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ich hinted not at all at certain questions concerning Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper which had crossed his mind: how tightly wrapped was she? for instance … and had received another letter in return; with a fresh slew of Polaroids。 Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper's first munication had consisted of a two…page handwritten letter and seven Polaroids。 This second consisted of a ten…page handwritten letter and forty Polaroids。 The letter was an exhaustive (and ultimately exhausting) manual of where Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper had found each piece; how much she had paid; and the restoration processes involved。 Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper told him that she had found a man named McKibbon who owned an old squirrel…rifle; and had gotten him to put the bullet…hole in the wall by the chair while she could not swear to the historical accuracy of the gun; Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper admitted; she knew the caliber was right。 The pictures were mostly close detail shots。 But for the handwritten captions on the backs; they could have been photos in one of those WHAT IS THIS PICTURE? features in puzzle magazines; where maxiphotography makes the straight…arm of a paper…clip took like a pylon and the pop…top of a beer…can like a Picasso sculpture。 Paul had not answered this letter; but that had not deterred Mrs Roman D。 (〃Virginia〃) Sandpiper; who had sent five more (the first four with additional Polaroids) before finally lapsing into puzzled; slightly hurt silence。
 The last letter had been simply; stiffly signed Mrs Roman D。 Sandpiper。 The invitation (however parenthetically made) to call her 〃Virginia〃 had been withdrawn。
 This woman's feelings; obsessed though they might have been; had never evolved into Annie's paranoid fixation; but Paul understood now that the wellspring had been the same。 The Scheherazade plex。 The deep and elemental drawing power of the gotta。
 His floating deepened。 He slept。
 He dozed off these days as old men doze off; abruptly and sometimes at inappropriate times; and he slept as old men sleep … which is to say; only separated from the waking world by the thinnest of skins。 He didn't stop hearing the riding mower; but its sound became deeper; rougher; choppier: the sound of the electric knife。
 He had picked the wrong day to start plaining about the Royal and its missing n。 And; of course; there was never a right day to say no to Annie Wilkes。 Punishment might be deferred 。 。 。 but never escaped。
 Well; if it bothers you so much; I'll just have to give you something to take your mind off that old n。 He heard her rummaging around in the kitchen; throwing things; cursing in her strange Annie Wilkes language。 Ten minutes later she came in with the syringe; the Betadine; and the electric knife。 Paul began to scream at once。 He was; in a way; like Pavlov's dogs。 When Pavlov rang a bell; the dogs salivated。 When Annie came into the guest bedroom with a hypo; a bottle of Betadine; and a sharp cutting object; Paul began to scream。 She had plugged the knife into the outlet by his wheelchair and there had been more pleading and more screaming and more promises that he would be good。 When he tried to thrash away from the hypo she told him to sit still and be good or what was going to happen would happen without the benefit of even light anesthesia。 When he continued to pull away from the needle; mewling and pleading; Annie suggested that if that was really the way he felt; maybe she just ought to use the knife on his throat and be done with it。
 Then he had been still and let her give him the injection and this time the Betadine had gone over his left thumb as well as the blade of the knife (when she turned it on and the blade began to saw rapidly back and forth in the air the Betadine flew in a spray of maroon droplets she seemed not to notice) and in the end of course there had been much redder droplets spraying into the air as well。 Because when Annie decided on a course of action; she carried it through。 Annie was not swayed by pleas。 Annie was not swayed by screams。 Annie had the courage of her convictions。
 As the humming; vibrating blade sank into the softweb of flesh between the soon…to…be…defunct thumb and his first finger; she assured him again in her this…hurts…Mother…more…than…it…hurts Paulie voice that she loved him。
 Then; that night 。 。 。
 You're not dreaming; Paul。 You're thinking about things you don't dare think about when you're awake。 So wake up。 For God's sake; WAKE up!
 He couldn't wake up。
 She had cut his thumb off in the morning and that night she swept gaily into the room where he sat in a stupid daze of drugs and pain with his wrapped left hand held against his chest and she had a cake and she was bellowing 〃Happy Birthday to You〃 in her on…key but tuneless voice although it was not his birthday and there were candles all over the cake and sitting in the exact center pushed into the frosting like an extra big candle had been his thumb his gray dead thumb the nail slightly ragged because he sometimes chewed it when he was stuck for a word and she told him If you Promise to be good Paul you can have a piece of birthday cake but you won't have to eat any of the special candle so he promised to be good because he didn't want to be forced to eat any of the special candle but also because mostly because surely because Annie was great Annie was good let us thank her for our food including that we don't have to eat girls just wanna have fun but something wicked this way es please don't make me eat my thumb Annie the mom Annie the goddess when Annie's around you better stay honest she knows when you've been sleeping she knows when you're awake she knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goddess〃 sake you better not cry you better not pout but most of all you better not scream don't scream don t scream don't scream don't He hadn't。
 And now; as he awoke; he did so with a jerk that hurt him all over; hardly aware that his lips were pressed tightly together to keep the scream inside; although the thumbectomy had happened over a month ago。
 He was so preoccupied with not screaming that for a moment he didn't even see what was ing into the driveway; and when he did see it; he believed at first that it must be a mirage。
 It was a Colorado State Police car。
 Following the amputation of his thumb there had been a dim period when Paul's greatest single acplishment; other than working on the novel; had been to keep track of the days。 He had bee pathological about it; sometimes spending as long as five minutes lost in a daze; counting back; making sure he hadn't somehow forgotten one。
 I'm getting as bad as she is; he thought once。
 His mind had returned wearily: So what?
 He had done pretty well with the book following the loss of his foot … during what Annie so mincingly called his convalescent period。 No … pretty well was false modesty if ever there was such a thing。 He had done amazingly well for a man who had once found it impossible to write if he was out of cigarettes or if he had a backache or a headache a degree or two above a low drone。 It would be nice to believe he had performed heroically; but he s
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