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 She walked away from him then; without turning; and he heard her start down the slide。 If they heard her ing and were waiting; then he knew what he would do。 He would go down shooting 。。。 and he would go fast。
 Trace Jordan waited until he was sure Maria Cristina had cleared the narrow part of the canyon and was in the meadow near the corral。 Then he led the horse to the lip of the slide。
 The horse might break a leg or be otherwise injured but it was a chance he had to take。 He was through here and he knew they would stay close until he starved or somebody lost their nerve and talked。
 He knew how small was his chance。 There was not one possibility in a million of getting down that slide unheard。 And there were two men up the canyon who would be waiting for him。
 He was in no shape for a hard ride。 But men in just as bad shape had e through。 And there was no other solution。 He checked all his gear。 His bed was rolled; his canteen filled。 The food packet was shoved into a saddlebag。 He was wearing both guns now and the rifle was in the boot。
 He was stalling 。。。 he knew he was stalling。 The thought of tackling that steep slide in the darkness made his mouth dry and his stomach hollow。 He gathered up the reins; then stood listening。
 There was no sound 。。。 were they down there in the darkness now; waiting for him? Had they captured Maria Cristina?
 Lantz shook Ben Hindeman's shoulder。 The fire was low and nobody else stirred。 It was very late and the coyote had suddenly stopped his howling。 〃Ben 。。。 wake up。〃
 Hindeman's eyes opened and he was instantly awake。 He turned his head a little; listening。 He heard no sound but the old tracker was bent over him。 〃What is it; Jake?〃
 〃We got him; Ben。 We got him right where we want him。〃
 Hindeman sat up and began drawing on his boots。 His mouth was tasting frightful and his head felt heavy。 His eyes told him what time it was after a glance at the stars。 He felt sticky and unpleasant but it was time this was finished off。 It had taken too much time already。
 〃The girl's been gettin' to him。 Shelf up on the rock wall; must be quite a bit of space up there because he's got his horse up there with him。 Hell be in' down tonight; I think。〃
 〃How'd you figure that?〃
 Lantz sat back; thinking about that。 〃More'n a hunch;〃 he said。 〃Girl packed him a big bait of grub。 Long time up there; I don't know how she gets there or where the place is; exactly; but I know where he'll show。〃
 Hindeman got up; stamping into his boots。 Then he spoke sharply and heads lifted。 At his orders they began quickly to dress。 There was some low grumbling; none of it serious。 Just the automatic grumbling of tired men awakened from a quiet sleep。 Yet all were glad to be called。 They wanted it to be over with。 The hunt had begun in a burst of passion。 With most of them that was gone now and the hunt continued out of duty and their natural reluctance to admit themselves defeated。
 〃The two men up the canyon;〃 Lantz said。 〃I woke them up。 If he es that way; they'll take him。 There's two men down canyon below the Mexicans' place。 He's in the bottle and we've got the thing stoppered。〃
 Jack Sutton pulled on his boots and stood up。 He was unshaved and his jaws itched under the stubble。 He felt unbathed and dirty and he was a man who liked to be clean。
 So the girl had known after all? How many times had she been up there with him?
 〃That … !〃 The words broke from him; emptying some of the rankling bitterness within him。
 Lantz did not look around and Ben Hindeman merely picked up his saddle and started toward the picketed horses。 The other men were belting on guns or picking up their rifles and walking into the night。
 They moved out in a tight bunch; then divided。 Jack Sutton went along with Ben Hindeman。 Once the rest of them were gone; he'd take care of that girl。 As for Jordan 。。。 Sutton felt a tightness in his throat 。。。 an ugly feeling。
 Trace Jordan held up a moment longer on the edge of the slide。 He felt the red horse put out a tentative hoof; then draw back。 〃e on; Jed。〃 He stepped into the leather as he spoke and felt the horse lurch forward; rocks sliding under his feet。
 The horse scrambled; slipped and fought for footing。 They were going down fast but so far the red horse was taking it well。 He was taking enormous forward leaps when Jordan heard the shot。
 The harsh bark of a heavy pistol。 。。。 then a second shot; both fired from near the house。 Then; above the echoes of the shots and the falling of rock; he heard the high ringing cry。 It was no cry of fear or pain but one filled with reassurance and hope。
 She had fired to draw their attention from him; so they must be alerted and ready。
 He plunged down the last few feet of the slide; the horse scrambling beneath him; and then they were at the bottom and the big red horse moved out; running on the hard…packed sand and running free。
 Jacob Lantz heard the rocks of the slide。 He swore softly; remembering the looks of it。 A man who would e down that in the night … !
 〃e on; Ben;〃 he said。 〃He can only go up or down the canyon。 We've got him。〃
 Chapter Three
 Ahead of him the shoulder of the canyon bulked black against the sky。 It was near here he had seen the two riders earlier in the day。 He slowed his horse; making only a small sound on the sand。 There was a low mutter of voices; a shadow that moved。 He slammed home the spurs and the startled horse gave a convulsive leap forward and broke into a gallop。
 A startled curse; a man who lunged and shouted; a gun blasting off to his right and then his own gun smashed sound into the stone corridor and sent a racketing of sound off down the limestone cliffs。
 He had fired point…blank at a moving spot of darkness and then he was away; his horse running up the canyon at breakneck speed。 Behind him were other shots and shouts 。。。
 Deliberately he slowed his pace。 Behind him he heard a rush of horses; startled shouts and replies。 On his left a canyon mouth opened; almost choked with brush; but the horse found an opening。 Brush slapped at his face and clothing as he pushed through。
 High up the rock wall moonlight glanced off the rocky trail。 Trees left a space for a rider and he forced a way through; finding the vague trail that led up the cliff。 Ten minutes later he was white in the moonlight atop the mesa; yet already they were behind him and he heard hoofs click on the lower trail。
 Swiftly he glanced around。 Poised on the rim was a rock as large as a piano。 He swung down and got behind it; trying its weight with his hands。
 Below there was movement。 He stooped; took the strain; paused to gather strength; then heaved。 The rock tipped; grated; then hung。 Overhead was the moon; his body smelled of sweat and dust; his boot toes gripped the mesa top 。。。 the rock tipped; grated; leaned further out。 Alone on the mesa's rim he stood; the veins swelling in his brow; throbbing in his throat。 Suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his side and then the rock fell free。
 He went to his knees; gasping; his mouth wide; feeling the blood inside his pants; perspiration dripping from his brow。
 The boulder tumbled off into the vast blackness below; t
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