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 cudgel; wishing he had chosen a thicker one。 The man looked huge in the shadows。 Not since his journeyman's days had Tagetarl been in a brawl。 He heard the clink of something against the pane and smiled to himself。 It took a smashing blow to break glass of Master Morilton's manufacture。 And would make a lot of noise; too。
  But it didn't; because the intruder held something over the pane as he hit it again。 The glass made a tinkling sound as the splinters fell on the inside carpet。 Another dull sound and the door lock was broken。 If he and Rosheen had been drugged and asleep; they would not have heard those sounds。 Then he had no time to think because the man pushed open the door and crouched; listening。 Tagetarl pulled back his arm and just as the man moved forward; so did he。 But the man suddenly tripped; swearing as he fell。 Tagetarl aimed at his head and brought down his cudgel; numbing his arm to the shoulder when his cudgel connected with something else; much harder。
  〃Got 'ya。〃 Rosheen said in a low and very smug voice and then saw Tagetarl's cudgel lying across the heavy iron pan with which she had clouted the intruder。 〃I didn't see you; Tag!〃
  Tagetarl was reeling somewhat with the shock that was still coursing up his arm; his hand numb from forceful contact with an iron skillet。 A whirr and Ola arrived; hissing down at the intruder。 Three more fire…lizards neatly zipped in through the broken pane。
  〃How'd you drop him?〃 he whispered。
  〃Tripped him with the broom;〃 she said。 〃I heard the glass go。 Where were you?〃
  Tagetarl jerked his head over his shoulder。
  〃Let's throw him down the cellar steps; out of the way;〃 she said so coolly that Tagetarl regarded his spouse with surprise。
  She was generally the kindest of women。 〃Ola will make sure her friends don't let him go anywhere。〃
  〃If you haven't killed him。〃
  〃If I killed him; what was he doing where I could do so?〃 she demanded in a hoarse whisper。
  He was still alive when they took him by the shoulders; dragged him the short distance to the top of the cellar stairs and then tipped him down; the hissing fire…lizards following him into the darkness below。
  Crouching; they moved back to the open kitchen door。
  Rosheen gasped as she jiggled her hand at the flaming torches across the cobbles。 He caught her before she could move。 〃Look carefully;〃 he whispered in her ear。 〃It's only the torches burning。〃
  〃Yes; but what happens when they see the fire hasn't taken?〃 she shot back at him。
  Where was Pinch?
  Suddenly he heard a loud; creaking rasp of wood; the odd; squeaking; popping sound of screws being wrenched forcibly out of their seating; a mutter of triumph; and; in the light of the torches; he saw the double doors of the Hall being flattened to the cobbles。 The intruders; audibly pleased with this success; started trampling across the broken leaves of the door。 In the next moment; Tagetarl's ears were pierced by such a weird warble that he flinched and blinked; as the court seemed to be full of wings and gouts of flame; converging on the battered entrance to the Print Hall。 Now human shrieks and screams reverberated amid sudden surprised shouts and protests。 Tagetarl was on his feet; cudgel held high as he took the porch steps in two leaps; Rosheen right behind him; swinging her skillet。
  Fortunately they were running down the left…hand side of the court toward the Hall because something large and gray settled to the cobbles; almost on top of them。 Flattening his body against the wall; Tagetarl snatched Rosheen back out of the way; unable to imagine what other menace the intruders had imported。 But the shouts from inside his Hall altered to angry; startled ones and shrieks of pain and curses。
  〃Get off' my face!〃 〃You're breaking my ribs!〃 〃My face; my face!〃 interspersed with pounding on the outer gate and anxious calls。 〃What's happening in there? Open up! Tagetarl! Master Printer!〃
  〃Master Tagetarl; it's Venabil! What's happening in there?〃
  〃Watch out!〃
  〃Shards! Do you see what I see?〃
  〃Here! Back off! There now! Stand aside!〃
  There was a clearance of perhaps a meter and a half between the top of the outer gates and the arch; and that space was filled with two whirling; orange eyes。
  〃Tagetarl! Get this gate open!〃
  〃In a minute! In a minute!〃 Pinch roared back。 〃Who has the hand lights? Torjus; Chenoa; dowse those torches! Macy; help me unfasten the bar!〃
  The court was suddenly awash with light。 Someone in the Hall had had the sense to turn on the main switch。 The large gray object Tagetarl had been trying to avoid turned rainbow…colored eyes on him and Tagetarl stared back at the white dragon; Ruth。 And then at the man dismounting。
  〃So it's you Ruth wants me to rescue;〃 was Lord Jaxom's slightly amused greeting。
  〃How did you know!?〃  Not that Tagetarl wasn't remarkably relieved to see him。
  〃Only to e; here and now。〃 Jaxom was unfastening his jacket and it could be seen that he was wearing casual clothing underneath; not full riding gear。 〃Ruth tells me Lioth and N'ton have also been summoned。 Do I assume that you've had some intruders?〃 He pointed toward the broken doors and the wriggling mass hanging just above it。 〃Did you catch them all in the one net?〃
  Stunned by all that had happened so quickly; Tagetarl had not really noticed。 So nets had been stuffed in those barrels? Hadn't Pinch mentioned that some of his helpers were sea…folk? How ingenious。 He then saw that the fairs of fire…lizards that had e swooping and flaming in were attacking those captive in the nets; pecking and scratching at arms; legs; and various other parts that were protruding from the mesh。 The anguished and pained protests were almost louder than the furor of the crowd outside; demanding to be let in。
  〃There's one more;〃 Rosheen said; breathless with relief and pride。 〃He tried to get into the hold and we knocked him out and pushed him down into the cellar。〃
  〃Clever of you;〃 Jaxom said; raising his voice to be heard; 〃but whatever did you do; Tag; to annoy the Abominators?〃
  〃Why are you sure that's who they are?〃 Rosheen asked。
  〃Who else would try to damage a Print Hall when most of Pern can't wait to own real books? And why else are N'ton and I here; too? As witnesses to a midnight attack on defenseless premises。〃
  Just then; Pinch and Macy lifted the sky…broom bar and the outer gates were flung open to the considerable crowd waiting to enter; waving cudgels; knives; and more torches。 They surged right up to the flattened leaves of the Hall's doors; halted and stared up at the swinging net。
  〃Jaxom? Are you all right?〃 someone cried above the angry shouting。 A tall figure in riding leathers came striding through the crowd to join them。 〃Lioth was told to bring me to Wide Bay immediately。 Tagetarl? Isn't this your Print Hall?〃 N'ton had rocked to a halt when he recognized those standing with Jaxom。 Then his eyes went wide。 He looked over his shoulder at the swinging net。 〃What's the haul?〃
  〃That's what we must discover;〃 Pinch said; stepping forward and nodding courteously to the Lord Holder and the Weyrleader。 〃I may have acte
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