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sa felt incredible relief。 The Weyrleaders of Pern would take their places at the Council with considerably more confidence and that; in itself; would impress the Lord Holders and Craftmasters。 She especially looked forward to announcing the post…Thread occupation for which dragonriders were undeniably suited。 She smiled to herself。 Sharra brought her a glass of wine and a small dish of savories。 She was roused from her private thoughts by G'dened's testy question to Master Wansor。
  〃You mentioned three other dedicated people? Who would they be?〃
  〃Why; Master Stinar is one; the others are two of my old students from Telgar who are now masters in their own Halls; Tippel in Crom and Murolin in Southern Boll。 They have even built their own scopes…reflecting telescopes; only one…hundred…millimeter…but adequate for the sky…watching。 It is to Tippel's everlasting despair that he missed seeing the Fireball; it had been so cold he'd gone in early。〃 Master Wansor made a ical face of regret。 〃However; I do have a suggestion for you; Weyrleader G'dened。 Have a look at the sky tonight from the Cove Hold telescope。〃
  Lessa sat straight tip; grinning at G'dened's sudden confusion。
  〃Now; why didn't one of us think of that?〃 She stood up。 〃I should like a chance to see myself。 Is it possible; Erragon?〃 She saw the brief hesitation on the Master's face。 〃Or would we be interrupting your search pattern?〃
  〃All in a good cause; Lady Lessa。〃 Erragon bowed with sincere courtesy。
  〃Who's there while you're here?〃 G'dened wanted to know。
  〃Lofton; a capable journeyman;〃 he replied just as F'lessan came up to Lessa。
  〃Tai and I would be glad to demonstrate Honshu's scope;〃 F'lessan said; grinning from ear to ear。 〃I've got K'van; Adrea; Palla; and J'fery ing。〃
  G'dened and Cosira were the only ones who did not care to go on to view the stars; either at Cove Hold Observatory or Honshu。 G'dened did agree that he would find out who among his riders would wish to train themselves for this sky…watch project。
  〃You did say; Erragon;〃 said F'lar; joining Lessa; 〃that you have more prints we can show to relieve the fears of the Council?〃
  〃And the majority of the holders and crafters;〃 K'van murmured; adding so only F'lessan and Tai heard him; 〃not to mention the dragonriders。〃
  It wasn't until Lessa and F'lar got back to their weyr that she remembered she hadn't had a chance to speak to Jaxom; who had slipped out with Sharra while others were finishing their wine。 She missed a moment with F'lessan; as he; too; left more ostentatiously with the group going to Honshu; so that she didn't have any time to talk to this green rider of his。 She had never seen him so protective of anyone。 Tai did not look fragile。
  〃She'll do;〃 F'lar murmured; once again touching her very thoughts as he slipped an arm about her shoulders and made her fortable against him in bed。
PART 4…New Dimensions
  After the cove hold meeting that Tai had dreaded; she was as exhilarated as F'lessan。 He had had to be unusually stern…for him…to get her to attend and only because Erragon had been equally insistent had she reluctantly plied。 Then; during the meeting; both men had made so many references to her assistance that she had been embarrassed。 When old G'dened had proved intransigent and supercilious; so…so stupid about the dangers; she had had to speak up。 Erragon and even Lord Lytol; who often took the opposite side of any argument; had supported her ment。 And encouraged her to speak。 It had been a high and totally unexpected moment of acceptance for her。 Neither Benden Weyrleader had taken exception to or even seemed surprised by F'lessan's remarks。 She had been almost overe with pride in him。 When Mirrim would have marched her off to the kitchen; F'lessan had kept her by his side; to explain to the younger Weyrleaders how they established the scan; set the remote imager for timed exposures; and how to determine the significance of the images and why so many exposures of the night sky were required。 Palla seemed almost as overwhelmed by the pany she was in as Tai; and the two exchanged sympathetic glances。 Palla was the only other young dragonrider who understood the immediate task。
  Then F'lessan issued the invitation for those interested to adjourn to Honshu。 And eleven riders and dragons had flown to the weyrhold。 That had been the heady part; especially with Mirrim present…showing off the observatory and bringing up images of the minor planets above the horizon。 When F'lessan and Tai realized that Palla had remembered a good deal of her apprentice studies; they encouraged her to explain to J'fery; K'van; and T'gellan。 Talina listened in the way she had of being of a group but not part of it。 Mirrim pretended interest but Tai was aware of her restlessness; so when she offered to find out what there was to eat in the weyrhold; F'lessan told her by all means to find out and serve it up。 He snagged Tai by the hand。
  〃She knows where everything is…〃 F'lessan murmured in her ear and paused significantly; 〃in the kitchen。 Let her。〃
  Revived by baskets of bread; cheese; fruit; cold river fish; meat; and klah that Mirrim served; the spontaneous first session of Astronomy for Weyrleaders…as F'lessan jokingly called it…went on till well after Rigel had set。
  Having bid farewell to their guests; Tai began to clear the baskets; sweeping the remnants into one while F'lessan put the telescope to bed。 She was gathering up the prints when he caught her starting to file them。
  〃Just make a neat pile。 We need to get some rest tonight; my dear green;〃 he said; curling his arms about her; pulling her into him and away from the chore。 She leaned out of his arms to snag several more prints。 〃They'll e to no harm and filing will not only take you ages but you're tired enough to make mistakes。〃 He kissed her neck。 〃You take the litter down with Zaranth。 I'll close the roof and meet you downstairs。〃
  〃You walked up; I'll go down;〃 she said firmly。
  〃No; I will。 It's easier going down; and that way you'll have enough time to put the kitchen to rights after Mirrim's been messing in it and then we'll both take a quick swim in the river which I suddenly feel the urge to do。〃
  F'lessan knew exactly how to manipulate her; Tai thought as she climbed the ladder to the roof and took the baskets that F'lessan handed up to her; grinning with his success。 She heard the machinery that closed the roof begin to whir as she mounted Zaranth。 Golanth's eyes blinked greenly at her。
  I e with you; he said and dropped off the knob of stone he'd been perched on。
  She left the two dragons on the terrace and made for the kitchen。 All the lights were on and most of the cupboards left half ajar。 There was rather more of a mess to clear up than she'd've thought。 Had Mirrim done this on purpose? No; Talina had been with her; Talina might be indolent but she wasn't spiteful。 Mirrim still didn't believe her about the pelts。 Although Golanth had now managed; with just a little control from Zaranth; to alter the direction of trundlebugs only as much as was actually required; that had been as much experimentation as
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