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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第106章

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scrotum。 When the child was a year old a plastic operation was performed on this anomalous member with a very satisfactory result。 Petit describes an instance in which the penis was slightly fused with the scrotum。

There are many varieties of torsion of the penis。 The glans itself may be inclined laterally; the curvature may be total; or there may be a veritable rotation; bringing the inferior face above and the superior face below。 Gay describes a child with epispadias whose penis had undergone such torsion on its axis that its inferior surface looked upward to the left; and the child passed urine toward the left shoulder。 Follin mentions a similar instance in a boy of twelve with complete epispadias; and Verneuil and Guerlin also record cases; both complicated with associate maldevelopment。 Caddy mentions a youth of eighteen who had congenital torsion of the penis with out hypospadias or epispadias。 There was a complete half…turn to the left; so that the slit…like urinary meatus was reversed and the frenum was above。 Among the older writers who describe incurvation or torsion of the penis are Arantius; the Ephemerides; Haenel; Petit; Schurig; Tulpius; and Zacchias。

Zacutus Lusitans speaks of torsion of the penis from freezing。 Paullini mentions a case the result of masturbation; and Hunter speaks of torsion of the penis associated with arthritis。

Ossification of the Penis。MacClellann speaks of a man of fifty…two whose penis was curved and distorted in such a manner that urine could not be passed without pain and coitus was impossible。 A bony mass was discovered in the septum between the corpora cavernosa; this was dissected out with much hemorrhage and the upward curvature was removed; but there resulted a slight inclination in the opposite direction。 The formation of bone and cartilage in the penis is quite rare。 Velpeau; Kauffmann; Lenhoseck; and Duploy are quoted by Jacobson as having seen this anomaly。 There is an excellent preparation in Vienna figured by Demarquay; but no description is given。 The Ephemerides and Paullini describe osseous penises。

The complete absence of the frenum and prepuce has been observed in animals but is very rare in man。 The incomplete or irregular development is more frequent; but most common is excessive development of the prepuce; constituting phimosis; when there is abnormal adherence with the glans。 Instances of phimosis; being quite common; will be passed without special mention。 Deficient or absent prepuce has been observed by Blasius; Marcellus Donatus; and Gilibert。 Partial deficiency is described by Petit Severinus; and others。

There may be imperforation or congenital occlusion of some portion of the urethra; causing enormous accumulation of urine in the bladder; but fortunately there is generally in such cases some anomalous opening of the urethra giving vent to the excretions。 Tulpius mentions a case of deficient urethra。 In the Ephemerides there is an account of a man who had a constant flow of semen from an abnormal opening in the abdomen。 La Peyroma describes a case of impotence due to ejaculation of the spermatic ducts into the bladder instead of into the urethra; but remarks that there was a cicatrix of a wound of the neighboring parts。 There are a number of instances in which the urethra has terminated in the rectum。 Congenital dilatation of the urethral canal is very rare; and generally accompanied by other malformation。

Duplication of the urethra or the existence of two permeable canals is not accepted by all the authors; some of whom contend that one of the canals either terminates in a culdesac or is not separate in itself。 Verneuil has published an article clearly exposing a number of cases; showing that it is possible for the urethra to have two or more canals which are distinct and have separate functions。 Fabricius Hildanus speaks of a double aperture to the urethra; Marcellus Donatus describes duplicity of the urethra; one of the apertures being in the testicle; and there is another case on record in which there was a urethral aperture in the groin。 A case of double urethra in a man of twenty…five living in Styria who was under treatment for gonorrhea is described; the supernumerary urethra opening above the natural one and receiving a sound to the depth of 17 cm。 There was purulent gonorrhea in both urethrae。 Vesalius has an account of a double urethral aperture; one of which was supposed to give spermatic fluid and the other urine。 Borellus; Testa; and Cruveilhier have reported similar instances。 Instances of double penis have been discussed under the head of diphallic terata; page 194。

Hypospadias and epispadias are names given to malformations of the urethra in which the wall of the canal is deficient either above or below。 These anomalies are particularly interesting; as they are nearly always found in male hermaphrodites; the fissure giving the appearance of a vulva; as the scrotum is sometimes included; and even the perineum may be fissured in continuity with the other parts; thus exaggerating the deception。 There seems to be an element of heredity in this malformation; and this allegation is exemplified by Sedgwick; who quotes a case from Heuremann in which a family of females had for generations given birth to males with hypospadias。 Belloc mentions a man whose urethra terminated at the base of the frenum who had four sons with the same deformity。 Picardat mentions a father and son; both of whom had double urethral orifices; one above the other; from one of which issued urine and from the other semena fact that shows the possibility of inheritance of this malformation。 Patients in whom the urethra opens at the root of the penis; the meatus being imperforate; are not necessarily impotent; as; for instance; Fournier knew of a man whose urethra opened posteriorly who was the father of four children。 Fournier supposed that the semen ejaculated vigorously and followed the fissure on the back of the penis to the uterus; the membrane of the vagina supplanting the deficient wall of the urethra。 The penis was short; but about as thick as ordinary。

Gray mentions a curious case in a man afflicted with hypospadias who; suffering with delusions; was confined in the insane asylum at Utica。 When he determined to get married; fully appreciating his physical defect; he resolved to imitate nature; and being of a very ingenious turn of mind; he busied himself with the construction of an artificial penis。 While so engaged he had seized every opportunity to study the conformation of this organ; and finally prepared a body formed of cotton; six inches in length; and shaped like a penis; minus a prepuce。 He sheathed it in pig's gut and gave it a slight vermilion hue。 To the touch it felt elastic; and its shape was maintained by a piece of gutta…percha tubing; around which the cotton was firmly wound。 It was fastened to the waist…band by means of straps; a central and an upper one being so arranged that the penis could be thrown into an erect position and so maintained。 He had constructed a flesh…colored covering which completely concealed the straps。 With this artificial member he was enabled to deceive his wife for fifteen months; and was only discovered when;
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