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e; aunties and uncles; retired from physically demanding work; like Master Idarolan; who would be delighted to have responsible work to do; even if it is at night。 Frankly; I only need a few hours' sleep;〃 he added with an ingenuous smile。
  〃It would be no problem for me and Tiroth;〃 D'ram said; 〃to bring students to Master Wansor。 It will take considerable time; especially with the workload that is currently carried by our best people; to build an observatory; so we must make strong representations to the Council to start as soon as possible。 In the meantime; the production of binoculars from the SmithCraftHall has been increased…〃
  〃By over half again as many;〃 Wansor interrupted with one hand upraised in apology; 〃since the Fireball。〃
  〃Has been increased considerably;〃 D'ram went on gently。 〃Master Jancis and Piemur assure us of a supply and Master Morilton has professed himself and his Hall willing to experiment with reflecting mirrors for small telescopes。〃
  〃And; when the dangerous objects are discovered; will dragons be required to push them out of the sky?〃 G'dened demanded sarcastically。
  Lessa noticed that F'lessan exchanged a quick look with Tai。 F'lessan also had a gleam in his eye that had always preceded some mad start of his as a boy。
  〃One never knows; G'dened;〃 Jaxom said; 〃considering what strange things dragons have done in the past eleven Turns。 I repeat; I'm quite willing to site and provide for an observatory in the Ruathan hills。〃
  〃I'll undertake to set another at Telgar。 Master Fandarel will certainly approve of an efficient watch on the sky;〃 and J'fery grinned; 〃and Lord Larad is more open to such projects than other Holders。〃
  〃It would be wise;〃 Jaxom said; stressing the last word; 〃to include as many holders and crafters in this sky watch as possible。〃
  〃I thought it was to be a dragonrider responsibility;〃 G'dened said。
  Really; thought Lessa with a disgust she did not express; G'dened must step down。 He was so hidebound。
  〃We will need everyone who's willing! Why; we'll need to train two or more Halls full of people;〃 and Wansor held out both arms in an expansive gesture。 〃As Weyrleader K'van remarked; it's a big sky。 And we must discover as many objects as possible。 Most will prove harmless when their orbits are charted; like our Turnover Ghost etary trails。 Many may e close but proceed on their ways。〃
  〃That's all very well; Master Wansor;〃 G'dened said; still unconvinced; 〃but that doesn't answer the important question: what could we do if another et or meteor or whatever is close enough to impact Pern again?〃
  The silence in the hall was so plete that the ining waves could be heard rippling up the beach; and the occasional splash of dolphins playing one of their evening games。
  〃We'll think of something;〃 F'lar said into that silence。
  〃What's the matter with all of you。。。〃 F'lessan cried; jumping to his feet。
  Lessa could almost hear the words he had been about to utter: old dragonriders。
  He recovered quickly; almost stumbling over the next words。 〃We've only started exploring the masses of information Aivas left us and somewhere in all that information there will be a way of dealing with them。 When Thread first starting falling; our ancestors made do with what they had; and developed what they needed to survive…the dragons。 They found ways to adapt that have sheltered and expanded a population that; had they been less resourceful and optimistic; would have perished without a trace in that first Pass。 All due respects to you; Erragon; but Aivas had a habit of hiding information so we have to work to find it。 Let us make the best of what we have…those telescopes and the brains we were born with。〃
  Lessa regarded her son with considerable; if pessimistic; respect。 And yet; what he said might well be true。 Aivas had talked about weapons of mass destruction and she earnestly hoped that nowhere in those records were such particulars。 But if there was hope。。。 
  〃We had to learn a great many things to blow the Red Star off course。 We still don't know the half of what there is in Aivas's records;〃 F'lessan went on。
  〃There's more than half of that we don't need to know; F'lessan;〃 G'dened said; scowling。
  〃Quite possibly more than half; G'dened; but; as dragonriders; we are mitted to learn as much about our responsibilities of protecting this planet as possible。〃
  Giving F'lessan an approving nod; F'lar rose。 〃The Weyrs will continue to serve。 If we propose the sky watch to the Council in the most positive terms; and with plete accord;〃 he glanced meaningfully at G'dened and the puzzled G'narish; 〃then; by the first Eggs that hatched here in Landing; we dragonriders will add a new dimension to our future!〃
  His fist came down on the table and; eyes brilliant; he stared around; daring anyone to challenge him。
  Now that; Lessa thought with a surge of pride for her weyrmate; was plain speaking! The two new Weyrleaders; so determined to succeed in their new responsibilities; would have followed any strong lead。 Between F'lessan and F'lar; they now had one and rose to their feet; cheering。 T'gellan's dejection noticeably lightened and; if Cosira looked confused; at least G'narish seemed revitalized by F'lar's stirring words。
  〃I suppose it's best to show a united front;〃 G'dened muttered; reluctantly acquiescing to the majority。
  〃Well now; that's most encouraging; most encouraging;〃 Wansor said; nodding around。 〃So; let us summarize our plans。 Yoko; Cove Hold; and Honshu will continue their search patterns of near…space; we'll request the Council to release three of the remaining telescopes; start work on the vitally required one on the Western Continent; another to be sited at Ice Lake…thank you very much; Lord Jaxom。 The third at Telgar…if Lord Larad's goodwill and assistance can be obtained。 Good of you; Lady Palla; Lord J'fery; to offer your services。 Of course; we shall ask the invaluable cooperation of Master Fandarel。 We shall also ask for volunteers…sky…watching will require many eyes as well as many of the dark hours…and instigate an accelerated training program。 I'm sure the Harper Hall will encourage this。 And I'll ask Master Tagetarl to print up one of his notices。 The entire planet will know!〃 He swung his arms wide; his broad smile infectious。
  〃I think that does about summarize what the dragonriders will do;〃 F'lar said。 〃Now; why don't we relax and have some wine? We brought some Benden with us for those who might like it。〃
  There wasn't a person in the hall; save perhaps G'dened; who wasn't quite happy to take a glass。 Mirrim bustled out to the kitchen with Talina; Adrea; and Sharra in tow。 Tai started to join them but F'lessan held her back; to help him explain the prints to Palla; J'fery; and K'van。 Erragon produced old Aivas projections; which showed how much currently unobserved sky would be the responsibility of the Western Continent installation。
  Relieved that this meeting; which she had begun with little hope of any positive support; had ended on such a high note; Lessa felt incredible relief。 The Weyrleaders of Pern would take their places at the Council with consi
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