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 with a mission for the MasterPrinter that will be discussed while his hosts visibly toast the Lord Holder's health。〃
  And that was exactly what happened as dusk settled over Wide Bay。 Then; with a great show of having enjoyed the wine; Tagetarl and Pinch went to close the outer gates for the night。 The heavy sky…broom wood bar took considerable heaving to get into place。 Tagetarl clipped over the unusual fastenings at both ends。
  〃Now don't worry; my good friend;〃 Pinch said as they walked back to the kitchen porch; giving him a reassuring shake on the shoulder。 〃They may get in; but I assure you; they won't find it so easy to get out。 Nor a chance to do any harm。 Now we go inside; like the innocents we are; and lock the door。〃
  Though Pinch had explained the various precautions he had taken during the day and where his helpers were now hiding; Tagetarl was realist enough to know that Thread could fall in unexpected tangles。
  〃Try to relax; Tag;〃 Pinch advised him。 〃I think every fire…lizard in the town is ready to e when Ola warbles。〃
  〃If they remember;〃 Tagetarl muttered to himself; shivering a little。 The night air was chilly。
  Pinch gave a soft; wry chuckle; 〃Bista's there; too; you know; and she'll remember。 Now; I've one more trick to see to。〃 He clapped him once more on the shoulder and took the short interior corridor to the Hall。
  〃Relax?〃 Tagetarl repeated under his breath。
  〃How could you leave me in ignorance all day; Tag?〃 Rosheen demanded; ing out of the kitchen。
  〃Now you know; would you rather have known earlier?〃 he replied more bitingly than he meant and put his arms about her in a tight; apologetic embrace。 He could feel her trembling。
  〃No; I guess not; but you've been very brave; Tag。〃
  〃I'm scared stiff。 If only we could have put in steel doors!〃
  〃Steel doors didn't keep the Abominators out of the Healer Hall; now did they? They just walked themselves in。 Well; at least they can't just walk in here!〃
  He reached over to turn out the kitchen lights。
  〃Shall I giggle drunkenly or something? Having enjoyed the Lord Holder's wine? Or s…s…should we reel up the s…s…stairs?〃 She spoiled her casual manner by stammering。
  〃A waste of effort; dear;〃 he said; trying not to sound grim。 〃Now the gates are closed; no one can see in。〃
  He transferred one arm to her waist as they climbed to their sleeping room; dowsing the lights as they went up。 Then they crept back down the stairs。 Fully dressed; they made themselves as fortable as possible on the long kitchen bench。 Rosheen had padded it with pillows to ease a long wait。
  〃Is Ola on watch?〃 he asked Rosheen softly。
  〃If she were more on watch; she'd give her vigilance away。〃 She gestured to a long shadow on the wide sill。
  Even the pillows could not make the upright design of the bench fortable。 After the very long tense day he had spent; Tagetarl found waiting in the dark for the expected attack the worst part。 He could have used the time to edit the copy to be printed the next day…if his presses still worked。 Surely; with most of Pinch's folk hidden in the Hall; his presses would be untouched? He tried to remember the latest verses Menolly had sent him for setting and found he remembered her new tunes better。 Then he was aware of a sleepy murmur from his spouse and realized that Rosheen; her head pillowed on his shoulder; had actually managed to fall asleep。 He was further distracted by the many soft noises the building could make。 He had to identify each one as normal。 And inside the hold。 Not outside。
  He was struggling to keep awake when Ola's soft hiss roused him。 He shook Rosheen and she mumbled before she realized that she shouldn't make any sound。 He felt her body tense。
  Then the fire…lizard disappeared。 What had she heard that he hadn't? Could he risk looking out the window? His ears hurt with the strain of listening。
  A noise! Outside。 The muted thud of the sky…broom bar rattled in its slots。 He grinned。 They'd have trouble just finding the safety catches。 A sudden flare of light: a match? Hunching down; he got to the kitchen door; crammed his body to one side so he had a partial view of the outer gates but wouldn't be seen。 Since his eyes were accustomed to the night; he made out two dark burly figures struggling to lift the sky…broom bar。 Then another black shadow; visible crossing the pale cobbles; joined them。 Three? That was the number Pinch reckoned would e over the weaver's roof。 Their initial job would be to open the outer gates and let the others in。 He heard once again the muted thud as the sky…broom bar refused to lift from its brackets。 He suppressed a malicious delight in their frustration。 Suddenly; outlined against the lighter building across the road; three shadows…heads and shoulders…loomed over the top of the gate。 The figures disappeared back the way they had e。 Had he heard muted cries? The three inside huddled together briefly and once again tried to lift the bar。
  Another flare of light; carefully shielded; but then held against one end of the stubborn bar。 Tagetarl chuckled。 They'd need full daylight to puzzle the mechanics: an old; old device。 Another huddle; one was left examining the catch。 A match was struck and he saw it passing from the head of one torch to another。 In that light; he followed the progress of the arsonist across the court; saw him jam one torch under the edge of the first shed door; the second under the farther one。 They burned merrily and Tagetarl held his breath。 Maybe that paint wasn't a retardant。 Fearfully he watched but; although the flame leaped up along the lower edge of the door; all that was really burning was the torch; its light reflecting back from whatever covered the wood。 The man who had placed the torches didn't seem to notice; returning to the stubborn bar securing the outer gates。
  Movement there caught Tagetarl's eye。 He caught a glimpse of someone scraping the arch in an effort to avoid the top of the gates。 That was a very awkward method of clearing a height; wasn't it? One of Pinch's surprises? When had Pinch had a chance to trick out the gates? Not that Tagetarl had noticed since the heavy leaves reached a good half meter above his head。 There was some kind of argument; carried on in emphatic gestures; some indicating the gates and another undeniably made to the person's crotch。 Whatever that had been about; now they were concentrating on both ends of the restraining bar。 He counted those now inside and came up with at least ten different shadows。 The attempts to shift the bar were abandoned and the group moved toward the Print Hall。 Tagetarl wondered if they were falling behind their schedule。
  What had been in those barrels? He couldn't see the Hall doors as easily as the outer gate but he did hear the scuff of heavy soles on the stone steps leading to the kitchen porch。 A dark figure; a big man; was silhouetted against the useless torches across the court。
  Pinch had given Tagetarl the task of preventing anyone from entering the link from the hold to the Hall。 He took a firm grip on his cudgel; wishing he had chosen a thicker one。 The man looked huge in the shadows。 Not since his jour
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