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 〃A tavern; is it?〃 said Carrot; thoughtfully。 〃Open at this hour?〃
 〃Don't see why not; 〃 said Nobby; pushing open the door。 〃Damn useful idea。 The Mended Drum。 〃
 〃And mere drinking?〃 Carrot thumbed hastily through the book。
 〃I hope so; 〃 said Nobby。 He nodded to the troll which was employed by the Drum as a splatter; '10' 〃Evenin'; Detritus。 Just showing the new lad the ropes。 〃
 The troll grunted; and waved a crusted arm。
 The inside of the Mended Drum is now legendary as the most famous disreputable tavern on the Discworld; and such a feature of the city that; after recent unavoidable redecorations; the new owner spent days recreating the original patina of dirt; soot and less identifiable substances on the walls and imported a ton of pre…rotted rushes for the floor。 The drinkers were the usual bunch of heroes; cut throats; mercenaries; desperadoes and villains; and only microscopic analysis could have told which was which。 Thick coils of smoke hung in the air; perhaps to avoid touching the walls。
 The conversation dipped fractionally as the two guards wandered in; and then rose to its former level。 A couple of cronies waved to Nobby。
 He realized that Carrot was busy。
 〃What you doin'?〃 he said。 〃And no talkin' about mothers; right?〃
 〃I'm taking notes;〃 said Carrot; grimly。 〃I've got a notebook。〃
 〃That's the ticket;〃 said Nobby。 〃You'll like this place。 I es here every night for my supper。〃
 〃How do you spell 'contravention'?〃 said Carrot; turning over a page。
 〃I don't;〃 said Nobby; pushing through the crowds。 A rare impulse to generosity lodged in his mind。 〃What d'you want to drink?〃
 〃I don't think that would be very appropriate;〃 said Carrot。 〃Anyway; Strong Drink is a Mocker。〃
 He was aware of a penetrating stare in the back of his neck; and turned and looked into the big; bland and gentle face of an orangutan。
 It was seated at the bar with a pint mug and a bowl of peanuts in front of it。 It tilted its glass amicably towards Carrot and then drank deeply and noisily by apparently forming its lower lip into a sort of prehensile funnel and making a noise like a canal being drained。
 Carrot nudged Nobby。
 〃There's a monk。。。 〃 he began。
 〃Don't say it!〃 said Nobby urgently。 〃Don't say the word! It's the Librarian。 Works up at the University。 Always es down here for a nightcap of an evening。〃
 〃And people don't object?〃
 〃Why should they?〃 said Nobby。 〃He always stands his round; just like everyone else。〃
 Carrot turned and looked at the ape again。 A number of questions pressed for attention; such as: where does it keep its money? The Librarian caught his gaze; misinterpreted it; and gently pushed the bowl of peanuts towards him。
 Carrot pulled himself to his full impressive height and consulted his notebook。 The afternoon spent reading The Laws and Ordinances had been well spent。
 〃Who is the owner; proprietor; lessee; or landlord of these premises?'' he said to Nobby。
 〃Wassat?〃 said the small guard。 〃Landlord? Well; I suppose Charley here is in charge tonight。 Why?〃 He indicated a large; heavy…set man whose face was a net of scars; its owner paused in the act of spreading the dirt more evenly around some glasses by means of a damp cloth; and gave Carrot a conspiratorial wink。
 〃Charley; this is Carrot;〃 said Nobby。 〃He's stopping along of Rosie Palm's。〃
 〃What; every night?〃 said Charley。
 Carrot cleared his throat。
 〃If you are in charge;〃 he intoned; 〃then it is my duty to inform you that you are under arrest。〃
 〃A rest of what; friend?〃 said Charley; still polishing。
 〃Under arrest;〃 said Carrot; 〃with a view to the presentation of charges to whit l)(i) that on or about 18th Grune; at a place called the Mended Drum; Filigree Street; you did a) serve or b) did cause to serve alcoholic beverages after the hours of 12 (twelve) midnight; contrary to the provisions of the Public Ale Houses (Opening) Act of 1678; and l)(ii) on or about 18th Grune; at a place called the Mended Drum; Filigree Street; you did serve or did cause to serve alcoholic beverages in containers other than of a size and capacity laid down by aforesaid Act; and 2)(i) that on or about 18th Grune; at a place called the Mended Drum; Filigree Street; you did allow customers to carry unsheathed edge weapons of a length greater than 7 (seven) inches; contrary to Section Three of said Act and 2)(ii) that on or about 18th Grune; at a place called the Mended Drum; Filigree Street; you did serve alcoholic beverages in premises apparently unlicensed for the sale and/or consumption of said beverages; contrary to Section Three of the aforesaid Act。〃
 There was dead silence as Carrot turned over another page; and went on: 〃It is also my duty to inform you that it is my intention to lay evidence before the Justices with a view to the consideration of charges under the Public Foregatherings (Gambling) Act; 1567; the Licensed Premises (Hygiene) Acts of 1433; 1456; 1463; 1465; er; and 1470 through 1690; and also;〃 he glanced sideways at the Librarian; who knew trouble when he heard it ing and was hurriedly trying to finish his drink;〃the Domestic and Domesticated Animals (Care and Protection) Act; 1673。〃
 The silence that followed held a rare quality of breathless anticipation as the assembled pany waited to see what would happen next。
 Charley carefully put down the glass; whose smears had been buffed up to a brilliant shine; and looked down at Nobby。
 Nobby was endeavoring to pretend that he was totally alone and had no connection whatsoever with anyone who might be standing next to him and coincidentally wearing an identical uniform。
 〃What'd he mean; Justices?〃 he said to Nobby。 〃There ain't no Justices。〃
 Nobby gave a terrified shrug。
 〃New; is he?〃 said Charley。
 〃Make it easy on yourself;〃 said Carrot。
 〃This is nothing personal; you understand;〃 said Charley to Nobby。 〃It's just a wossname。 Had a wizard in here the other night talking about it。 Sort of bendy educational thing; you know?〃 He appeared to think for a moment。 〃Learning curve。 That was it。 It's a learning curve。 Detritus; get your big stony arse over here a moment。〃
 Generally; about this time in the Mended Drum; someone throws a glass。 And; in fact; this now happened。
 Captain Vimes ran up Short Street … the longest in the city; which shows the famous Morpork subtle sense of humour in a nutshell … with Sergeant Colon stumbling along behind; protesting。
 Nobby was outside the Drum; hopping from one foot to another。 In times of danger he had a way of propelling himself from place to place without apparently moving through the intervening space which could put any ordinary matter transporter to shame。
 〃 'E's fighting in there!〃 he stuttered; grabbing the captain's arm。
 〃All by himself?〃 said the captain。
 〃No; with everyone!〃 shouted Nobby; hopping from one foot to the other。
 Conscience said: There's three of you。 He's wearing the same uniform。 He's one of your men。 Remember poor old Gaskin。
 Another part of his brain; the hated; despicable part which had nevertheless enabled him to survive in the Guards these past ten years; said: It's rude to butt in。 We'll wait until he's fin
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