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e's rump。 Under the mud!〃 He shot a disdainful glare at the prisoners for such shoddy animal care。
  〃This one's Crom; too;〃 a harper reported。
  〃They could have been stolen;〃 N'ton remarked。 〃But even that's significant enough to start a search there for stolen runnerbeasts。〃
  〃Father;〃 Horon began; 〃if there's a B; could there also be an A and C; and Abominators raiding other healer halls today; when they're apt to be empty?〃
  The sound of distant drumming echoed down the canyon; startling everyone。 As one; heads were turned toward the Harper Hall Drum Heights。
  〃I'm sorry you're right; son;〃 Groghe said with a weary sigh as he; and the others familiar with the drum messages; identified the source…Boll…and the message: vandalism。
  Sharra became rigid with renewed anger as the message provided crisp details。 〃Janissian sending。 Healer hall destroyed。 Two journeymen and one apprentice injured!〃
  〃Don't hold with hurting healers!〃 Groghe cried and his mount danced as he tightened his legs in angry reaction and barely missed knocking into the intruders。 The Lord Holder began to give crisp orders。
  〃Use the cart。 Take 'em to the Hold。 Horon; put them in one of those rooms on the lower level。〃 His expression was malicious。 〃One without abominable lights。 No contact with anyone for any reason。 Give 'em only water。 Bottled water!〃
  The onlookers cheered。
  〃Him!〃 And Groghe's finger jabbed at the leader。 〃Take B to the small room。 N'ton; Sebell; we'll question him there。 Will you attend; Master Oldive?〃
  〃I must oversee。。。〃 The Healer waved vaguely at the Hall。 Sharra moved to support him。
  〃Yes; yes; of course; you've better things to do with your time; Master;〃 Groghe agreed; circling his mount while he decided what else needed organizing。
  〃But she's unconscious;〃 cried the woman with the rash; pointing to the wounded one who was still in a heap on the ground。
  〃Then she can't object to being handled by abominable hands;〃 Groghe said dismissively; motioning to the nearest men to put her in the cart that had been backed up to receive its load of prisoners。 There were certainly enough hands and clubs to ensure that the prisoners quickly obeyed。
  〃Take all that gear up to the Hold; lads;〃 Groghe told the men still inspecting the saddled runners。 〃Bring me that bony…backed Crom nag。 Haligon; throw B over the beast and tie his hands。 I'm not about to stay here in the cold any longer。 I've other duties today。〃 He made his mount pivot on its hindquarters; for a final survey of the scene。 He kneed it to the stairs as Master Oldive; with Sharra and Sebell beside him; started to ascend。
  〃Dreadful display of ignorance。 Dreadful;〃 Groghe said bending from the saddle to sympathize with the Healer。 〃You took no hurt; Master Oldive? I shall deal with that rabble to the full extent of my power as Lord Holder。 They expected to wreak their worst and disappear to the pits they came from。 Ha!〃 The runnerbeast sidled; sensitive to his rider's anger。 〃Abomination! I'll show them abomination! I will find and punish all who perpetrated these outrages。〃
  Oldive shook his head sadly。 〃I doubt they will be the last。〃
  Sebell shot him a wary glance; pursing his lips tight。
  Groghe scowled fiercely。 〃I thought we'd got rid of the lot of 'em after。。。 after。。。 the problem at the Ruatha Gather。 Didn't I see Ruth here?〃 he added; looking about。
  〃He's probably gone for Jaxom;〃 Sharra replied。
  Groghe cleared his throat and reined his runnerbeast back to where B was being trussed aboard the nag。 Haligon; bareback on his gray; held the lead rope。 Standing up in his stirrups; the Lord Holder addressed the crowd。
  〃Any of you who care to help the healers restore order to their Hall will be well rewarded;〃 he shouted; circling again to be sure all heard his message。 〃Let's clear the way; then。 Thanks for your help; every one of you。〃
  He led the way back to Fort Hold; Haligon just behind him while those not tempted by his reward followed at the brisk pace he set。
  The dragons and riders who had not gone on search sweep sprang off into the air and; with great wings working; made the short flight back to the square。
  They were halfway up the canyon when the air exploded with new arrivals of dragons; from several directions。 Surprised; Meer and Talla set their talons into the cloth on Sharra's shoulders。
  〃What else can have happened?〃 she cried in alarm。 She recognized not only Ramoth and Mnementh; but also Golanth carrying F'lessan; and Heth with K'van。
  〃I fear Master Oldive may be right;〃 Sebell murmured; 〃that the attacks here and at Boll were not isolated。〃
  Ruth; the last to arrive; uttered a squawk of surprise and agilely winged in under the others who were still hovering。 He dropped precipitously to the ground; a maneuver that sent a sharp current of air up to lift the skirts of Sharra's coat。 Her pulsive shudder was stilled when Jaxom's arms encircled her。
  〃Did they attack Ruatha; too?〃 she cried; horrified by the thought of all her carefully prepared and preserved medications destroyed。
  〃No; no;〃 Jaxom hastily reassured her; hugging her tight。
  〃But Boll was attacked。〃
  〃I heard the drums。〃 He held her tighter。
  Alerted by the arrival of more dragons; Groghe came galloping back; his cloak flying and his expression fiercer than ever。 He dismounted very agilely for someone his age and joined the newers。 In that brief interval; Sharra fretted that Ruth had inadvertently alarmed too much support。 F'lessan might not be annoyed by a needless summons; but she doubted the Benden Weyrleaders would be so charitable。 Not when they were close enough for her to see their stern expressions。 They both looked tired。
  〃The Healer Hall; too; huh?〃 F'lar said in a far too accurate assessment of the scene as he strode over toward Sharra; Oldive; and Sebell。
  〃What d'you mean by that; F'lar?〃 Groghe demanded。
  〃The same sort of thing has happened at Benden Hold and Landing;〃 F'lar said。
  〃And Southern;〃 K'van said; nodding courteously to Lessa and Sharra。
  〃We had just got Toronas calmed down when F'lessan contacted us;〃 Lessa said; her voice as weary as her face。
  〃This can no longer be considered random damage;〃 F'lar said; 〃but a planned and coordinated attack!〃
  〃Let's go inside;〃 Oldive said; his voice low with fatigue。
  〃The dining hall is warm…and wasn't touched;〃 Keita said encouragingly; appearing on the top step。
  〃We could all use something hot;〃 Sharra said; urging Oldive to lead the way。
  〃These incursions were far too widespread not to have been planned;〃 Lessa said when they had all been served klah fortified with the Healer Hall's restorative liqueur。 〃Making too much good use of the laxity everywhere at Turnover。〃
  〃Not well…enough executed or timed; though;〃 F'lessan remarked sardonically。 〃One of T'gellan's green riders investigated the sound of breaking glass and forestalled a more prehensive destruction。〃 His usually amiable expression was harsh。 〃T'gellan is questioning the three that were caught。〃
  〃The Benden Healer was not as lucky;〃 F'lar said; 〃though his journeywoman s
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