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 He smiled faintly and fell into an exhausted slumber。 Alix looked at him sadly。
 What is it about an ill or injured man that turns a woman into an acquiescent fool? she wondered。 Why is it I am suddenly willing to do anything for him? She sighed and picked at me wrinkles in her gown。 But he would go himself; were he well enough; so I will do as he asks。
 She looked curiously at the wolf; wondering if he could hear her thoughts。 But me animal only watched her idly; as if he had nothing better to do。
 Perhaps he does not; she decided and drew up her knees to stare sightlessly into the flames。
 Chapter Three
 The fire had died to glowing coals when she felt an odd touch in
 her mind; almost like a probing; … was feather…light and very
 gentle; but terrifying。 Alix jerked her head off her knees and
 stared around wide…eyed; afraid it was some form of Cheysuli
 torture。 …
 Nothing was there。 The camp was oddly empty; for; like Finn;
 each warrior had gone to a single slate…colored tent at the far end of the small encampment。
 Alix looked at the wolf and found his amber eyes fastened on her。 〃No;〃 she whispered。
 The faint touch faded from her mind。 Alix put a trembling hand to her ear。 〃You cannot speak to me。 I cannot hear you。〃
 You hear; said the warm tone。
 〃What do you do to me?〃 she demanded violently; struggling to keep her voice down so as not to waken Carillon。
 / seek; he answered。
 She closed her eyes but was still intensely aware of his gaze。
 〃I am gone mad;〃 she whispered。
 No; said the tone。 You are only weary; and frightened; and very much alone。 But there is no need。
 〃You said you sought something; wolf。〃 Alix took a trembling breath; giving in to her madness for the moment。 〃What do you seek in me?〃
 Storr lifted his head from his paws。 / cannot say。
 His clear gaze made her uneasy。 Carillon slept soundly; lines of pain washed from his face; and she wished he could give her the words she needed to banish this strangeness from her mind…She wished also she could lose herself in such soothing sleep; but every fiber in her body was stretched taut with apprehension and a longing to run away。
 Wolf? she asked silently。
 He said nothing。 After a moment he rose and shook himself; rippling his silver coat。 He sent her an oddly intent glance; then padded away into the darkness; as deliberate as any dog among his people。
 Alix stared after him。 A quick glance told her no one was near; she saw no other animals。 She looked longingly at Carillon unmoving form a moment; wanting to smooth the hair from his hot brow; but she kept herself from it。 Such intimacy; if it ever occurred; would have to begin with him。 She was too far from his rank to initiate anything。
 She released a rushing breath; trying to control the raggedness
 of it; and got to her feet。 She shook her skirts free of folds。
 curling her bare toes away from the cool ground。 Her feet were
 cold; bruised; but she could waste no time regretting her lost
 Silently Alix slipped into the darkness of the encampment。 She was no shadow…wraith like the Cheysuli; but she was forest…raised and could move with little noise。 Carefully she eased past the last tent and entered the clustered trees。
 Needles and twigs snapped beneath her feet; digging painfully
 into her flesh。 Alix bit her lip against the sharp; nagging pain and went on; ignoring the fear in her soul; A shiver coursed down her body as she moved through the silent forest。 She longed for the warmth and safety of her father's croft and the hot spiced cider he brewed。
 It is for Carillon; she whispered silently。 For him。 Because a prince has asked me。 Irrationally she nearly laughed aloud。 But he does not have to be a prince to bid me serve him。 I would do it willingly。
 She grasped a tree and felt the rough bark bite into her palms as she dug fingernails into it。 Her forehead rested against the tree as she smiled; inwardly laughing at her conflicting emotions。 Fear was still the primary element in her soul; but so was her wish to do as Carillon asked。 She was fair caught in the trap mat bound so many women。
 A twig snapped。 Alix jerked her head up and stared into the trees; suddenly so badly frightened she lost all track of other emotions。 Her fingers clutched spasmodically at the bark and she sucked in a ragged breath。
 The wolf stood in the shadows; little more than a faint outline against the darkness beyond。 For a moment she felt fear slip away; for somehow Storr did not threaten her; men she realized it was not Storr。 This one was larger; ruddy instead of silver。 Its yellow eyes held a gleam of invitation。
 The fear came back。 Alix pressed her body against the tree; seeking its protection。 A broken bough〃 jabbed into her thigh but she ignored it; wishing only she could somehow scale the tree into branches far above the ground。
 The wolf moved slowly forward into a small clearing。 Moon…light set its rich red pelt to glowing; pinpointing yellow eyes into an eerie intelligence。 Teeth gleamed; and Alix saw its taunting smile。
 The wolf began to change。
 Cold; primitive fear crawled through her mind。 The form before her eyes altered; subtly blurring outline and color into a shapeless void。 And then Finn stood before her。
 〃I said you would not win free of us;〃 he told her calmly。
 〃Meijha; you must stay。〃
 Alix shivered。 Finn was whole again; a man; with yellow eyes glinting in high good humor and heavy gold bands gleaming faintly against folded bare arms。
 She gripped the tree。 〃You。。。〃
 He spread his hands slowly; unaggressively。 〃Do you question what you have seen; meijha His smite was mocking。 〃Do not。 Your eyes have not deceived you。〃
 Alix felt nausea roil her stomach and send bile into her throat。
 She choked it back down。 〃You were a wolf。〃
 〃Aye;〃 he agreed; unoffended by her horror。 〃The old gods gifted us with the ability to take fir…shape; once property bonded with an animal。 We can assume a like shape at will。〃 He sounded very serious; incongruous in him。 〃It is something we honor the gods for。〃
 Finn's mouth twisted wryly。 〃Aye; that is the Homanan name for us; when they do not call us demons。 But we are not sorcerers; mei jha; we are not servants of the dark gods。 We leave that to the Ihtini。〃 He shrugged。 〃We are merely men。。。 with a god…gift in the blood。〃
 Alix could not deal with it; with him。 She stared fixedly at him a moment; still stunned by the enormity of what she had seen。 Then she scraped herself around the tree and ran。
 Underbrush tore at her gown and welted skin already prickling
 with fright as she raced through the trees。 A limb slashed across
 her face。 Alix ignored it all in her panicked flight; seeking only
 to escape the man; the demon; who was everything Carillon had
 She could hear no pursuit over the noise of her own flight; but it served only to increase her fear。 A shapechanger would hardly make noise as he stalked his prey。
 Alix stumbled over a tog and fell across it; stomach driven against her spine。 Breath left her in a whooping rush but she tried to lift herself frantically。 Pinpricks of light flashed before her eyes as she 
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