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  〃They've smashed every piece of Morilton's last shipment!〃 she cried; glaring at the culprits; hands clenched at her sides。 〃It'll take months to replace our supplies。 The still…room's a plete shambles! Every sack; canister; and bottle in the treatment rooms has been emptied; and what they didn't burn…〃 She paused in her telling to take a deep breath before she could continue。〃…they urinated on!〃
  Before Groghe could intervene; a holder launched his club at the prisoner nearest him; whacking the man to his knees。
  〃No!〃 Groghe roared。 〃No!〃 The crowd wavered but its forward surge aborted。 〃I am Lord Holder。 I mete out punishment。 And they shall be punished!〃 His face was livid with fury that anyone would usurp his prerogative。 He legged his big mount forward。 〃You!〃 He jabbed a finger at the leader; who skittered to one side on his knees as the runnerbeast's hooves came very close to stamping on his feet。 〃Name! Hold! Craft!〃
  〃Notice that they're wearing dark green; Lord Groghe;〃 Keita said in a taut voice。 There was an angry murmur for the additional insult。
  〃No rank knots or hold colors;〃 Sebell said; walking around the vandals; closely observing them。
  〃I'll ask you once more!〃 Groghe said。 〃Names? Holds? Crafts?〃
  He…and the crowd…waited with brief patience。 The prisoners looked more obdurate than ever。
  〃Search them!〃 Groghe said with a wave of his hand。 More than enough erupted from the crowd to obey。 〃I said 'search them;' not strip them;〃 Groghe added when he observed the force used。
  〃Why not? Maybe the cold will loosen their tongues;〃 suggested a burly holder wearing Fort colors and a journeyman's knot。
  The vandals found their tongues only to protest vehemently against such handling。
  〃We have rights!〃 the leader cried; surrounded by willing searchers。
  〃You just lost 'em。 Not answering the Lord Holder!〃 the holder bellowed; roughly turning out the leader's pockets; scattering a few quarter marks on the frozen ground。
  Suddenly Keita pointed to one of the women; whose shirt and jacket were opened to expose a red and inflamed chest。
  〃I recognize her;〃 the journeywoman said。 〃She came to the Hall for ointment to ease a rash。〃
  〃e here!〃 Groghe gestured to the woman。
  〃You will not touch her with your abominated hands;〃 the leader said; shaking himself loose of his searchers。
  〃You had no problem with my abominated hands when you wanted something to stop the itching;〃 Keita said as she pulled the woman out of the group。 〃And from the look of it now I'd say you didn't even use the salve。 Well; I hope you itch forever!〃 She released her and the woman sidled hastily back to her panions。
  〃Keita;〃 Oldive asked; 〃can you remember exactly when she was here? If she gave a name or any details?〃
  Keita nodded and dashed up the stairs to the Hall。
  〃No doubt she had a good look round the Hall; as well;〃 Sebell said。
  Nothing more significant was discovered on the vandals' persons。 Groghe ended the search and the prisoners adjusted their rumpled clothing。
  Sebell spoke up。 〃The clothes and boots they're wearing will tell us where they were made; and we've weavers and tanners enough at the Gather to make such identification。〃
  Then Sharra gave a bark of laughter; pointing to travel stains and scurf on the worn boots。 〃They're not dressed for the Gather; are they? In fact; they've done some hard riding。 Could they possibly have stabled their runners in the Hall's beasthold for a quick escape? And left interesting items in their saddlebags?〃
  She saw several of the vandals flinch and laughed again as Groghe roared for Haligon to check。 The Hall's stabling was to the west of the main entrance。 A half…dozen holders acpanied Haligon on the search。
  〃Stuffed in here; Father!〃 Haligon shouted back。 〃Still saddled。 Eating their heads off。〃
  〃A gallop to the harbor and a ship to sail away in?〃 N'ton asked。
  〃It's been done before;〃 Sebell said; his eyes narrowing with anger; his expression grimmer than ever。
  〃Would you be kind enough to check Fort Harbor; Weyrleader?〃 Groghe asked N'ton。
  〃My pleasure; Lord Holder。〃 Pivoting; N'ton singled out four riders; standing by their dragons。 As soon as the dragons were aloft; fire…lizards appeared; shrieking glad cries and following them in graceful fairs。
  〃Rather stupid; really;〃 Groghe said; easing himself in his saddle and staring down at his prisoners。 〃Never considered the possibility of discovery; did you? Thought you'd do the dirty and get away without being seen?〃
  The leader looked arrogantly in another direction; but the rough body searches had considerably subdued the others; most of the bluster was drained out of them。 Two looked dismayed as Haligon and the others led the mounts out for inspection。 Willing hands emptied the saddlebags onto the ground; spilling out the usual camping gear。
  〃Fifteen of them; aren't there?〃 N'ton said; rubbing his jaw。 〃One of my sweepriders saw such a group camping in the Trader clearing by Ruatha River a few days back。〃
  〃He didn't report it?〃 Groghe demanded; offended。
  〃To me; Lord Holder; as he reported all those heading toward all the Turnover celebrations;〃 N'ton replied with a diffident shrug。 〃He mentioned them wearing Healer green。〃
  Groghe harrumphed at that detail。 Who'd know these were not legitimate folk; braving the disfort of winter travel for the magnificence of Turnover feasting and dancing? Who'd have thought the Healer Hall would be attacked?
  Sharra; standing close to Oldive; could feel the man beginning to shake。 The cold was penetrating her boots; and he was only wearing soft leather shoes。
  〃You must go in; Master。 This has been a terrible shock to you;〃 Sharra murmured and began to withdraw him from the scene。
  〃No; I must stay。 It is my Hall they have defiled。〃 He hunched into the wrap; pulling it tighter against him。
  Sebell stepped close; offering Oldive a small flask。
  〃It's some of that fortified wine of yours;〃 the MasterHarper murmured。 Oldive gratefully took a hefty swig。
  〃Father!〃 Haligon's cry was triumphant as he held up a thin wallet。 He hastened to put it in Groghe's hands。
  As the crowd watched in anticipation; the Lord Holder made an exaggerated inspection of the wallet's contents。
  Groghe held up a piece of paper by an edge。 〃What? You make use of abominations?〃 he cried; eyes glinting with malice as he turned to the leader。 〃No less than a map printed by Master Tagetarl's abominable press。 Useful things; abominations!〃
  Sharra tried not to grin at Groghe's style; he'd always appeared so pragmatic。 Mockery was unusual for him; but today the gatherers loved it。 Dancing and singing was all very well; but this was the most unusual diversion! They must remember every detail to tell missing friends and kin in hold and hall。
  〃B?〃 Groghe read by dropping the single sheet to eye level。 〃That's you?〃 He fixed the leader with an inquiring look。
  〃One of 'em es from Crom; Lord Groghe;〃 shouted a holder busy examining a runnerbeast。 〃Brand on this one's rump。 Under the mud!〃 He shot a disdainful glare at the prisoners for such shoddy animal car
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