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 Jordan saw the young man he took to be Maria Cristina's brother start up the canyon on the paint pony。 As he rounded a bend in the canyon; two horsemen fell in behind him。 Twice the young Mexican turned to look back。
 Two more riders rode up to the house and dismounted near the stable。 So it had gone that far。 Every move of the Chaveros was to be watched。 Another man came out of the willows and walked toward Maria Cristina。 She saw him ing and waited; her black hair blowing in the wind; her skirt stirring。 She stood very straight。
 Several minutes they talked。 Her manner was cool and imperious。 There was something fascinating in her face as he watched through the glasses; something proud and fierce that sent a strong eagerness through him。
 The man to whom she talked was Jacob Lantz; a man without emotion; a man with an obsession。 Whatever he said left her unstirred and when she moved her dress clung to her hips and thighs。 He put the glasses down and mopped his face。 It was going to be a hot day。
 No question about it。 He would have to go。 He had no right to cause more trouble。 He would make a break for it。 Returning to his blankets; he settled down to wait for darkness。
 Awakening with a start; he found it was already night and he heard a faint rustle of sound。 He came swiftly to his feet; gun in hand。 Then; bolstering the gun; he moved swiftly to the ruin。 Drawing back against the wall until the shadows folded him into their darkness; he waited 。。。
 At first; no sound but the trickle of water; then a faint whisper of movement; a suggestion in the night; a sound of breathing 。。。 his hands went out; grasping for a throat。
 His hands caught at flesh 。。。 there was an instant of fierce struggle ending abruptly when his hands found the soft contours of a woman's body。 〃Maria Cristina?〃
 〃Let me go。〃
 The voice was cool; almost detached。 Yet there was tension in the body he held。 Reluctantly his hands relaxed their hold but he did not move them away。
 She stepped back; letting his hands fall。 He could hear the sound of her breathing。 A little faster from the climb? Prom the struggle? Or。。。 ?
 〃Thought it was Lantz。〃
 She did not reply。 There was a suggestion of perfume; some flower scent; faint but clinging。 He could see the outline of her face against the outer sky。 〃I'm going;〃 he said。 〃I'm getting you all into trouble。〃
 Still she did not speak nor move。 The lone star hung above the canyon's rim。 〃If you had not e along; I'd be dead。〃
 Her face turned toward him but it was all darkness and he could see nothing of her expression。
 〃You're a woman who could walk beside a man; Maria Cristina。 Not behind him。〃
 〃You talk too much。〃
 〃Maybe 。 。 。 maybe not enough。〃
 Trace Jordan searched for words but found none。 There was a time he had talked easily to women but with this girl and at this time he could find no words for what was within him。
 A quail called questioningly into the night and there was no reply。 He smelled again the smoke from the watchfires of the hunting men and heard the wind stirring the manzanita; yet he was only faintly aware of them; so conscious was he of the nearness of Maria Cristina。
 〃You must not go。〃
 〃Got to。。。 they know I'm close by。〃 Again she was silent and he did not understand her silence。 He walked to the horse and picked up the bridle so suddenly that the horse shied violently。 He waited until the horse quieted; then saddled up。
 The mere act of swinging the saddle to the animal's back took his wind and caught at his wounded side。 He leaned against the horse to catch his breath。 Bleakly he stared across the saddle into the night。 If he got out of this alive he would be pulling more than his proper share of luck。
 〃You cannot go up。〃
 〃The slide?〃
 〃It is best but there will be much noise。〃 He tightened the cinch。 She had accepted his going then。 Glad to be rid of him; most likely。 Yet he felt a curious reluctance to go。 He remembered the feel of her body; tense and fighting for that moment she was in his arms。 The memory brought blood rushing to his head and he turned suddenly and reached for her in the night。
 She started to step back but his arms were around her。 She fought fiercely; with almost tigerish wickedness yet he held her and drew her close。 Suddenly then; she relaxed but it was no submission。 She remained still in his arms but there was no response; none whatever。 When he released her she made no effort to move away。
 〃I think you are animal。〃
 Her voice was low; without emotion。 He took her in his arms again; kissing her gently this time; kissing her lips and cheeks; her neck and shoulders。 She did not respond but neither did she move away。 He released her again and stepped back; his breath slow…drawn。 And then for a time neither of them spoke。 She made no attempt to leave but neither did she invite any further advances。
 He felt strangely lost; helpless。 He wanted to reach her; to get beneath the surface。 Yet there was nothing from her; simply nothing at all。
 〃You go home;〃 he said。 〃I'm leaving tonight。〃
 She stooped and picked up the package she had dropped。 〃Here is food。〃 She seemed to hesitate an instant; then turned away。
 〃Maria Christina?〃
 She stopped but did not turn around。
 〃I'm ing back。〃
 She seemed not to have heard him。 〃Ride up the canyon。 Take the first wide canyon to the left。 Cross the mesa top to the next canyon; then cross that canyon and the second mesa。 You will see a red rock like a steeple and there will be a dead cottonwood at its base。 Behind the steeple rock there is a place to hide; and there is a way to escape into the desert when the time is right。〃
 〃Join me there。〃
 She seemed to shrug。 〃For why I join you? You think I am gringo? I am Mexican。〃
 〃You e; Maria Cristina。 I want you。〃
 〃You are a fool。〃
 He walked up behind her and she half…turned her head toward him。 He could see her face in the vague starlight and the dark pools of her eyes。
 〃I'm ing back。 I owe you more than I can pay。〃
 〃Tor nada?〃
 〃If you do not e to the steeple rock; I shall e back for you。〃
 〃You be keel。〃
 〃So 。。。 but I'll e back。〃
 He started to take her in his arms but she stepped back; her eyes flashing。 〃What you think? That I am some mon woman to e when you call? Some woman you take when you want? I am not。 You think I e here because I need a man? I need no man。 I e because you die here 。。。 and my father die on those rocks down there。 You take me for cheap woman。 You go。〃
 He waited quietly until she was through and then he said; 〃I'm ing back for you; Maria Cristina。〃
 〃You are a fool。〃
 〃Know more about horses than women;〃 he admitted。 〃And you're all mustang。〃
 A coyote voiced a shrill rumor to the sky and listened to his own echo。 Waited; then tried again。 The lone star hung on the canyon's rim like a lost lantern。
 〃Man once said there were in a man's life certain ultimate things and just one ultimate woman。 You're that woman for me。〃
 He took her gently by the shoulders and kissed her lightly。 〃You just ain't halter…broke; that's all。 I'll be back。〃
 She walked away from him then; without turning; and he heard her start down the slide。 If they heard her
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