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  He climbed onto Golanth's foreleg to hand the cup to the bronze rider and F'lessan tossed back the liquid。 Just as well; he never would have sipped the beverage if he had sampled the taste of it。 What a taste! Worse than the seaholder's wine! It did revive him enough to dismount; if only to eat something to get rid of the taste of it in his mouth。 Golanth groaned as he sank to his belly; stretching out as much as he could without interfering with the tired dragons on either side of him。 Using Golanth's shoulder as a prop; F'lessan slid down to a sitting position against his dragon。
  〃Help me out of my jacket; Sellie。〃 I must remember to call him S'lan now; F'lessan thought。 〃Hang it on Golanth to dry; will you?〃
  That done; he took the breadroll the boy offered。
  〃You have to rest;〃 S'lan said; scowling at his father and looking; at that moment; like his grandmother。 He unslung the two canteens looped over his shoulder。 〃One's water。 Don't drink the klah in the other one yet。 It'll keep warm。 Ramoth says every dragon and rider has time to rest。〃
  〃Ramoth says we have time? Good。 Do I get back what time I lost?〃 F'lessan murmured facetiously; more to himself than for his son's ears。 〃Thanks; S'lan;〃 he added。
  F'lessan glanced slowly across the panorama of so many dragons sprawled in or near the square。 Sticking the breadroll between his teeth; he put the canteens on the ground beside him。 Was Lessa aware of how much his son looked like her? Dark haired; dark eyed; with a certain familiar tilt to the chin? Scamp!
  〃No one argues with Ramoth; you know;〃 the boy said。 〃Gotta go! I'll be back。〃
  It seemed to F'lessan more like a threat but he chewed a huge bite of the roll…the bread was crusty and still slightly warm。 With his free hand; he slipped the sweat…soaked helmet off his head and spread it where it could dry。 Shards! That tsunami shed a lot of water! Wearily; he looked over at Tai but she was sound asleep。 She was lucky。 Would he see that damned wave hovering over him if he slept? Or himself; Golanth; and Binness plastered like insects on the cliff? A vision out of a nightmare sure to bee one! Golanth really was the best dragon on all Pern。
  Of course I am; murmured the bronze immodestly。
  F'lessan chuckled around the last piece of the breadroll that he barely tasted; he was so tired。 He swallowed the last of it with a sip from the water canteen。 He could hardly keep his eyes open。 Had there been a dash of fellis in that healer's cup? He took a long swallow of water。
  Golanth groaned and dropped his muzzle to one foreleg。 F'lessan reached up to pat the right eye ridge; nuzzled himself into a fortable spot against Golanth's shoulder; and immediately fell asleep。
  At wintry Fort; F'nor and Idarolan informed Sebell of the dangers and the details。 Idarolan had acquired sufficient extra copies of the projected tsunami path through the Southern and Western Seas to give a set to the MasterHarper。 The Interface office had the only automatic copier; another of the many technological wonders that were ing in so very useful。 Considering the panic of drum messages into the Harper Hall from those minor holds and halls that had drummers; Sebell needed accurate information to give them。 It was still night in the west but the constant drums had interrupted the sleep of many and lights were on in cotholds as well as in Fort's great facade。 A messenger came running up from the Healer Hall with queries from Master Oldive as to where he was to send healers to help in this emergency of which he'd like pertinent details so he could organize his craftsmen and …women。
  〃Have you time for something to eat and drink?〃 Sebell asked when the core of the emergency had been explained to him。
  〃No; it's earlier at Southern Hold and we'd best not delay explaining it all to Toric;〃 F'nor said; grimacing。
  〃He'll demand to know why he's had to wait to learn about the fireball;〃 Sebell added。 Then he chuckled; his eyes bright in the gleam of the Hall's night lamps。
  〃I could use a laugh;〃 F'nor said。
  〃I think he may regret having so many…ah; shall we say undisclosed…coastal holdings?〃 Sebell snorted; his expression amused。 〃Truth will out。 K'van probably knows。〃
  〃We'd best go。 He and Sintary will be waiting for us at the old Weyr site。〃
  〃We will try to defuse rumor with fact;〃 Sebell said。
  A task that F'nor did not envy him。
  Idarolan gave a malicious smile。 〃Keep ears open for what those seaworm Abominators spread。〃
  〃It's a natural disaster; isn't it?〃 F'nor remarked。
  〃Reported by the Yokohama;〃 Sebell demurred。
  〃And sharding fortunate we are to have at least one eye on the skies above;〃 Idarolan said in his caustic fashion。
  F'nor thought about timing it; there was no question in F'nor's mind that Toric's informers would eventually mention the exact minute and hour Landing had recognized the fireball as a threat; but he decided against making the effort just as Canth spoke。
  Ramoth said not to! We do not know what else we will have to do today。
  All right; Canth。 I'm chastised。
  You are not! his dragon replied in mild protest。
  You know me too well。
  Another drum message rolled in and with a backward wave; Sebell trotted up the steps to deal with it。 Once sure that Idarolan was seated fortably again behind him; F'nor gave Canth a vivid view of Southern Hold's rocky cliffs…at night。
  Ruth is not the only dragon who knows when he is; was Canth's exit remark。
  F'nor experienced an odd dislocation as they arrived over Southern Hold; the peaceful sight of the riding lights of four coastal ships anchored in the harbor and night glows up the harbor steps: all serene here。 Landing had been chaotic! Fort Hold had been alive with activity and tension。 Silently and; F'nor hoped; unseen by anyone watching below; Canth glided through the warm air over the sleeping Hold and on to the original Southern Weyr site。 He was painfully aware that right now; on the other side of the planet; Monaco Bay Weyr would be experiencing the tsunami。 There had been enough dragons to rescue every man; woman; and child; hadn't there?
  The news he brought Toric was not as dire; though the Southern Holder might not agree。 Idarolan was reasonably sure that Southern Hold's cliffs were high enough to withstand the diffraction effect of the tsunami; pressed between Ista Island and the Southern headland。 Unfortunately; Toric would be experiencing the event on both sides of his Holding。 Idarolan's chart; and Erragon's calculations; indicated a direct line of westbound tsunami; which might…just…lose significant energy。 Either way; there were coastal holds that must be evacuated and herdbeasts moved inland from the low…lying pastures。 However; during the bad; bad; bad blow of which the dolphins had warned Toric; he had not moved quickly enough to reduce the devastation of the horrific gale winds of that hurricane。
  K'van; with his Weyrwoman; Adrea; Master Sintary; and four of the Southern Wingleaders; moved out of the shadows as Canth landed in the flower…scented night。 Five p
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