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ep her forever。〃
 Alix。 recoiled from him; jerking her braid free of his hand。 Fear drove into her chest so quickly she could hardly breathe; and she felt a trembling begin in her bones。
 He could do this; she realized。 He could。 He is a demon。。。
 〃Let me go;〃 she pleaded。 〃Do not keep me with you。〃
 His black brows lifted。 〃Do you sicken of my pany so soon; meijha? YOU will injure me with such words。〃
 〃Alix is none of yours;〃 Carillon said coldly。 〃If you seek to ransom me; you will do the same for her。 And if her father cannot meet your price; the Mujhar will pay it from his own coffers。〃
 Finn did not bother to look at Carillon。 He stared penetratingly at Alix。 〃She is a prize of war; princeling。 My own personal war against the Mujhar。 And I would never take gold from a man who could order his men to slay an entire race。〃
 〃I am no prize!〃 Alix cried。 〃I am a woman! Not a brood mare to be judged by her ability to bear young or bring gold… You will not treat me so!〃
 Finn caught one of her hands and held it; browned fingers encircling her wrist gently… She tried to pull away; but he exerted just enough force to keep her hand imprisoned。
 〃I treat you how I choose;〃 he told her。 〃But I would have you know mei jhas are honored among the Cheysuli。 That a woman has no cheysul husband and yet takes a man as mate does not make her a whore。 Tell me; is that not a better life than the light women of Mujhara receive?〃
 Her hand jerked in his grasp。 〃Let me go!〃
 〃You are not the first woman won in such a fashion;〃 he said solemnly; 〃and doubtless you will not be the last。 But for now; you are mine to do with as I will。〃
 Carillon reached out to grab Finn's arm; cursing him angrily; but the pain of his wrist prevented him。 His face went horribly white and he stopped moving instantly; cradling the wounded arm。 His breath hissed between his teeth。
 Finn released Alix。 〃If you will allow it; I will heal the wound。〃
 〃Aye;〃 the Cheysuli said quietly。 〃It is a gift of the old gods。
 We have healing arts at our beck。〃
 Alix rubbed at the place he had held on her arm。 〃What do you say; shapechanger?〃
 〃Cheysuli;〃 he corrected。 〃I can summon the earth magic。〃
 〃Sorcery!〃 Carillon exclaimed。
 Finn shrugged。 〃Aye; but it is a gift; for all that。 And used only for good。〃
 〃I will not suffer your touch。〃
 Finn moved and caught Carillon's wounded arm in a firm grasp。 The prince winced away; prepared to make a furious protest; but said nothing as astonishment crept across his face。
 〃Carillon?〃 Alix whispered。
 〃The pain。。。〃 he said dazedly。
 〃The earth magic eases pain;〃 Finn said matter…of…factly; kneeling before me pale prince。 〃But it can also do much more。〃
 Alix stared open…mouthed as me Cheysuli held the lacerated arm。 His yellow eyes had gone oddly piercing; yet detached; and she realized her escape lay open before her… He had somehow gone beyond them both。
 She moved as if to go; coiling her legs to push herself upright; but the expression on Carillon's face prevented her。 She saw amazement; confusion and revulsion; and the beginnings of a protest。 But she also saw acknowledgment of the truth in Finn's words; and before she could voice a question; afraid of the sorcery the shapechanger used。 Finn released Carillon's wrist。
 〃It is done; princeling。 It will heal cleanly; painlessly; though you will have scars to show for your foolishness。〃
 〃Foolishness!〃 Carillon exclaimed。
 Finn smiled grimly 〃It is ever foolishness for a man to threaten a Cheysuli before his h'r。〃 Finn nodded his head at the silver wolf who lay silently by the tent。 〃Storr will let no man harm me; even at the cost of his own life。〃 He frowned suddenly; eyes somber。 〃Though that has its price。〃
 〃Then one day I will slay you both;〃 Carillon said clearly。
 Alix felt the sudden flare of tension between the two; though
 she could not put name to it。 And when Finn smiled ironically she felt chilled; recoiling from his twisted mouth。
 〃You may try; princeling; but I do not think you will acplish it。 We are meant for something other than death at one another's hands; we two。〃
 〃What do you say?〃 Alix demanded。
 He glanced at her。 〃You do not know the prophecy of the Firstborn; meijha。 When you have learned it; you wilt have your answers。〃 He rose in a fluid motion that put her in mind of a supple mountain cat。 〃And it will give you more questions。〃
 〃What prophecy?〃 she asked。
 〃The one which gives the Cheysuli purpose。〃 He stretched out his right hand in a palm…up; spread…fingered gesture。 ' 'You will understand what this is another time。 For now; I must see my rujholli。 You may sleep here or within my tent; it is all one to me。 Storr will keep himself by you while I am gone。〃
 He turned and walked away silently; fading into the shadows。 lost to sight instantly。 Alix shivered as the wolf rose and came to the blue blanket。 He lay down near them; watching them with an odd equanimity in his amber eyes。
 Alix recalled Finn's odd words earlier; his strange reaction to the gentle tone she had heard in her mind。 Carefully; apprehensively; she formed her own。
 Wolf? she asked。 Do you speak?
 Nothing echoed in her head。 The wolf; called lir。 did not seem so fierce now as he rested his jaws on his paws; pink tongue lolling idly。 But the intelligence in his feral eyes。 so unlike a man's; could not be ignored。
 Lir? she questioned。
 / am called Stwr; he said briefly。
 Alix jerked and recoiled on the blanket; fighting down nausea。
 She stared at the animal; horrified; but he had not moved。
 Something like a smile gleamed in his eyes。
 Do not be afraid of me。 There is no need。 Not/or you。
 〃By the gods。。。〃 she whispered。
 Carillon looked at her。 〃Alix?〃
 She could not take her eyes from the wolf to look at Carillon。 A shiver of fear ran through her as she considered the madness of her discovery。 It was not possible。
 〃Alix;〃 he said again。
 Finally she looked at Kirn。 His face was pale; puzzled; fatigue dulled his blue eyes。 But even were he alert and well; she could not tell him she heard the wolf speak。 He would never believe her; and she was not certain she did。
 〃I am only confused;〃 she said softly; mostly to herself。
 He shifted the arm into a more fortable position; running a tentative finger over the puffy teeth marks left by the wolf。 But even she could see it had the look of healing to it。
 〃You must leave;〃 he said。
 She stared at him。 〃You still wish me to go; even after what the shapechanger said?〃
 Carillon stalled。 〃He sought only to frighten you。〃
 〃The wolf。。。〃
 〃The shapechanger will not leave him with us forever。 When you have the chance; you must go。〃
 She watched Carillon ease himself down on the blue blanket; stretching out long legs booted to the thighs and wrapping the green cloak over his arm。
 〃Aye; Alix?〃 he asked on a weary sigh。
 She bit at her lip; ashamed of her hesitation。 〃I will go… When I have the chance。〃
 He smiled faintly and fell into an exhausted slumber。 Alix looked at him sadly。
 What is it about an ill or injured man that turns a woman into an acquiescent fool? she wondered。 Why is i
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