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  〃Thought you were dead; F'lessan;〃 C'reel murmured; his face wet。 〃Here; get your arms in your jacket or you'll freeze solid between。〃
  When St'ven saw F'lessan's hands trembling; he did the jacket fastenings; then found F'lessan's helmet and put that on; too。 Then he and C'reel heaved the bronze rider astride Golanth。 〃You're some Wingleader; F'lessan。 Proud to fly with you!〃
  〃I; too; bronze rider;〃 C'reel said and saluted before he ran to his waiting brown。
  〃I've got to break the news to Toric?〃 F'nor demanded; staring first at his half brother; then at Idarolan who nodded emphatically。
  〃You and K'van are the logical messengers;〃 F'lar said。
  〃I'd send G'bol as my emissary but he's。。。〃 He quirked one eyebrow expressively。 〃。。。 making time。〃
  K'van shrugged; raising both hands in reluctant acceptance。 The expression on his angular; tanned face did not suggest great enthusiasm for the task。 〃We could take Sintary with us。 He's used to dealing with Toric。〃
  〃He respects me;〃 Idarolan said with one of his fierce growls。 〃Get him organized and we can proceed on to assist at Southern Boll;〃 he added with a quick sideways glance at young Janissian。 He'd heard good things about her; taking hold with her grandmother ever since old Sangel became so erratic。 This might be an excellent time for the girl to show her leadership qualities。 She was the best of Sangel's blood。 〃Unless; of course; Master Curran;〃 and he deferred amiably to the successor of his rank; 〃you have need of me。〃
  〃I have need of you; Master Idarolan;〃 Ciparis of Nerat put in quickly; almost apologetically。 〃Nerat has more coastline to be affected。〃 He glanced at F'lar。 〃We'll need so much help。〃
  〃Sweepriders are already out informing holders;〃 F'lar said; 〃but; Master Idarolan; if you will share those invaluable charts of yours?〃
  〃They can be copied; indeed; they can。〃 Idarolan slid out the relevant sheets。
  Idarolan was; F'lar thought; the only one who had e at all prepared to this meeting。 An early riser by nature; he was in the habit of scanning the morning skies for weather signs; so he had seen the fireball。 He was also aware of the phenomenon of tsunami and had immediately consulted his charts and logbooks。 As Erragon had done; he had used red for the most vulnerable seacoast; orange for danger; and blue for easily accessible highlands。 Before the Benden Weyrleader appeared to ask for his help; he had a pretty good idea how serious the situation was。
  〃Here!〃 With a deft finger Idarolan extracted an open sheet and flicked it toward F'nor。 〃Toric likes charts and maps and details。 This'll give you what he needs to know。 He'd have…let's see。。。〃 Idarolan turned his eyes up; mentally figuring。
  〃Eleven hours; minus the time of this meeting;〃 Erragon said with an apologetic nod to the old MasterFishman for giving the answer; 〃before the tsunamis meet the shoreline of his hold。〃
  〃At that he'll get off lightly。 And consider himself ill…used to be assaulted from east and west;〃 Lessa said; her expression inscrutable。 F'nor gave her a long wide…eyed look。 She responded with a smirk as Erragon agreed with her。
  〃But not entirely。 He has many seaside holdings。〃
  〃Southern Boll will be hit harder;〃 Idarolan said; nodding solemnly at Janissian。 〃And Tillek。〃
  〃More rock face than shallows along that south…facing coast of ours;〃 Ranrel said; speaking almost for the first time; he'd been taking copious notes。 〃We are very lucky that there has been such advance warning。〃
  〃The Yokohama has more than justified her continued existence;〃 Idarolan said with a slightly sanctimonious air; glancing sideways at Kashman of Keroon。
  〃I wonder what the Abominators will say about this;〃 Jaxom remarked in a deliberately languid tone。
  Into the dismayed silence that greeted that ment; F'nor noisily pushed back his chair; reached across the table for the sheets Idarolan had sent in his direction and finished the last of the klah in his cup。
  〃C'mon; then! We can send a fire…lizard to apprise Sintary of our arrival。〃 He looked to Lessa and F'lar。
  〃Might as well;〃 Idarolan said; also rising to his feet。 〃I shan't be long; Lord Ciparis; and then I'm yours to mand。 But I'll point out that the Keys; and Long Beach at the head of Nerat River; will reduce the violence of the tsunami there。 The Tip of Nerat; Bent Ridge; Grethel; Saluda; and Berea will be affected and the river may flood all the way up to Waneta。 I'll be back。〃
  〃I'll return Janissian to Southern Boll;〃 Jaxom said; 〃once we've copies of all this for you and Curran; Ranrel; and for us。〃
  The instinct that saved dragons from colliding during Threadfall kept Golanth and his rider from disaster as they came out of between over a Landing that; at first; seemed covered by dragon wings; like a vast multicolored sunshade。
  Ramoth says to land on the square。 We are to rest! And; without waiting for F'lessan's ment; Golanth pivoted wearily on one wing tip; gliding over to the edge of the wide Gather square。 F'lessan had time enough in that spin to see Ramoth; perched behind and above Admin; wings half open as she constantly swung her head from side to side across the area below her。 Two more queens…the juniors from Benden who were accustomed to working with Ramoth…sat on either side; slightly below her position。 They also were watching and; quite likely; directing dragon traffic in and out of Landing。
  Golanth was making his way toward the roasting pits and the nearest open space。
  She is here。
  Wearily F'lessan blinked his eyes at the several green dragons immediately below him。
  Both shes? F'lessan asked; trying to inject some humor into his voice。 His body felt as battered as if they had been rolled by a tsunami。
  Both。 I land。 Should you see a healer?
  I'll be fine when I've had some rest。
  Golanth's thought rumbled with disbelief but he landed; flicking his wings up so that the tips and claws touched over his head and he didn't touch the greens on either side of his chosen landing site。 Zaranth was on his right; several shades lighter than she had been that morning。 The other green had curled her head under one wing and was asleep; her rider's head pillowed on her wrist。 With narrowed; blurry eyes; Zaranth watched Golanth settle。 When the green extended her head to nuzzle the bronze's shoulder; F'lessan; tired as he was; felt a spurt of surprise。 The touch was more caress than acknowledgment。
  She likes me; Golanth said。
  F'lessan saw that the green cradled Tai on her forelegs; the girl's sprawled figure covered by two beautifully marked feline pelts。
  So; F'lessan thought; she did save them。
  〃F'lessan?〃 Someone pulled at his leg。 He looked down at S'lan; amazed to see his son in the south。 The boy and his brown Norenth were only just out of the weyrling barracks。
  〃What are you doing here?〃
  Grinning proudly; S'lan held up a small cup。
  〃All of us were brought down to help。 Healer says to drink this down and then dismount and eat。〃
  He climbed onto Golanth's foreleg to h
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