father; only focused through the lens of his newfound ability and amplified by the nearly lifelong friendship he and Kelson had shared。 Though Dhugal controlled it; it drew him; too; into a profound sharing that shivered through the length; breadth; height; and depth of him and of Kelson; forging a bond that; at least for a time; intertwined their very souls…an ecstatic melding of all that either of them had been or hoped to be; shared to a depth that neither could even have imagined before。
It was a union that seemed to have no limit and no need for one; giving each the fullness of the other; an intimacy so profound that it went beyond the physical and at the same time enpassed it; so that Dhugal knew; in that instant; why only a Deryni woman would do for either of them; thereafter when each went to take a wife。 His amazement was plete when Kelson shared the knowledge that he had already chosen such a woman in Rothana; and that he and the fiery Deryni princess; even now shedding her vows of religion for Kelson's sake; planned to wed when Kelson returned。
When Kelson returned。 Awareness of their situation flooded back like a dash of cold water; both of them suddenly mindful of the need to return to normal consciousness; now that healing was plete…for there was no doubt that that was the case; as they… surfaced simultaneously; resplendent in bright Deryni auras; intermingled scarlet and silver; as Dhugal raised his head from where it had lain on Kelson's chest。
But then Kelson froze; raising his head to look at something beyond Dhugal; his aura quickly drawing in。 And as Dhugal turned; half expecting to see the apparition of his earlier vision; he; too; damped his aura。
For it was not Saint Camber who had just seen them thus。 The room was still awash with the ruddy light of a torch。 held aloft by the border chief who had looked in on them earlier。 An elderly woman in a grey robe and wimple stood at his right elbow; perhaps a religious of some sort; and he was backed by half a dozen other men dressed in the same manner as himself; all well armed; their hard faces slack with awe and not a little dread。
Silver flashed in the chiefs other hand; dangling by fine; glinting chains…the Saint Camber medals his men had taken from their two captives; Dhugal suddenly realized…but the chief seemed hardly to be aware of them; after what he had seen。
〃Who are you?〃 the woman demanded; quietly; but in a voice obviously accustomed to obedience。

And his brightness was as the light。。。 and there was the hiding of his powers。
Habakkuk 3:4
〃Who are you; and what are you?〃 the woman repeated。 〃You're Deryni aren't you?〃
Query flashed between Dhugal and Kelson too quickly for mere words; but other than for sheer physical weakness from going so long without proper food; there was no question that Kelson was sufficiently recovered to take the lead in dealing with their captors; as he clearly intended to do。 Nor was it necessarily a good idea to admit to their true identity yet。 The woman's tone did not suggest that being Deryni was necessarily a good thing; in her eyes。
〃We are not brigands or grave robbers。 Lady;〃 the king said carefully; starting to ease to a sitting position; as Dhugal did the same。
〃That remains t' be seen;〃 the man interjected。 〃Stay where ye are!〃
Beyond the open door; the scuffle of booted feet skidded to a stop; and the man took the woman's arm and quickly urged her to one side; his panions shifting to the other; so that two bowmen could fill the doorway; arrows already nocked and ing to full draw。 Two more knelt behind them from the sides to train their arrows into the room。 Kelson and Dhugal froze。
〃Now;〃 the man continued; 〃ye will get up slowly; one at a time; and ye will allow these men t' bind ye again…else my archers will cut ye down。〃 
〃We mean you no harm;〃 Kelson said steadily。
〃An' ye shall e t' nae harm if ye do as yer told;〃 the man replied。 〃You fir
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