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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第105章

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ibility that one of the children was of protracted gestation or that the other was of premature birth。 Article 312 of the Civil Code of France accords a minimum of one hundred and eighty and a maximum of three hundred days for the gestation of a viable child。 (See Protracted Gestation。)

Voight is accredited with having seen a triple uterus; and there are several older parallels on record。 Thilow mentions a uterus which was divided into three small portions。

Of the different anomalous positions of the uterus; most of which are acquired; the only one that will be mentioned is that of complete prolapse of the uterus。 In this instance the organ may hang entirely out of the body and even forbid locomotion。

Of 19 cases of hernia of the uterus quoted by Debierre 13 have been observed in the inguinal region; five on the right and seven on the left side。 In the case of Roux in 1891 the hernia existed on both sides。 The uterus has been found twice only in crural hernia and three times in umbilical hernia。 There is one case recorded; according to Debierre; in which the uterus was one of the constituents of an obturator hernia。 Sometimes its appendages are found with it。 Doring; Ledesma; Rektorzick; and Scazoni have found the uterus in the sac of an inguinal hernia; Leotaud; Murray; and Hagner in an umbilical hernia。 The accompanying illustration represents a hernia of the gravid womb through the linea alba。

Absence of the penis is an extremely rare anomaly; although it has been noted by Schenck; Borellus; Bouteiller; Nelaton; and others。 Fortunatus Fidelis and Revolat describe a newly born child with absence of external genitals; with spina bifida and umbilical hernia。 Nelaton describes a child of two entirely without a penis; but both testicles were found in the scrotum; the boy urinated by the rectum。 Ashby and Wright mention complete absence of the penis; the urethra opening at the margin of the anus outside the external sphincter; the scrotum and testicles were well developed。 Murphy gives the description of a well…formed infant apparently without a penis; the child passed urine through an opening in the lower part of the abdomen just above the ordinary location of the penis; the scrotum was present。 Incisions were made into a small swelling just below the urinary opening in the abdomen which brought into view the penis; the glans being normal but the body very small。 The treatment consisted of pressing out the glans daily until the wound healed; the penis receded spontaneously。 It is stated that the organ would doubtless be equal to any requirements demanded of it。 Demarquay quotes a somewhat similar case in an infant; but it had no urinary opening until after operation。

Among the older writers speaking of deficient or absent penis are Bartholinus; Bauhinus; Cattierus; the Ephemerides; Frank; Panaroli; van der Wiel; and others。 Renauldin describes a man with a small penis and enormous mammae。 Goschler; quoted by Jacobson; speaks of a well…developed man of twenty…two; with abundant hair on his chin and suprapubic region and the scrotum apparently perfect; with median rapine; a careful search failed to show any trace of a penis; on the anterior wall of the rectum four lines above the anus was an orifice which gave vent to urine; the right testicle and cord were normal; but there was an acute orchitis in the left。 Starting from just in front of the anal orifice was a fold of skin 1 1/2 inches long and 3/4 inch high continuous with the rapine; which seemed to be formed of erectile tissue and which swelled under excitement; the enlargement lasting several minutes with usually an emission from the rectum。 It was possible to pass a sound through the opening in the rectum to the bladder through a urethra 1 1/2 inches wide; the patient had control of the bladder and urinated from every three to five hours。

Many instances of rudimentary development of the penis have been recorded; most of them complicated with cryptorchism or other abnormality of the sexual organs。 In other instances the organ is present; but the infantile type is present all through life; sometimes the subjects are weak in intellect and in a condition similar to cretinism。 Kaufmann quotes a case in a weakly boy of twelve whose penis was but 3/4 inch long; about as thick as a goose…quill; and feeling as limp as a mere tube of skin; the corpora cavernosa were not entirely absent; but ran only from the ischium to the junction of the fixed portion of the penis; suddenly terminating at this point。 Nothing indicative of a prostate could be found。 The testicles were at the entrance of the inguinal canal and the glans was only slightly developed。

Binet speaks of a man of fifty…three whose external genitalia were of the size of those of a boy of nine。 The penis was of about the size of the little finger; and contained on each side testicles not larger than a pea。 There was no hair on the pubes or the face; giving the man the aspect of an old woman。 The prostate was almost exterminated and the seminal vesicles were very primitive in conformation。 Wilson was consulted by a gentleman of twenty…six as to his ability to perform the marital function。 In size his penis and testicles hardly exceeded those of a boy of eight。 He had never felt desire for sexual intercourse until he became acquainted with his intended wife; since when he had erections and nocturnal emissions。 The patient married and became the father of a family; those parts which at twenty…six were so much smaller than usual had increased at twenty…eight to normal adult size。 There are three cases on record in the older literature of penises extremely primitive in development。 They are quoted by the Ephemerides; Plater; Schenck; and Zacchias。 The result in these cases was impotency。

In the Army and Medical Museum at Washington are two injected specimens of the male organ divested of skin。 From the meatus to the pubis they measure 6 1/2 and 5 1/2 inches; from the extremity to the termination of either crus 9 3/4 and 8 3/4 inches; and the circumferences are 4 3/4 and 4 1/4 inches。 Between these two we can strike an average of the size of the normal penis。

In some instances the penis is so large as to forbid coitus and even inconvenience its possessor; measuring as much as ten or even more inches in length。 Extraordinary cases of large penis are reported by Albinus (who mentions it as a cause for sterility); Bartholinus; Fabricius Hildanus; Paullini; Peyer; Plater; Schurig; Sinibaldus; and Zacchias。 Several cases of enormous penises in the new…born have been observed by Wolff and others。 

The penis palme; or suture de la verge of the French; is the name given to those examples of single cutaneous envelope for both the testicles and penis; the penis is adherent to the scrotum by its inferior face; the glans only is free and erection is impossible。 Chretien cites an instance in a man of twenty…five; and Schrumpf of Wesserling describes an example of this rare anomaly。 The penis and testes were inclosed in a common sac; a slight projection not over 1/4 inch long being seen from the upper part of this curious scrotum。 When the child was a year old a plastic operation was performed on this anomalous member wi
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