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oor; where one of the two or three bobby…pins that had fallen from her hair as she charged him lay。 He bit his lip; unaware of the sweat running down his face and neck and darkening his pajama shirt。
 〃I don't think he can get that pin; folks … it's been a fan…tas…tic effort; but I'm afraid this is where it all ends。〃 Well; maybe not。
 He let himself slouch to the right in the wheelchair; at first trying to ignore the pain in his right side … pain that felt like an increasing bubble of pressure; something similar to a tooth impaction … and then giving way and screaming。 As she said; there was no one to hear him anyway。
 The tips of his fingers still hung an inch from the floor; brushing back and forth just above the bobby…pin; and his right hip really felt as if it might simply explode outward in a squirt of some vile white bone…jelly。
 Oh God please please help me … He slumped farther in spite of the pain。 His fingers brushed the pin but succeeded only in pushing it a quarter of an inch away。 Paul slid down in the chair; still slumped to the right; and screamed again at the pain in his lower legs。 His eyes were bulging; his mouth was open; his tongue straight down between his teeth like the pull on a window…shade。 Little drops of spittle ran from its tip and spatted on the floor。
 He pinched the bobby…pin between his fingers 。 。 。 tweezed it 。 。 。 almost lost it 。 。 。 and then it was locked in his fist。
 Straightening up brought a fresh slough of pain; and when the act was acplished he could do no more than sit and pant for awhile; his head tilted as far as the unc promising back of the wheelchair would allow; the bobby…pin lying on the board across the chair's arms。 For awhile he was quite sure he was going to puke; but that passed。
 What are you doing? part of his mind scolded wearily after awhile。 Are you waiting for the pain to go away? It won't。 She's always quoting her mother; but your own mother had a few sayings; too; didn't she?
 Yes。 She had。
 Sitting there; head thrown back; face shiny with sweat; hair plastered to his forehead; Paul spoke one of them aloud now; almost as an incantation: 〃There may be fairies; there may be elves; but God helps those who help themselves。〃 Yeah。 So stop waiting; Paulie … the only elf that's going to show up here is that all…time heavyweight; Annie Wilkes。
 He got moving again; rolling the wheelchair slowly across to the door。 She had locked it; but he believed he might be able to unlock it。 Tony Bonasaro; who was now only so many blackened flakes of ash; had been a car…thief。 As part of his preparation for writing Fast Cars; Paul had studied the mechanics of car…thievery with a tough old ex…cop named Tom Twyford。 Tom had shown him how to hot…wire an ignition; how to use the thin and limber strip of metal car…thieves called Slim Jims to yank the lock on a car door; how to short out a car burglar alarm。
 Or; Tom had said on a spring day in New York some two and a half years ago; let's say you don't want to steal a car at all。 You got a car; but you're a little low on gas。 You got a hose; but the car you pick for the free donation has got a locking gas…cap。 Is this a problem? Not if you know what you're doing; because most gas…cap locks are strictly Mickey Mouse。 All you really need is a bobby…pin。
 It took Paul five endless minutes of backing and filling to get the wheelchair exactly where he wanted it; with the left wheel almost touching the door。
 The keyhole was the old…fashioned sort; reminding Paul of John Tenniel's Alice in Wonderland drawings; set in the middle of a tarnished keyplate。 He slid down a bit in the wheelchair … giving out a single barking groan … and looked through it。 He could see a short hallway leading down to what was clearly the parlor: a dark…red rug on the floor; an old…fashioned divan upholstered in similar material; a lamp with tassels hanging from its shade。
 To his left; halfway down the hallway; was a door which stood ajar。 Paul's pulsebeat quickened。 That was almost surely the downstairs bathroom … he had heard her running enough water in there (including the time she had filled the floor…bucket from which he had enthusiastically drunk); and wasn't it also the place she always came from before giving him his medicine?
 He thought it was。
 He grasped the bobby…pin。 It spilled out of his fingers onto the board and then skittered toward the edge。
 〃No!〃 he cried hoarsely; and clapped a hand over it just before it could fall。 He clasped it in one fist and then grayed out again。
 Although he had no way of telling for sure; he thought he was out longer this second time。 The pain … except for the excruciating agony of his left knee … seemed to have abated a tiny bit。 The bobby…pin was on the board across the arms of the wheelchair。 This time he flexed the fingers of his right hand several times before picking it up。
 Now; he thought; unbending it and holding it in his right hand。 You will not shake。 Hold that thought。 YOU WILL NOT SHAKE。
 He reached across his body with the pin and slipped it into the keyhole; listening as the sportscaster in his mind (so vivid!) described the action。
 Sweat ran steadily down his face like oil。 He listened 。 。 。 but even more; he felt。
 The tumbler in a cheap lock is nothing but a rocker; Tom Twyford had said; seesawing his hand to demonstrate。 You want to turn a rocking chair over? Easiest thing in the world; tight? Just grab the rockers and flip the mother right over 。 。 。 nothing to it。 And that's all you got to do with a lock like this。 Slide the tumbler up and then open the gas…cap quick; before it can snap back。
 He had the tumbler twice; but both times the bobby…pin slipped off and the tumbler snapped back before he could do more than begin to move it。 The bobby…pin was starting to bend。 He thought that it would break after another two or three tries。
 〃Please God;〃 he said; sliding it in again。 〃Please God; what do you say? Just a little break for the kid; that's all I'm asking。〃 (〃Folks; Sheldon has performed heroically today; but this has got to be his last shot。 The crowd has fallen silent 。 。 。〃) He closed his eyes; the sportscaster's voice fading as he listened avidly to the minute rattle of the pin in the lock。 Now! Here was resistance! The tumbler! He could see it lying in there like the curved foot of a rocking chair; pressing the tongue of the lock; holding it in place; holding him in place。
 It's strictly Mickey Mouse; Paul。 Just stay cool。
 When you hurt this badly; it was hard to stay cool。
 He grasped the doorknob with his left hand; reaching under his right arm to do it; and began to apply gentle pressure to the bobby…pin。 A little more 。 。 。 a little more 。 。 。
 In his mind he could see the rocker beginning to move in its dusty little alcove; he could see the lock's tongue begin to retract。 No need for it to go all the way; good God; no … no need to overturn the rocking chair; to use Tom Twyford's metaphor。 Just the instant it cleared the doorframe … a push … The pin was simultaneously starting to bend and slip。 He felt it happening; and in desperation he pushed upward as hard as he could; turned the knob; and shoved at the door。 There was a snap as the
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